A message from Founder & International Director, Sue Liljenberg
Dear Friends,
We understand that there are many ministries worthy of your prayers and financial support.
When you make a donation to Healing Hearts, we are very serious about how those funds are managed. We hold ourselves accountable to our donors and to the Lord, and our books are open to anyone who has a need to know. We adhere to a Donor “Bill of Rights” developed by the Evangelical Council for Financial Accountability (ECFA).
As a partner, we recognize that you have the right:
- To a prompt response to your inquiries about finances and programs.
- To know what the programs you support are accomplishing.
- To know that we are in compliance with federal, state, and municipal laws.
- To restrict or designate your gifts to a particular project.
- To visit our office and program sites and to talk personally with the staff.
- To give without being pressured by the Ministry.
- To know that the Ministry is well managed.
- To know that there is a responsible governing board and know its members.
- To know that all appeals for funds are truthful and accurate.
Healing Hearts is supported by individuals like you who see the great need in our world today to reach out and restore broken lives. Healing Hearts is a non profit 501 (c) 3 tax exempt organization and all donations are tax deductible.
If you have specific questions, please contact our headquarters office directly at (505) 355-6922. Thank you for taking the time to consider partnering with us to help “Bind up the Brokenhearted”. May the Lord bless and keep you always.

Sue Liljenberg
Founder & International Director