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KM -study: Binding Up The Brokenhearted 4-Jan. 2025 Learned God`s love God showed me what it means for Him to forgive me. He taught me that He loves me. He showed me a new way to look at others that I believed hurt me or caused me pain. He lifted a burden off my shoulders and made my walk lighter. He restored my peace and gave me unspeakable joy. God redeemed me and gave me a new opportunity to spread His love. God took away the bitterness, anger, sadness, and agony that kept me bound to my past. He forgave me and renewed my trust in His plan and will for my life. God has given me a new purpose, helped me see a new way, took all of my pride, and humbled my spirit, all for His glory.
Lisa-study: Binding Up The Brokenhearted 7-Nov. 2024
This study required me to dig deep, humble myself and allow God to do major heart surgery in a few areas in my life. Although He had healed me from my abortion several years ago, He knew there were other areas in my life that I needed to confess, repent and be cleansed from so I would walk in freedom and be set free.
His Word showed me where I had a wrong mindset and I was trying to do things ``my way`` instead of His way. I am so grateful for His gentleness as he showed me areas that needed to be restored. The enemy tried to get me to quit a few times but I would not quit and God has blessed my obedience! I stand in victory, restored and set free in so many areas of my life.
I look forward to bringing this study to my church and being part of the Healing Hearts ministry team in the future!
Thank you for such an amazing study and thank you for my mentor, Cindy, who was a great encouragement the whole way through!
JR-study: Binding Up The Brokenhearted 7-Nov. 2024 biblical focus I had already done a few post-abortive programs/studies (Living in Colour, Rachel`s Vineyard), but I am grateful for this one, as I was curious what all it entailed. I appreciate the Biblical focus and how wide the breadth is. I would recommend this to others for sure. Since I had already obtained healing from the Lord in many ways, there was not as big of a dramatic healing and yet, I grew in intimacy with the Lord through this study and I`m grateful for that. Thank-you.
KM -study: Binding Up The Brokenhearted 22-Aug. 2024
I had been kneeling down every morning and praying for God to humble me for quite some time. He answered my prayers when I went with my daughter-in-law to a ladies` retreat at her church. I met my mentor there. She was a speaker that day, and she surprised me by talking about abortion. She had so much compassion, and I could see Jesus in her eyes; they sparkled, and her heart was full. I could tell that this beautiful woman was praying for someone that might need to hear her message. She talked about the statistics, the pain in abortion for all involved, and even how many Christian women have had abortions. Then she admitted that she had had one. I could see tears in her eyes. I didn’t dare open up, but I did grab her information.
I cried for two days straight, and I knew that God was saying, ``You need to do the study.`` I have been a believer for many years, but I struggled with accepting forgiveness and did not realize I was walking in so much sin and unbelief. Even though I had memorized scripture extensively, I still lacked understanding of who God was.
The Lord healed old wounds and gave me the assurance of my forgiveness. He helped me understand where I had gone wrong by stuffing everything for so long and pretending to be okay when clearly I was not. I am forever grateful to The Lord for hearing my cry and answering my prayers. I feel that every woman who has been through an abortion should do this study, even if they are afraid or unsure because I know it will change their life.
D.N.-study: Binding Up The Brokenhearted 2-Jul. 2024 stretched and healed I did not want to do this study initially. I went back and forth since 2022. It is now 2024. I completed it today and oh, how I wish I had taken heed to my mentor, Virginia`s words! This study stretched me in ways I didn`t know I needed and healed deep hurts that I didn`t know I still had. I`m so thankful to the Lord and to this study for the healing that has happened. To God be the glory!!
C-study: Binding Up The Brokenhearted 2-Jul. 2024 was grieving I found Healing Hearts bible study when I was grieving the aftermath of my abortions. I was depressed, alone and felt abandoned. I feared the wrath of God for my decisions. The Healing Hearts bible study has shown me God`s unconditional love and forgiveness He provides me. I am closer to Him and feel his love and mercy. You too, can find healing in Him. Open your mind and heart to the Lord, he is waiting for you.
AE-study: Binding Up The Brokenhearted 2-Jul. 2024 filled with shame When I was first saved by Jesus, I thought I would go to the grave with my abortion story. I was so filled with shame regarding my sin and the relationship I had found myself in during and after my abortion. I didn`t believe the Christian community would accept me, but the Lord has been faithful to pursue me time and time again. He is always calling us higher. If you`re wondering whether or not you should begin this study, this is your sign! The Lord is calling you! Let go, and allow Christ to work in your life. You won`t regret it!
TG-study: Binding Up The Brokenhearted 2-Jul. 2024
It was with a fearful heart that I decided to embark on a study that I knew would expose my sin and struggles. After 50 years of self-loathing and running from what I felt was the biggest mistake of my life, I was exhausted from the burden I was carrying and the mask that I was wearing. I was afraid that I would have to stand up in a crowd one day and share my story but my counsellor assured me that this was not what this was about. This is about healing and freedom found in Jesus.
Healing Hearts walked me through Biblical truths that I had known all my life, but never allowed to change me. My counsellor was knowledgeable, encouraging and never judgmental. The on-line format allowed me to take the time that I needed to address the issues in my life that were stealing my joy and keeping me ``stuck`` as I realized my choice to abort was a result of my need to control, my pride and my self-centeredness. I learned that trying to forgive myself was not Biblical. I had to accept the forgiveness Jesus offered.
I will never regret taking this study as I am learning to ``Stand in the ways and see and ask for the old paths, where the good way is and walk in it; then you will have rest for you souls`` Jeremiah 6:16. I am on a path of healing and restoration one step at a time because of what Jesus has done for me!
LM-study: Binding Up The Brokenhearted 2-Jul. 2024 lighter and stronger I felt I was being led by God to take this study. Knowing it would be difficult, challenging, and scary at times, I believe that I was encouraged greatly by the Spirit to continue, to persevere and be hopeful that the pain and agony I was going through would be alright in the end. How true that hope was. I feel much lighter, stronger, and more filled with the Holy Spirit because I was obedient to His prompting. Of course He wants His children free of the past obstacles keeping them away. I would only encourage the next brother/sister to not be afraid of the water...DIVE IN! The water is great! You will feel refreshed and revitalized in your being, just as I AM.
nd-study: Binding Up The Brokenhearted 2-Jul. 2024 new heart Where to begin?! Through this study, I truly have the assurance of my salvation. I know true forgiveness which only comes through the Lord, and I have peace. I am released from resentments, anger, anxiety and unforgiveness. I have a new heart.
CL-study: Binding Up The Brokenhearted 2-Jul. 2024 miracle What God did for me was the closest I`ve come to a miracle. This probably sounds overly dramatic, but when a woman has two abortions it is tough to let go of the shame, the guilt, the horror of taking the life of your own flesh and blood. Along with that, I have had a constant replay of being molested by my dad from approx age 8-12. I`ve tried high priced therapists to get this deep seated anger out of my life and out of my head and heart. Had I simply gone to a Christian counselor I could have achieved the peace of forgiveness many, many years ago.
This study actually helped me free myself from the bondage of sin, the sins I committed and the sins committed against me. It was never my responsibility to deal with my dad. I was required to forgive my dad and God will deal with him. We are not to judge. We are to practice forgiveness and pray for others. At age 67, I can honestly say the Lord has released me from the bondage of bitterness, anger, guilt, shame, etc. I pray this testimony will help others who are holding on to sins committed against them or sins they have committed. Repent, forgive, and receive the gift of forgiveness by our Saviour Jesus Christ.
PC-study: Binding Up The Brokenhearted 12-Jan. 2024 Closer to God It has drawn me closer to God as I accepted His forgiveness. He has lifted a heavy burden from me.
J-study: Binding Up The Brokenhearted 1-Dec. 2023 God is loving and merciful Although I had an abortion many years ago, I never wanted to talk about what I did to anyone. I was so ashamed. Going through the study has reminded me how merciful and loving God is to forgive my sin.
Lis-study: Binding Up The Brokenhearted 24-Nov. 2023 twisted view Around the age of ten, my view of sex was twisted in my mind through sexual molestation by two family members. As I got older, I went from being repulsed with sex, including kissing, to trying to have my desire to be loved met by giving myself away. The chapter on `God`s Design for Sex` toward the end of the study was so needed. I needed to soak in God`s view of sex and all the ways He blesses a husband and wife through becoming one flesh. God is helping me to grasp the truth and delight in His provision- casting off every vestige of the twisting of His good design from years ago.
