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The Importance of the Mother

There are so many things about the mother-daughter relationship that are somewhat universal. Eye rolling, questions answered with “because I said so”, moments of short temper and shouting…these are the trials and tribulations of almost all mother daughter relationships. And yet, this is not what God intended. Instead, God’s Word tells us that mothers and daughters should be knowingly walking together in His ways.

Naturally, that is a lot harder than it sounds. If you think back to your teen years, you probably remember asking questions like, “If God is real and loves me…why did He allow this or that to happen?” Many teens reach a point when they begin to question their faith, and this is a crucial moment. It is one in which they must not walk alone …Read full article

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Discovering the One Who Heals

In the Introduction of “First Love: Embracing a Love that Lasts”, author Camille Cates described a life that revolved around her parents’ religious activities. Explaining that she never missed a service, that her parents were leaders of their church and that she had started a relationship with Jesus Christ by the age of 12, she also said she “didn’t really know what else to do as a Christian, other than read my Bible, pray, and go to church.”

She had not yet discovered what she would much later in life …Read full article

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A Look at True Love

Watch a “rom-com” at the movies or on TV and it would seem that finding perfect love that is fulfilling, assured, and long-lasting is remarkably easy, funny, and guaranteed to provide you with a lovely ending to your story. However, we all know that life does not work for us as it does for the characters played by our favorite actors and actresses.

Why can’t love be just like it is in the movies? The first answer to such a question is that it is the movies! It is not the real world …Read full article