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Freeing Yourself of the Burdens of Sin

Did you ever consider the simple truth that sin can lead to trauma? If you look at the many different kinds of sin, all of them result in different outcomes, and usually lead to feelings of guilt, anger, regret, emotional pain, and much worse. All of these feelings and results are very closely aligned to the symptoms of different traumas as well.

Consider the sin of abortion. It is an act that affects both a woman and a man. It can be done through the use of worldly reasoning. For example, someone can rationalize that it is not life but a cluster of cells. A man may justify abandoning a woman to abortion because it is “her problem”. However, almost anyone who uses these arguments, rationalizations, or justifications is going to experience something known as post-abortion trauma.

It is a condition that can strike almost immediately after abortion or it can begin to manifest years later. Those it affects will experience symptoms as diverse as anger and bitterness, deep regret and depression, self-loathing and self-destructiveness and more. They may isolate themselves and withdraw from life or they may jeopardize their own health and safety in an effort to numb the pain.

One Path and One Answer

In the book “Binding Up the Broken Hearted,” author Sue Liljenberg reminds us that “Human measures may temporarily bring help, but they cannot deal with sin.” Whether those human measures are drug and alcohol abuse, deep meditation and the pursuit of “spirituality”, immersing yourself in a career or volunteerism, or any of countless other ways we might seek escape or redemption, there is only a single way that those who carry the traumas of their sins can free themselves of the horrible burden.

“Sin must be confessed and repented of, and the principles of forgiveness applied,” writes Liljenberg, and this is best done through the development of a personal relationship with Jesus Christ.

A Challenging Path

Naturally, there is little in life that is incredibly easy, and trying to find peace after committing sin is one of the most challenging things we can attempt to do. The good news is that groups like Healing Hearts Ministries have created an array of publications, resources, and support groups that can actually help anyone to free themselves from the burden of their sins.

Whether it is a man who is struggling with post-abortion trauma, a teen learning about God’s intentions for love and sex, or a woman who is struggling with many different hurts, there are tools for recovery.

However, the most significant resource is the Word of God. It is through scripture that true healing can occur. The goals of any Christian support group demonstrate this clearly. For example, Romans 15:4 reminds us that we have encouragement and hope. Other scriptures emphasize the need to have faith in God rather than man. Confession of the sin is also demonstrated through scripture, as well as repentance and cleansing.

The need for belief and becoming mature in Christ are also part of the healing process in a Christian support group. And during discussions, it is to the scripture that participants should turn in order to emphasize or prove any points or comments made.

It is possible to free yourself from the burden of sin, healing and peace can come, but they are only possible from Jesus Christ. Seeking a support group or counseling that does not rely strictly on scripture will keep you on the path of “human measures” that cannot set you free. To learn about Bible studies using the “Binding Up the Broken Hearted,” visit the Healing Hearts website.

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