JP-study: Binding Up The Brokenhearted 24-Nov. 2023 received healing I didn`t know I needed As a teen i had an abortion, thinking it was the best option for me (1) out of fear (2) out of ignorance of God’s word (being unsaved) and (3) out of not taking the time to think through my actions. As a result I have suffered years of depression, feelings of shame guilt and unworthiness to parent the children I had with my husband. I was always fearing God would punish me for the sin of abortion and take these children from me. Through this study I have received the healing I never knew i needed or existed. I will be forever grateful to Healing Hearts for making this study available to women around the world.
A-study: Binding Up The Brokenhearted 24-Nov. 2023 full of love and peace I had done a lot of growing in Christ before taking this study. However, I was wonderfully surprised how God got a hold of me and showed me a deeper side of Him. My relationship with God is stronger, more intimate, full of love and peace.
Carol-study: Binding Up The Brokenhearted 24-Nov. 2023 God`s unconditional love Through this study I was reminded of God’s unconditional love for me and His grace and mercy. There is no sin too great that God cannot forgive. We often turn away from God because we think we’re beyond forgiveness and acceptance by God, but that is a LIE. God waits lovingly for us to turn to Him, repent and receive His forgiveness and freedom. He takes away the guilt and shame when we seek Him. Through this course, I have learned to love myself as I am and be free of comparing myself to others. I am uniquely made just as God intended. No-one is a “mistake”. God has a purpose and plan for each one of us. I have stopped “punishing” myself because of the stigma of abortion. I have accepted God`s forgiveness and freedom. The chapter on marriage was really difficult for me to process, as I realized I was falling short of what the Bible says a marriage should be. I was self-focused on what I was expecting as well as the lack of receiving it, instead of focussing on loving unconditionally and being humble and allowing God to change MY attitude. Having un unbelieving spouse is extremely difficult but with God`s help I am able to stay steadfast in my faith and I believe my husband will accept Jesus as His savior soon. I realized that God sees our potential and who we are in Him. We tend to focus on our weaknesses and what others have said to us. So through this course, I realized that I can trust God all the time, in all situations and I have committed to do so: To focus on His Word and promises and receive truth and strength from Him.
M-study: Binding Up The Brokenhearted 31-Oct. 2023 healed broken heart Jesus was mighty to save and deliver me from the negative effects of my abortion. Jesus showed me truth about His power on the cross to forgive me, to give me His righteousness and to take my punishment and shame for the abortion. He alone healed my broken heart through His Word, the Holy Spirit and the kind counsel and the accountability that my counselor held me to so that I might complete this study with my whole heart.
Karan-study: Binding Up The Brokenhearted 25-Sep. 2023 pride and victim role kept her feet stuck God has used this entire Bible study to reach the areas deep within me that needed to be cleansed by Him. I had asked God to use me more, just a few years ago. He clearly answered that He couldn’t until our work was done.
I had no idea what my Heavenly Father had in store for me. It was a journey that God Himself took with me, step by step, gently, day by day. I was very damaged, and traumatized by the events that I had experienced growing up. I had buried my capacity to feel human emotions so deeply, that I didn’t have self awareness concerning how my choices, sins, or actions impacted others, much less grieved the heart of my Creator.
I acted like a victim. It was about “the terrible things“ that happened to me. God showed me that my deepest sin, and greatest pain was laying beneath the sin of pride.
I blamed my mother for my abortion. God set me free, when He called to me, asking me to be accountable for becoming pregnant, when I had chosen to sin outside of marriage. That was never God’s design for any of His daughters. He loves us so much, that in His Word, He gives us instructions in order to protect us from the harm and consequences of sin! It’s all there out of love.
As I stood naked before my Creator, realizing what I had done, setting the dominos falling, I accepted the truth. I had sinned. My Holy Father fully forgave me, after showing me what I had done. I had NO idea that my sin of pride, and victim role, kept my feet stuck. It was as though my feet were in cement. I couldn’t move forward, and didn’t even know why.
How great God is to have rescued me from my own foolishness, ignorance, and sin. To God be ALL the glory, for I deserve none!
DK -study: Binding Up The Brokenhearted 25-Sep. 2023 encouragement I am grateful for our multifaceted God! There were many ways He met with me over the last few months and through His word, the Healing Hearts study, and His people.
I am grateful for the people who recommended the HH study and for Charlene, who walked through this study with me. Knowing that there was someone walking this journey with me gave me encouragement and accountability to keep going.
I was blessed by God`s word that is used as the basis of each lesson, and not man`s wisdom. There were many times that an encouraging word from His Word or from Charlene came just when the Lord knew what I needed. The Lord has used this journey to strengthen my dependence on Him, give me a deeper understanding of my need for Him and increase my desire to seek and know Him.
Wendy -study: Binding Up The Brokenhearted 25-Sep. 2023 forgive and walk in freedom I took the Binding Up The Brokenhearted bible study because I was interested in becoming a leader. Little did I know at the time that God was gently leading me into a deeper level of healing. I couldn`t stop ruminating over my ex-husband`s remarriage and how I wanted to warn the new wife about his abusiveness. By the end of the study, I was able to forgive him and others and now walk in new found freedom in Christ, and with joy in my heart.
Alise-study: Binding Up The Brokenhearted 25-Sep. 2023
I encountered the Lord over 14 years ago in a jail cell and discovered a love and peace I never knew existed this side of heaven. I gave my heart to Him as my Lord and Savior and my life was radically changed!
Prior to that, I spent many years on the streets in addiction and the sex trafficking industry. Hardened gang members were my `best friends` as I lived out a criminal lifestyle. For many years I thought there was no way I was going to make it to 19 years of life. But God! Even when I was in the bottom of a pit, He relentlessly pursued me and I am so thankful for His grace that I did not die in my sins.
When I found Him and began living for Him, I saw His hand in everything and I longed to be more like my Father. As a result of desiring God and partnering with the Holy Spirit, my life was never the same. I got my daughter back from CPS custody and dedicated years of service to other families. I began reading the Word almost every day and had such a joy in my heart!
However, I had two prior abortions and these horrible memories I stuffed. I struggled holding newborns. I had angry outbursts that would seem to come out of nowhere. I couldn`t talk about the abortions and when I thought about it I would cry. But God! His mercy and grace played out again in my life the day I met a Healing Hearts counselor.
I heard about the post-abortive bible study and I knew I needed to be obedient. Just a short period of time before that I sat my teenagers down and asked for their forgiveness that I took the life of their brother or sister. They radiated so much love and I saw a glimmer of the forgiveness I knew was only found in my Father when I earnestly sought Him.
I started the study and He transformed the pain of my past into one of hope and healing. I was amazed at the depths of the bible study, the truth of the cross, and I am encouraging many people in my life to do the study.
My only regret is that I cannot show a picture of my smile in this testimony! A smile of joy and love found in the Father`s arms. We overcome by the blood of the lamb and the Word of our testimony!
Healing is the result of going deep into His word and I am so thankful for a newfound perspective of who Jesus is and who I am in Him! Those two precious babies are with Him and I am so thankful that His mercies are new everyday! May God bless every man, woman and youth on their pursuit of holiness and healing through these studies!
Carol-study: Binding Up The Brokenhearted 25-Sep. 2023 why? to forgiven I was a Christian never understanding why I would react to things with anger and sin. I didn’t feel I had control. I was in a cycle I didn’t know how to get out of. I was like the Israelites going around the same mountain, never reaching the promised land.
I also couldn’t understand why God allowed evil and suffering, and for the sexual abuse I suffered growing up. I gave up so many times, I didn’t want people to know I was a Christian, because I didn’t want to be a hypocrite. I went through counseling many times. I tried escaping through shopping, travel, casinos, etc. Those were only temporary pleasures.
Then I found this wonderful ministry, blessing me with a Christian counselor, which made all the difference. It went slow and at times seemed repetitive. It was difficult during the busyness of life but so worth it!
I realized I had been angry with God for allowing me to go through the abuse, but He was right there with me through it all. It hurts God to see his children suffer, but He doesn’t control people. He gives us a choice whether to follow His spirit or the world, and as we know the world is evil. So hurt people hurt people.
I was evil by ending my child’s life through abortion. I was also angry with myself. I blamed God and didn’t look at myself. He began the transformation of my heart and the renewing of my mind through this Bible study and my oh-so-patient Christian counselor.
I thank God for his saving grace, which makes us righteous. He loves us while we are still sinners. I was angry with Him, yet He gave me life, and gave up His Son for me, forgiving me when I gave up my child. How wrong is that? He is the one who should be angry! But He loves us unconditionally and never gives up on us, so I will never give up either!
I finally have the peace of God. I’m not striving anymore, but just beginning a relationship with my Savior. He is faithful and so so Good! In His presence is fullness of joy, and that’s where I want to stay. I thank God for this ministry, and for my counselor, Michelle. I pray you too can begin the journey to freedom❤️
AJ -study: Binding Up The Brokenhearted 25-Sep. 2023 Not forgiving hampered me This is the second time I have completed this study. The first time was face-to-face (pre-COVID). I have gained a greater understanding of the sin of abortion, as well as other sins, and the healing power of Jesus Christ in my life. I was able to examine how other sins, such as unforgiveness, have hampered me in accepting God`s forgiveness. Following this study, I have a renewed sense of freedom and am looking for areas where I can serve women who are post-abortive. I am glad I went through the study again.
RK-study: Binding Up The Brokenhearted 4-Sep. 2023 I didn`t know the extent of my pain When I started the Healing Hearts course, I didn’t know the extent of my pain from my sin. I thought I was already at peace with my feelings and shame after abortion. But as I went through this study, God opened and softened my heart to healing beyond belief, parts of my life I didn’t even know were broken have been healed and fixed. I didn’t realize that I was harbouring pain and grief from my abortion and they were affecting other parts of my life. Through the course, I have learned so much about God`s grace and forgiveness. I know now that His grace is enough, and the price He paid is enough! I’m thankful I did this ministry.
Lizzy-study: Binding Up The Brokenhearted 4-Sep. 2023 God helped me God has helped me with forgiveness and learning to go to Him first. It’s been great seeing and knowing what was right and wrong in my life.
Katie B.-study: Binding Up The Brokenhearted 7-Aug. 2023 new everything Through the Healing Hearts Bible studies, I gained a new perspective of who I am in Christ. God freed me from my past sins and transgressions, starting with my abortion. For many years I carried the shame and pain I created for myself when I took the life of my unborn child. Pain I could`ve avoided by reaching out to God instead of man. I walked in shame and pain for many years and didn`t know there was another way until many years later and although I gave it to God and He forgave me, I don`t ever really think I let go, until Healing Hearts. I started with The Hem of His Garment and this is where I found the freedom to let go and let God take everything away regarding my abortion and sexual sin, and forgiveness from God and others came. I was freed from every hurt, shame, and condemnation I allowed myself to endure. I moved out of the state I had known my whole life to a completely new life, new state and new me. In this new life, I reached out for more and found the Binding Up the Brokenhearted study and it just reinforced that God created me for Him and I`m satisfied with that until he brings a husband to my life. God bless you on your journey to intimacy and freedom with God.
BJB -study: Binding Up The Brokenhearted 7-Aug. 2023 life saving I have rededicated my life to the Lord because I realized He was never my Lord. There were seeds planted and it might take time to see their fruits. Grateful to Sue who made this study. It is definitely life saving.
Kee -study: Binding Up The Brokenhearted 10-Jul. 2023 only way to find hope I had previously done a post-abortive Bible study over ten years ago. I did this study because my church would like to use this study to start a ministry for post-abortive women. While God had brought much healing already, this study walked me through a couple of areas where I still needed work. It is full of the Word... the only way to find hope again.
Brianna C.-study: Binding Up The Brokenhearted 6-Jul. 2023 fully redeemed and free Jesus is the liberator of all residue of my own sin. The residue that still haunted me and I didn’t now how to eradicate because my knowledge of Him was not mature. This study opened my eyes to how powerful His love, correction, and grace is. I was suffering from guilt, shame, and unforgiveness from my past of alcoholism, so many sexual partners I couldn’t even count, and all the plan B I took to not have to deal with a baby because of my careless sin pattern. This study healed me completely by helping me realize and tap into the power that is there in the sacrifice of Jesus Christ through the truth of the word of God. Jesus didn’t die for us so that we would still live in bondage and shame because of our sin, but so that we can live fully redeemed and FREE!
Judy-study: Binding Up The Brokenhearted 6-Jul. 2023 confirmation Seeing all the scriptures and having to write each one out really helped with my healing because it confirmed everything for me again at this time in my life.
L-study: Binding Up The Brokenhearted 6-Jul. 2023 grace I know that the Lord lead me here. I first heard of this ministry one Sunday at the church I attend. The pastor gave a brief introduction to this ministry and supported it fully. I could feel myself become emotionally charged as he was delivering his message. At the end of service he lead us in a prayer for those who need this healing to ask the Holy Spirit to come in a heal. A voice inside me screamed ``No! Don`t!`` which shocked me. I cried all the way home not understanding why. I finally got the courage to come to this study, I was going to bypass it and go directly to ``The Hem of His Garment`` because I wanted to avoid it. As I was trying to register for that study, I saw at the corner of my eye the suggestion that if I had an abortion, to do this study first. I knew I had to do this and to stop running away from it. I am glad I did. His Grace is sufficient.
Stephanie-study: Binding Up The Brokenhearted 8-Jun. 2023 joyful journey lies ahead What God has done for me...More than I knew I needed or wanted, I have been healed from the pain and remorse of the abortion and other pains of my past. From this study, I gained a more meaningful understanding of forgiveness in Christ and how that can be applied in my life. I have hope, real hope, that a joyful journey lies ahead of me. I feel right with God for the first time in decades, and there is no freer feeling than that. All of this has been done in Christ`s name. And I am grateful. Thank You, Father.
K-study: Binding Up The Brokenhearted 8-Jun. 2023 pregnant twice Praise to God Who heals and restores us to His fellowship!
I grew up always knowing I trusted in God. I had godly parents who tried to train us properly. When I got to school some things were taught in a way that made me less sure of what things were proper or real. The whole evolution issue caused me to begin with some doubting. Then when I was in college, my church music minister introduced me to Christian Agnosticism. That really interfered with my Christian life. I began to do what all humans since the Fall have done and think that I was able to judge whether what the Bible says God commands is true or not.
I started to think that God gave us sex so that we could make sure our choice of partner was the right one, instead of realizing it was given for us to have a special relationship with just one man. It gives us intimacy to protect us from others and allow us to have a special form of communication with one person. Instead, I didn`t think it would affect my relationship with my future husband if I auditioned him before marriage. Boy, was I wrong! After some experimenting with petting, I had sex. The very first time I got pregnant. I had been taught in school that it can be hard to get pregnant. I didn`t think it would happen the first time.
I was mortified! I didn`t want to have a baby and I sure didn`t want to have to marry the man I had sex with. So, I had an abortion. It was purely selfish. I wanted to live my life without that complication. Or so I thought.
A few years later, I was in Europe. I met a young American who was just passing through. We had dinner together and had a good time, so I had sex again. Again, one time and I was pregnant. I came home and found out I was pregnant. I didn`t know the father or how to get in touch. I felt it was wrong, but I had another abortion.
I began attending a bible teaching church. It was then that I was able to truly and fully confess and realize what I had cost Christ on the cross. I felt the power of the cleansing and started learning how to overcome the anger that came so easily. I started to not only renew my mind but also take captive every thought. The more I grew the more God was able to clean out my old habits and thinking. It is a process that continues even today.
I know I can trust Him to always provide for me and grow me. He is faithful and good to teach us how to abide in Him. I know I can go to Him in prayer. I know He will continue to grow me and train me for His purpose. I desire to walk in the path He chooses. Praise be to God from whom all blessings flow!
Brianna-study: Binding Up The Brokenhearted 13-May. 2023 free I learned how to allow Jesus to take all the pain that came along with my abortion. I am free from that sin. I’m forgiven by Jesus’s blood. I am so grateful for his sacrifice for humankind. He loves us so dearly.
Carolina-study: Binding Up The Brokenhearted 12-May. 2023 32 years to face it t took me 32 years to finally face my worst decision ever. For years, I tried to bury my dark secret, but it was always there. I felt deep shame, guilt and anger at myself. I truly was the other victim of abortion: a mother traumatized spiritually and emotionally. This bible study met me where I was, and my counselor tenderly helped me through the most difficult parts of this bible study. I know I have been forgiven and redeemed. I have learned to trust in the LORD and His promises day by day.
Diana-study: Binding Up The Brokenhearted 24-Feb. 2023 received forgiveness, healing and purpose I came to this study because my heart ached. My guilt consumed me. I felt so sinful and so pained at the same time. In these moments, I knew God was real and all I wanted to do was for Him to rescue me once and for all. With God, there are no coincidences. He led me to this study where I was able to start a true relationship with Him. I was able to know God for who He is while receiving forgiveness, healing, and purpose.
Lea-study: Binding Up The Brokenhearted 28-Dec. 2022 missing something My relationship with God was missing something. I would ask God to reveal the ``missing`` part of our relationship. I knew that God wasn`t the issue, so it had to be me. Why didn`t I feel the peace that passes understanding? Why weren`t my prayers answered? Why did I always feel that I was ``faking`` the Christian life? I wasn`t trusting God, I was fearful. My life was lacking the basics. How could I lead anyone to Jesus? One look at my messed up life and they would surely run.
That is when the leader of one of my bible studies told me about Healing Hearts. I had confessed to her that I was filled with anger and rage most of the time. I didn`t feel that God was there for me because I was so bad. I started the program, hopeful but doubtful. It would be wonderful if this really worked.
I started out nervous and didn`t really want to answer the questions truthfully because of my shame, but I was encouraged to answer truthfully if I really wanted to heal. Jesus already knew the truth so I needed to admit it to myself.
Once I got going on the chapters, I was flying through the work. It was healing my heart. I was telling people about it and my overall attitude changed. People started noticing that I was different. Something was different - I was healing.
Jesus loved me too much to leave me in the mess of confusion. I was tricked by the enemy. I believed Satan`s lies about me. I feel bad that it took 62 years before I searched for the Truth. I had kept so many things buried deep inside myself not actually realizing it was affecting my relationship with Jesus, with my family, with my children, and with myself.
Healing Hearts is the most eye-opening, heart-opening, mind-blowing study I have ever done. I know that I am loved. I am accepted. I will never be the same again.
Marisa-study: Binding Up The Brokenhearted 6-Nov. 2022 thought I would not be forgiven When I saw Healing Hearts come up on our announcements at church, I got this sad ache in my heart about my abortion. I hadn`t thought about it for a long time. I had it when I was 23 years old. Now I`m almost 65 years old. It took me a little while before deciding to do the study. I believe God tugged on my heart to do the study. I found out who would be my counselor. I am very comfortable with her. Before doing the study, I really felt like I wouldn`t be forgiven for my sin of my abortion. When I got the abortion, I knew what happens to the baby. I even had visuals, which was an awful feeling and thought. Throughout the study, doing each unit, I started feeling some freedom. Reading how much God loves me and when I repented that sin, He forgave me. During the process of the study, I found myself grieving about the abortion. Knowing that it was a little baby. Because of my selfishness and fear, I did what I did. I am so grateful that the Lord has forgiven me and I do feel the forgiveness. I will continue being in the word and know that God has blessed me with grace and mercy. I am so thankful for seeing the announcement of Healing Hearts at church. I thank God for Jesus Christ who is my Lord and Savior.
RR-study: Binding Up The Brokenhearted 6-Nov. 2022 job first I was faced with this decision after having my second child. Looking back, it should not have even been an issue. I was happily married, had a son and a daughter, and a good job. Yep, a job....which I regrettably put first. Without much consideration, I told my husband that we should just consider abortion. There wasn`t much consideration, because when I arrived at the clinic, I was whisked away and the procedure was performed. I wasn`t educated about what would happen or even encouraged to reconsider. My husband and I were both to blame for this decision of so called convenience. To this very day, we both agree that it was the worst decision we ever made! The guilt, pain, and sense of loss were difficult for many years. I repented and sought God`s forgiveness. By His grace, He even blessed us with another beautiful child later. Abortion is NEVER a solution. It is just a murderous sin that puts a permanent stain on life. I love the Lord and He continues to love me with all of his grace and goodness. Praise be to Him!
R.-study: Binding Up The Brokenhearted 24-Oct. 2022 hope, healing and restoration This study was an opportunity to seek hope, healing and restoration through the word of God, and the witness of others. Thank you for your willingness to share your story, and for the labors to consolidate God`s word into practical format for us to learn from, and be changed by the gift of the Holy Spirt, the humanity and God life of Jesus, and our Father God who have all loved us since before the world began. May God bless this ministry. May he open, cleanse and heal the hurting hearts of all who have traveled this path of sin, shame and sickness. May God be glorified and praised by the healing and testimony of many! In Jesus name I pray. Amen
PJ -study: Binding Up The Brokenhearted 30-Aug. 2022 clear up misinformation This study shown me a lot of misinformation that I had about the relationship with Christ. There was this underlining shame that I have felt for years and work that I thought I had to do physically for salvation. I am saved and that is clear, I have a relationship with our Saviour Jesus Christ and He died for our sins. Now I know who my provider and comforter is. This was a great experience and a lesson for me to know what a good bible study can show a Christian. The Word was not as important to me before this study.
Leanne S-study: Binding Up The Brokenhearted 2-Mar. 2022 changed life I am so glad I took this study. I grew up in a home where I was abused physically, mentally and sexually. I was 15 when I became pregnant the first time and bang there I was.
I wanted to keep my baby. While waiting to go in for my abortion, a set of twins were born and came out. I got very upset and they took me in I cried the whole time they were putting me to sleep. For another year I stayed living with the abuse and never dealt with my abortion. I cried silently a lot. I felt I was alone and ashamed. My mother never let me live it down.
I ran away to BC to live my grandparents at age 16. I did get counseling, but never dealt with my abortion until now. Healing Hearts really helped me to know that the Lord forgave me. I also learned how to deal with the anger towards my estranged mother and father. I have a much better outlook on my life and my faith with God. I know I can turn to Him for anything. Thank you Healing Hearts. You changed my life.
Sarah -study: Binding Up The Brokenhearted 11-Nov. 2021 2nd time completing Binding Up The Brokenhearted This was my second time taking ``Binding Up the Brokenhearted``, fifteen years after I took the class initially. At that time, even as a believer, I still struggled with aspects of my abortion in 1979. I could not figure out how to ``forgive myself``. The class set me on a journey of ever-deepening faith and the shackles fell away. I no longer felt shame, confusion, or fear. I took the class again in 2021 with the goal of taking leader training. This time, it was not emotionally painful. Instead, I found the following:
1. a deeper understanding of the historical unfolding of God`s plan, from Creation on;
2. further insight into Bible prophecies in context;
3. frequent discussion about the finer points in Scripture, and a deeper understanding of key words, sometimes pausing to read a passage in several versions;
4. the deep study filled our home more consistently with the Word;
5. an increase of ways to use the sword of the Spirit (the WORD!);
6. greater encouragement from the Holy Spirit;
7. instruction in all things;
8. drawing closer to God;
9. greater times of inspiration during intercession and prayer because knowing particular Scriptures gave me a profound ``moral plumb-bob`` for everything;
10. even after 36 years, a stronger marriage was forged! The above list is only what came off the top as I pondered completing the course a second time. I recommend returning later to repeat ``Brokenhearted`` again. You will receive even more from the Kingdom if you do, and your peace will increase.
Stephanie-study: Binding Up The Brokenhearted 30-Aug. 2021 not a second class Christian I have spent the last 26 years trying to atone for my abortion. I have worked and exhausted myself trying to earn God`s grace so I could have peace. It never worked. Through this study I discovered what true grace and peace is. I was finally, for the first time in my life, able to receive the gift God has had waiting for me all along. The cross was for me too. I am purified by the shedding of His blood. It was for me too! I`m not a second class Christian. I have never felt the wonder and goodness of God`s great love like I do now. I am so grateful He led me to this study!
Carmen-study: Binding Up The Brokenhearted 7-Jul. 2021 immerse in God`s healing words There is so much love in this study both from the author and my dear counselor. This was the best healing experience of any I have had. Being able to leisurely immerse myself in God`s healing words soothed my aching heart immensely. Knowing my counselor was there to hold me up through the tough times was even more comforting. I would encourage others who have experienced abortion to do this study.
Mae -study: Binding Up The Brokenhearted 21-Jun. 2021 a broken woman Starting this study I was wrestling with God on how I didn`t need healing in this area of my life, but how very wrong I was. It wasn`t just the sin itself, but how I hurt God the most. What a broken women I was, still numb from the pain from that selfish choice that caused a chain reaction for the remainder of my life until I found Jesus. This study didn`t just heal me in one area, but from so much other areas of abuse: physically, spiritually, mentally and emotionally. I never thought intimately I could be loved or valued in anyone`s eyes, let alone Jesus; but how wrong I really was. He has made it very clear that I am His beloved daughter. What He sees and says is truthful and more valuable than what the world or even we can think. I am a new women in Christ.
Lisa-study: Binding Up The Brokenhearted 12-Jun. 2021 very little bible knowledge Coming into the study, I knew very little of the Bible and am grateful I found the study. I am equally grateful for Donna and Anita for the time they spent with us every week going over each chapter. All the women are much further in their journey with Christ and they were all nothing but encouraging and supportive. It has been a weight lifted to be able to be open and talk about my abortion that I have kept silent about all these years. I really thought before this study that my abortion was something that could never be forgiven. Learning how much Jesus suffered for our sins and that not allowing myself to accept forgiveness is like saying that what Jesus suffered wasn`t enough. That really stuck with me. This study has made me want to keep reading the bible in hopes to be able to get closer to God.
M.Y.R.-study: Binding Up The Brokenhearted 12-Jun. 2021 abortion is forgiveable This study is evidence of God`s hand and of His loving desire to restore our souls, no matter how long ago you experienced abortion and no matter how unforgiveable you have thought it to be. Whether you have thought that you were healed `enough`; that you could never be whole; or that it`s been too long ago to experience breakthrough, Healing Hearts can help. Praise God!
Shelly B.-study: Binding Up The Brokenhearted 12-Apr. 2021 Healed from my worst mistake, abortion I am thankful that I took the time to complete the Healing Hearts study. I recently began to be open about my abortion. I trusted in Christ a year after my abortion in 1984. But, I have kept my abortion a secret until now. The only one that knew was my husband and those involved with the abortion. When I told my story to my Bible study friends, new healing came to me. After that, a person in my study also opened up about abortion. I shared my story in a large group and another person shared about her abortion. God can use our past, once we find healing in Christ, to comfort others. I have gained new knowledge from this study that I can pass onto others that need healing. The scripture in each chapter of this study applied to my life and has brought me more confidence in my Lord and Savior. My heart just wants to praise Him all day for the love and kindness He has shown me in my worst of mistakes! He is so good! Thank you for the hard work this study must have taken to write. Know that it has touched my life so that I want to walk closer to my Lord.
Stacey -study: Binding Up The Brokenhearted 29-Jan. 2021 forgiven, but not yet healed I did not realize how living with the deep dark secret of abortion that I carried for many years truly affected my relationship and fellowship with God. Though I asked for forgiveness and repented of my abortion, I don`t think I adequately healed. This study was a thorough and in-depth look into the process of healing after an abortion. You can walk in forgiveness and freedom and have a deeply intimate relationship with Jesus. I am so thankful for Healing Hearts Ministry for providing a study and the support through my mentor to help me along the way. It is freeing knowing I am not alone and neither does anyone need to be alone in the process of healing after an abortion.
Anonymous-study: Binding Up The Brokenhearted 21-Jan. 2021 highly recommend I highly recommend this study for woman who are genuinely seeking healing and lasting peace in Jesus Christ from an abortion experience they have regretted and to those looking for a resource to help others.
Lynn-study: Binding Up The Brokenhearted 9-Jan. 2021 Hope This study is a beautiful testament to the love that Jesus Christ has for all of us. There is healing. There is hope. There is forgiveness. You are not alone.
Liby -study: Binding Up The Brokenhearted 15-Oct. 2020 joy and love found God has done so much in my life. I lived in sin for 10 years, not wanting to know anything about God. I had so much hate towards God and everyone around me. This study has had so much impact in my life, it has lead me to start talking to girls who have had abortions or are thinking about having abortions. It has led me to forgive all those who had anything to do with me having an abortion and finding forgiveness in God. I feel so much joy, so much love and so much self-worth after doing this study, knowing that God forgave me and loves me despite all my sins. Despite sinning everyday, He forgives us everyday. This study has made me feel that I am worth everything to Him, that I am his princess and He will always love me. He will always be here for me. Sometimes we don`t understand why we go through all of this, but He uses all of our suffering for good> He comforts us so that one day we can comfort those around us who need Him, just like we need Him.
DA -study: Binding Up The Brokenhearted 8-Oct. 2020 freedom indeed This study has deepened my acceptance of God`s love, forgiveness and grace. I am free indeed and this study helped me get there to where I feel free from the blotches of my past life. God is so good to always be working towards growing in intimacy with His people. I had already repented deeply concerning my abortions but this study gave me more. It gave me an understanding of why I chose to do what I did, how Jesus paid for it with His own innocent blood and an acceptance of His and God`s love even with those blotches. This is a great study even for those who have been cleansed from their abortions, this study goes deeper and I have freedom indeed!
C.Navarro -study: Binding Up The Brokenhearted 21-Jul. 2020 grateful for the freedom This was such an amazing study. It definitely was Holy Spirit lead. The Lord has brought so much to light in my life and I didn`t even realize was there and put to death a part of me I carried around for way too long. I am forever grateful for the freedom I received through this study. I will treasure the experience in my heart. This study by far exceeded my expectations. All glory to God for the miraculous way He works.
Melissa-study: Binding Up The Brokenhearted 21-Jul. 2020 not alone Wanna ruin a family gathering? Start a discussion about abortion. This, I am sure, is true for many families, not just mine. Let me explain. I have been silent for 30 years about my abortions. Thirty. Yes. Plural. More than one. My father works with many many religious groups protesting abortions. My mother goes on and on about how awful those people are that have abortions. ``How could they`` she screeches. While I silently listen. I start believing their rhetoric. Doubting my identity in Christ. Doubting my salvation. I know I am not alone. I have three other close friends that also had abortions. You reading this. I am NOT alone. It hurts to hear these things said about them. It hurts to think. Their sin. MY SIN. Is the worst sin EVER. It cuts me deep in my soul to think. I am. Unforgiven. Forsaken. It pains me that YOU are reading this. You may feel alone. I am not alone. YOU are not alone. Jesus Christ my savior. When others have forsaken me. Jesus Christ my friend. Who, when facing the cross, thought of ME. THAT Jesus has forgiven me. It was not easy. I had to take a good long look in the mirror. I had to admit, not rationalize, my sins. All of them, including the abortion. I had to look at Jesus and ask please forgive me. I have to daily ask the Holy Spirit (the smallest but certainly not any less powerful piece of God) to give me strength and He does. I am NOT alone. Neither are you. WE have a really scary, nasty enemy who wants you, me to believe we are alone. But you are not. I am not. You have many, many sisters right here. Alongside you. They, I, have walked the walk you walk. Most importantly the giver and creator of YOUR, MY life, is right here along side us each and every day. He offers forgiveness when family, friends will not. Cling to Him. Allow Him to heal these wounds. Please pray for me as I pray for you. Thank you for this study.
B.E.-study: Binding Up The Brokenhearted 21-Jul. 2020 impacted This study has impacted my life in the area of forgiveness and stretching myself to be just like Christ in stretching my love.
Julia C. -study: Binding Up The Brokenhearted 21-Jul. 2020 love revealed This bible study was truly a Godsend. When I initially started the study, it was a little rough because it caused me to confront the abortion I had (many years ago) head-on. No more hiding, no more sweeping it under the rug, no more ignoring it like it never happened. I had to finally deal with it. The thing I appreciated about this study is that it dealt with the spiritual aspect of what I had done, it dealt with the biblical truth. I won`t lie to you, I cried, I heart hurt, sometimes I didn`t even know if I wanted to continue with the study because it just bared opened by heart. But here`s my experience, yes...the truth hurts; however, God`s love transcends ALL. The love that is revealed throughout this bible study is like no other. You will feel God`s love, His mercy, His grace, and most of all... His forgiveness. For anyone who is dealing with post-abortion trauma, whether you are feeling lonely, don`t have anyone to speak with, are feeling guilty, bitter, sad, angry, empty, or any other emotion and you feel as if you will never get passed it, please, try this bible study. The counselors are so helpful. They are patient, and are here to support you on your journey. All it takes is the first step and it starts with you. I send a prayer for all who are dealing with the loss, the hurt, the pain, I want you to know, we are here for you. Women helping women through Christ Jesus. Amen. God bless you all.
Dana-study: Binding Up The Brokenhearted 21-Jul. 2020 finished feeling forgiven This study has helped give me a way to talk about my abortion. I not only finished feeling forgiven, I feel confident that God is going to use my weakness to further demonstrate His glory.
BG-study: Binding Up The Brokenhearted 21-Jul. 2020
I am writing this today with a heart that is filled with gratitude to Healing Hearts Ministries and my awesome counselor, Laurie, for her patience and understanding as she gently walked me through both Binding Up the Brokenhearted and The Hem of His Garment studies. When I look at my life today and my life just a few short months ago, I see a different person; a person I find hard to recognize; a person filled with hope and a new hunger and thirst for God`s Word.
Back in the mid-1960`s, I was living a life far from God; looking in all the wrong places for the love and acceptance I didn`t find at home. Instead of trusting in God and taking my sinful thoughts and attitudes captive, I chose to rely on the enemy and the results were disastrous. Those sinful thoughts at attitudes, when allowed to fester and grow, sprouted like weeds and were not only affecting me, but everyone I came in contact with.
Today, I am kneeling at the foot of the cross, humbly and gratefully, thanking God for setting me free from that ugly past; a past filled with addiction, sexual impurity, abortion, anger, bitterness, resentment, pride, selfishness, jealousy, control issues, unbelief and rebellion. With God`s help, my relationships have been restored and I have forgiven both my ex-husbands for verbally, emotionally, physically and sexually abusing me. I am especially thankful, that with God`s help, I was able to forgive my 97 year old mom before she passed this last April. I know she`s in heaven with God, my dad and my babies. I`m a little jealous. She gets to meet them before I do.
E-study: Binding Up The Brokenhearted 21-Jul. 2020 Jesus is enough This course is thorough in the study of our Savior in Jesus Christ. I took away a very good point. All of those years I tried to forgive myself--we are not to do that as Jesus is enough! The teachers are great! I do so appreciate the author`s testimony~ Thank You! In Christ,
M-study: Binding Up The Brokenhearted 21-Jul. 2020 His forgiveness is more than enough This study has been such a blessing. It`s been the best kind of challenge because it brought some things out of me that needed to be brought to light. Self-examination was difficult at times, but I want to know what I look like in the light of God`s Word so I can continue to be transformed by it. It`s always a comfort to know that I`ve been forgiven by God and that His forgiveness is more than enough. I did not intend to take this long to complete the study and I apologize. I am so thankful for my counselor`s patience and gentle nudging to continue on. But, I must say, that working through this study during all that has been going on in the world the past three months has been a blessing. I have peace, I`m constantly in prayer, and my marriage has been strengthened. I just want to continue to seek the Lord, study to show myself approved, and be led by His precious Spirit in all things.
Stephanie -study: Binding Up The Brokenhearted 21-Jul. 2020 I have received the healing I had been crying out to God for I gave my life to Jesus Christ about 4 years ago, however I was still struggling with walking in my Christianity. I did not understand why. This study revealed that my heart remained encased in the pain of an abortion that I had yet to fully release to God, by acknowledging that it was a sin and I needed to repent and ask for His forgiveness. It did not matter that I was only 15 years old and was not given a choice. I repented and received His forgiveness. I was so broken in my spirit, and as I was sobbing from the realization of what I had done against God, I instantly came face to face with a living and active grace that lifted me from all the despair I had been feeling. I was then able to allow God to show me how wounded I really was. The picture started coming together, and through each lesson God revealed that my heart was riddled with unforgiveness, bitterness, anger, and pride. Further, I had a mistrust of people in authority, willful rebellion, and not knowing what Godly love meant. He then gently reminded me that He had already delivered me from a suicidal spirit when I gave my life to Him, and it was a direct result of the abortion. As the study progressed and I began to embrace spiritually what Jesus did for me on the cross, immediately my world was turned upside down, in a monumental way that can only be viewed as supernatural. I understood for the first time the addictions (which I have been delivered from), the mental health issues (I have been delivered from) and the inability to maintain healthy relationships of any kind. I had resentments I held against my family, and anyone who would try and tell me how to live my life. What I was most influenced by during my time in this study was getting to know what Jesus Christ did for me. The things He suffered because of His love for me and the price He was willing to pay and paid. My life has been forever changed, even as I write this, I smile and I can feel Gods` peace, and His presence. I have received the healing that I had been crying out to God for; ``Lord, please empty me of me``. Those bitter fruits have been repented of and forgiven, and replaced with an understanding that I am an ``Oak of Righteousness``, that can only come from knowing and trusting that God can and will do what you need Him to do in your life. All you have to do is surrender everything to Him. I had to come to the end of myself, and I believe God knew this and waited. I am so grateful for this study and the wonderful counselor, Andrea, who encouraged me while walking with me as I faced the sin and pain of my abortion and it`s consequences that held me in bondage for over 30 years. Thank you Healing Hearts Ministries for binding up this brokenhearted woman of God through this amazing study. I pray that more women find this ministry in their desire to be free of the guilt and shame the enemy wants us to wallow in...but for God I Know that I have been set free and so can others. ``For I know the plans I have for you, declares the LORD, plans to prosper you and not harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.`` Jeremiah 29:11 (NIV)
Anonymous-study: Binding Up The Brokenhearted 21-Jul. 2020
Donna-study: Binding Up The Brokenhearted 21-Jul. 2020 freedom to move forward The Healing Hearts study with counsel has been so effective in healing my hurts from so many years of shame and denial. It uncovered destructive attitudes and made me aware of how deceitful my heart can be. The Scriptures were like a scalpel performing precise surgery as needed. I have hope and a freedom to move forward with Jesus, my Savior, Healer, and ever-present Help.
MP-study: Binding Up The Brokenhearted 27-Apr. 2020 wasn`t sure about this bible study I had an abortion about 10 years ago and the Lord saved me 4 years ago. He healed me from the hurt and shame of that horrible experience. As I was introduced to this Bible study, I wasn`t sure if this was the right Bible study for me. I thought that I was healed (which I was in parts). Yet, this Bible study helped me to dig deep in His Word, understanding His ways for my life and taught me that obeying His voice is the best thing that I could do. He was the one that asked me to do it and I`m glad I did. I love how this Bible study challenged me to think out of the box and to truly meditate on His word and His purpose. I pray that just as this has been a blessing to me, that It would be a blessing to you. May the Lord continue working in our lives- for His name and glory!
Roxann-study: Binding Up The Brokenhearted 26-Mar. 2020 42 years hiding a secret After spending 42 years of my life hiding this secret and allowing it to destroy me from the inside, I found a church and a ministry that has allowed me to finally open up this part of my life. It helped me to get the healing that God has always wanted for me in order to walk in His will for my life. I have spent years thinking that if I did not address or acknowledge this secret, that it would just go away. Lo and behold, that is not God`s plan for my life. He led me to this place in order for me to finally open my life up and empty me of all my secrets so He could enter in and heal me. This study allowed me to find and understand a love of God that I never knew existed. He has shown me grace, mercy, forgiveness, love and the most awesome of sacrifices by giving His son for my life. I would not have been able to be reconciled back to God fully without this sacrifice and this is the most impactful part of my journey. I did not know the extent of the sacrifice, even though I read about it over and over. God brought a new perspective and light to the word for me. I have been impacted in a way that has forever changed me. I will continue on this love journey God has placed me on in order to grow, mature and develop into the woman He created me to be. I have a new outlook on life and my future that I have never known before. I am grateful and blessed beyond measure and would recommend this study to all who are desperate for the love of God and the life He has called you to.
Marcia -study: Binding Up The Brokenhearted 5-Mar. 2020 freedom Healing Hearts has allowed me freedom of expression on so many levels. I was able to testify of how the Lord delivered me from decades of sin that i was about to give up trying to overcome. I was able to share my fears and vulnerabilities about being post-abortive. I was able to recognize that I wasn`t as righteous as I thought I was because I blamed others for some of the choices I made and did not forgive them when I thought that I had. My joy of reading the bible and praying has been renewed. HH was right on time for me. In Jesus Name. Amen
Jamie -study: Binding Up The Brokenhearted 18-Feb. 2020 appeared to have it all I appeared to have it all. A successful business, a handsome husband who loved me, 3 beautiful children, a dog and even the white picket fence house. I dreamed big dreams and achieved them. People in the community look up to me. Why then, why was my spirit crushed? Why was I spiritually dying inside? I had to dig deep into my past to a confusing and sinful time. About 12 years ago, I had 3 abortions and told no one. I buried this sin deep within my soul and had no intention of ever revisiting this time of my life. But God kept calling me. He wanted to heal me so I could freely live for His glory. Today, I am healing from my sins of the past, leaning into God everyday and ready to grow my roots deep into the bank to become His oak of righteousness so that God can be glorified. I am so thankful for Gods mercy, grace and forgiveness.
Sara-study: Binding Up The Brokenhearted 3-Jan. 2020
I have been freed from hate and anger. They led my inner thoughts and emotions, not so much on the outside towards people, but on the inside that translated to annoyance for my son and mom. Today, I do not find my son annoying, except when he is actually trying to be annoying and even then I have an inner peace that reminds me he will only be my little tiny child for a small amount of time and he is really only just playing. I am no longer lazy and wishing that I could just roll over and sleep all day. More and more often I rise eager knowing that the Lord will supply me with the energy to walk His path for myself and my son. And sure enough I am filled with energy and sometimes I even get a sweet 15 minute nap!! My understanding of the Bible has increased so much and for that I am truly thankful to God for sending me Healing Hearts and allowing the Holy Spirit to work through me during this Bible study. Not only did God send me Healing Hearts, but He also sent my teacher, Leslie. Thank you, God! Her love and encouragement and patience has been phenomenal in my study. I`m excited to see just how much chapter ten impacted me. I believe it will be the freeing of my bondage to food. It will be the next step in truly understanding that Jesus dwells in me and I am really a holy temple for Him and the Holy Spirit. Thank you, Lord, for Healing Hearts and Leslie.
Barb-study: Binding Up The Brokenhearted 2-Jan. 2020 Time does NOT heal all wounds You`ve probably heard the expression ``time heals all wounds``.
Unfortunately, it isn`t true. I had wounds that I left untended for more than 50 years and ``time`` just deepened those wounds. I`ve had two abortions; the first in the mid 1960`s, the second almost fifteen years later. I have been married and divorced twice; both times to verbally, emotionally, physically and sexually abusive men. It`s no wonder I battled depression and anxiety most of my adult life that eventually took me to the brink of suicide. FIFTY PLUS YEARS LATER, I FOUND HEALING THROUGH AN ONLINE BIBLE STUDY CALLED BINDING UP THE BROKENHEARTED. Over the past ten weeks, God and I have been on a journey together; a journey that has brought me to a place of healing and freedom. I have felt God`s loving arms comforting me as I struggled to remember the ugly details of my past. I heard His loving voice encouraging me when I felt like giving up. I witnessed His grace and mercy as he whispered in my ear ``It`s OK. I forgive you.`` I head him every time He said, ``I understand.`` I know I have been forgiven and set free. There are no words to express how this Bible Study has impacted my life. I want to take this opportunity to thank my counselor, Laurie. She knew just what to say when I needed to be encouraged. Thank you, Laurie. I couldn`t have gotten through it without your support.
Evelyn -study: Binding Up The Brokenhearted 19-Nov. 2019 emotional turmoil I had been living in emotional turmoil for years. I knew that was not how my life should go. Now being healed and set free from my past has really changed my life as I am a better mom, wife and daughter. I don`t have the emotional swings I used to. I am free to love those who are going through those stages of grief I have been through.
Gina -study: Binding Up The Brokenhearted 28-Oct. 2019
Thank you, Charlene, for being an awesome blessing through my process. God bless you and your team for putting God`s glory on display through your healing ministry. There is no more shame or condemnation for those who are in Christ. Hallelujah!
J.E.C.H.-study: Binding Up The Brokenhearted 28-Oct. 2019 found healing For 39 years I have been tortured by physical pain, unbearable grief and shame, even though I was saved and have been in a loving relationship with Christ my Savior before making this terrible choice of murdering my child, so long ago. Somehow deep in my sub-conscience this sin was such an abomination that I had to be punished, even though Jesus had taken the punishment for me. This ministry and the care, kindness and love shone to me by my counselor has changed my life. I have found healing that I did not think I would ever find in this life. It has shown me the depths of true forgiveness, not just for myself, but also my ability to forgive those who have wronged me in any way. It is changing me into the woman God has always wanted me to be. My loving walk with Jesus into sanctification has grown exponentially. Any woman who has had an abortion for any reason will find healing through this ministry. It has begun a healing in me that words alone could never express.
Anonymous-study: Binding Up The Brokenhearted 9-Sep. 2019 applicable to all areas This study is truly biblical and is applicable to all areas of a believer`s life where healing and growth in Christ are needed. I have been blessed to be a part of this study. I am hopeful that I will be able to carry this study to others whom God has placed in my path, who need healing from the Great Physician through the balm of Gilead, which is His all-sufficient Word applied to an individual`s life. My prayer is to be an oak of righteousness used for the glory of God and to benefit others!
VL-study: Binding Up The Brokenhearted 3-Sep. 2019 looked at past The study helped me look at my past, which wasn`t easy, and confront situations in light of the Word of God. My counsellor was a tremendous blessing in walking out the study and praying for me. Healing comes when we have the wounds and sin in our lives properly treated and not ignored and we can only find true healing in the Lord. Definite great study for all!
Denise -study: Binding Up The Brokenhearted 14-Aug. 2019 Healing from abortion brought healing to other areas of my life! The Lord has used this study in my life in many ways. Healing from the abortion brought healing to other areas of my life. I grew in the understanding of the depths of God`s love and the price He was willing to pay for the forgiveness of my sins.
Before this study, I didn`t realize the importance of dealing with my past as well as the present. This study guided me through the process of forgiveness and my life will never be the same. I encourage anyone who has had an abortion to take part in this study. Jesus loves you and wants to set you free. He has good plans for your life! Taste and see, the Lord is good; blessed is the one who takes refuge in Him. Psalm 34:8
Diane B. -study: Binding Up The Brokenhearted 1-Aug. 2019 life saving study This bible study has helped me to change my whole idea on how I view God. I always believed that there was some sort of a higher being but I never realized just how much God loves us and what the shedding of Jesus` blood actually meant and how much it impacts us. My life has totally turned around during this study. I see life in a whole new way. I have a freedom from sin that I have never known before. I am living my life in a whole different manner. I am practicing to live in a way that is pleasing to God and I am trying to pass that along to other people, even if it is just planting a seed in someones mind or heart. I sleep better at night. I am no longer afraid of my own shadow. I have learned to trust and have faith in God. I have peace in my heart and mind that I am forgiven and that God has a place for me when I die. It gives me peace to know that I will someday be reunited with my loved ones and I am no longer so afraid of death as I know I will go to God`s kingdom. I have a new lease on life. I see beauty wherever I go and no longer darkness. This study has been amazing and has corresponded perfectly with other things that have been going on in my life. It is hard for me to explain exactly how I feel, but I almost feel I have been born again into this whole new person. All I want to do anymore is good. Good for me and for others. This study has been nothing less than a life saver for me.
Anonymous-study: Binding Up The Brokenhearted 22-Jul. 2019 forgive I knew that God had forgiven me for my sin of abortion. But I kept it locked away, and never looked at it. I felt that if I just forgot that it ever happened, then I would never have to face the remorse and pain that still existed deep in my heart. Through this study, it helped me to open up that locked door, take a look at the whole circumstance of that bad choice, along with all the other bad choices I was making at that time, and put it all, at the feet of Jesus. I learned that He really does forgive all sin, and that He wants me to forgive others. That impacts my life greatly, since I was holding on to hurts from others. Since God forgave me of such a heinous sin as abortion, I can forgive others in His example.
Nicole-study: Binding Up The Brokenhearted 18-Jun. 2019 set free This study has peeled back layers of hurt and pain that I didn`t realize existed in me. The safety of this study allowed me to be 100% honest. The truth of God`s Word and love has set me free on a new level and I can`t wait to see what God has in store for me next. God is good!
S-study: Binding Up The Brokenhearted 30-May. 2019 self-forgiveness I came at a point of desperation and grief. My abortions happened many many years ago and I knew God would forgive, but I could not forgive myself. Thru this study, I found that self-forgiveness is not written in the Bible. It is not spoken of at all. God`s forgiveness is the forgiveness we seek, the true knowledge and depth of God`s sacrifice for our sins. By this study and my counselor I was able to see the difference. Thank you for this program.
Katherine-study: Binding Up The Brokenhearted 24-May. 2019 opened deep wounds and healed them To be honest, I did not think this study would have much impact on me. I felt I`d heard and read it all before. But God blessed my time in this study, and I`ve been blessed by Madge and her encouragement. It has opened and healed some deep wounds that I had spent years burying and covering up. It was difficult, but I`m grateful for having them exposed and dealt with.
Denise-study: Binding Up The Brokenhearted 18-May. 2019
``...that your love may abound more and more in knowledge and depth of insight, so that you may be able to discern what is best and may be pure and blameless for the day of Christ, filled with the fruit of righteousness that comes through Jesus Christ—to the glory and praise of God.`` ~~this is what I feel: my heart has abound.
A.G. -study: Binding Up The Brokenhearted 15-Apr. 2019 complete confidence in who I am now This bible study has impacted my life in so many different ways. I`m so grateful! One is just feeling God`s daily grace and love more than I`ve ever felt. I have grown so much in my knowledge of the bible, by doing this bible study. I got to read through lots of scripture and apply it. Another is having complete confidence in who I am now, and not feeling condemned for who I was then. I am freed in Christ and have put away the old and put on the new self. I am a child of God who is loved. This has impacted my daily life as a mom of two little boys and as a wife to my husband. It has reminded me again that I live to glorify God through my life. I can see and feel that God has worked in my heart, ``create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a right spirit within me`` Psalm 51:10. Praise God and all that he has done in me and will continue to do.
LT -study: Binding Up The Brokenhearted 10-Apr. 2019
This study helped me uncover all areas of sexual sin in my life, whether chosen or put upon me, and the wrong thinking I have about sex from these experiences. I have felt freedom in sharing my story, instead of the shame of hiding the truth like I have in the past. I`m praying that God will continue to show me where I am to share my story in order to show others the love and forgiveness of Christ.
SJP-study: Binding Up The Brokenhearted 10-Apr. 2019 made whole again This course has become the instrument of my salvation. Going through the study, with the counseling, has helped me understand how I needed to turn my life back to Christ. I know I am human. I know how hard it is to stumble and fall. But the insight gained has taken me back to a place of spiritual wholeness. I am living the life I am supposed to live, focusing on Jesus as the center of it. I am made whole through His grace, and this ministry helped get me there.
Chrys-study: Binding Up The Brokenhearted 10-Apr. 2019 new eyes and new heart This study helped me have deeper healing from my abortion. It reminded me who I am in Jesus, and who Jesus is in me and the great gift of His forgiveness, grace and mercy. The counselor was very kind and supportive as I walked through the scriptures and as God revealed more of Himself to me. I was able to see God with new eyes and a new heart.
C Sockol-study: Binding Up The Brokenhearted 10-Apr. 2019 see choices through God`s eyes When I was asked to go through Healing Hearts in order to volunteer at our local pro-life clinic, I really didn`t think this was necessary. I had several abortions 30 years before when I wasn`t a believer and that life was dead to me. God had forgiven me and I didn`t want to think about my past. But this study really opened my eyes. I needed to see my choices through God`s perspective--choices about life, anger, and forgiveness. When I really saw God`s view and His love through Jesus suffering for all my sins, I was devastated. But God`s mercy and grace washed over me. Then I felt like the woman who cried at Jesus` feet. As He said, ``she who has been forgiven much, loves much.``
AW-study: Binding Up The Brokenhearted 10-Apr. 2019 forgiveness Recently I took a step of courage and visited our local CPC with hopes to volunteer. I didn`t know if they would want someone who`d had an abortion but just wanted to serve women who`d been where I`d been with an unplanned pregnancy and be a part of helping them choose life instead. This study is advertised in that center and God showed me that if I really wanted to be all that He wanted me to be through Mend, that I needed to walk through a healing process of my own. I expected to hear what I had already heard ``God has forgiven you so now forgive yourself and move forward``. What I actually learned is that yes, God has forgiven me but the process to healing has to do with acknowledging the darkness of my sin which finally allowed me to recognize the precious life I will meet in Heaven and grieve that loss. Healing involved confessing my sin to another (my wonderful counselor, Karen!) and seeking God`s Word with another to see what He says. Also, this study showed me that although we are called to forgive as Christ has forgiven us, we don`t ``forgive ourselves`` yet we choose to humble ourselves and accept forgiveness. I am so thankful for Karen and her guidance through this study. She is wise, caring, humble and such an example of Christ! Thank you Karen!
evk-study: Binding Up The Brokenhearted 24-Feb. 2019
I just can`t thank enough God for this study. I have so many wonderful things to say about this study and Healing Heart ministries and my e-counselor, Charlene. The words wouldn`t give the amazing spiritual value and healing that were brought into my life. It is amazing I have learned so much. This study does not deal with only post abortion traumas, but treats the hurts, angers and unforgiveness that surrounded me as a result of those selfish decisions. I can honestly say that I have been forgiven and been set free. My heart is healed from shame and guilt. Sue L and the team of Healing Hearts have done an outstanding work on Binding Up The Brokenhearted. I learned that through repentance and God`s grace and love there is restoration and hope. God has done a unprecedented work in me through this ministry and those who come alongside women like me to offer comfort and hope through the seasons of pain and suffering. Those whom God loves He disciplines and molds us to the image of His Son, the Lord Jesus Christ as part of our journey here on earth. Being a follower of the Lord Jesus Christ is not an easy journey but it is filled of His constant Presence, His constant love and forgiveness and His peace that surpasses all human understanding. To Him be Glory forever and ever.!!! Thank you, Lord!! Thank you Healing Hearts. Thank you Charlene. As the apostle said, ``I thank God for all of you in my prayers`` and I am praying that the Lord continues pouring into all of you and that more and more women will receive the wonderful forgiveness and be set free of shame and guilt. That we all stand against abortion until abortion becomes unthinkable in this nation. In Jesus name we pray. Amen!!
Teri -study: Binding Up The Brokenhearted 24-Feb. 2019 I didn`t know I needed this I believe that without this Bible study, I would have never known how badly that I needed it. I am not the same person that I was when I started it and my prayer today is that any woman that has had an abortion will get the privilege of walking with God through this study.
T-study: Binding Up The Brokenhearted 19-Jan. 2019 ``dirty`` secret My abortion was a ``dirty`` secret, but I am free indeed to proclaim that I have been forgiven and that my baby awaits me in heaven. Pain and suffering was washed away by God`s word, God`s truth and His love. I never knew that I could feel love like this and I never knew that He would actually use this pain to reveal His glory. This study held my hand and brought me to the feet of Jesus. Jesus saved me!
EJ -study: Binding Up The Brokenhearted 19-Jan. 2019 impactful study I cannot put into words the impact this study has had on me. God used it to finally set me free from the prison of shame I had been living in for 36 years. I didn`t realize how deep the wounds were because I worked so hard at keeping the pain hidden in a deep, dark place for so long. The biggest impact was knowing my Savior didn`t exclude the sin of my abortions when He went to the cross. He took those with Him as well. I am now free to finally feel loved by God and approach His thrown of grace with Him seeing my face, not the top of my head bowed down in shame.
Carla -study: Binding Up The Brokenhearted 19-Jan. 2019 don`t suffer in silence This study has again fired up my passion to help other women who have experienced abortion so that they do not have to suffer in silence for years like I did. Also, so that they might know that His grace and mercy and forgiveness are available for them as well. I long to see the captives set free! Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of compassion and the God of all comfort, who comforts us in all our troubles, so that we can comfort those in any trouble with the comfort we ourselves receive from God. For just as we share abundantly in the sufferings of Christ, so also our comfort abounds through Christ. 2 Corinthians 1:3-5
BH-study: Binding Up The Brokenhearted 19-Jan. 2019 freeing healing I thought I had obeyed our Lord in forgiving others and accepting His forgiveness for my sins, but I had only accepted the bandaid when He offered a far deeper and more freeing healing.
AM-study: Binding Up The Brokenhearted 7-Jan. 2019 forgiveness poured Brought up in a pentecostal church, I always thought that there were some things in our life that we need to keep buried and not speak of the past (even if God changed you). I know I carried guilt, shame and blame myself for many errors I made and things that occurred in my life. I didn`t know the truth and love of Abba and how He loved me enough to set me free. I was caught in a religious act. Don`t get me wrong, I love Jesus and I know I walked with Him, but there were so many things that this study helped me to truly understand. For instance, what is to truly be set free! I felt His love and forgiveness poured all over me again, like if it was the first time I accepted Him as my Savior. He rekindled the romance between Him and I. I feel peace and so open to be able to share with others who need to be set free from strong holds and captivity. This is a great device of the enemy, to entrap the children of God. But great is He who lives in me than he who lives in the world. He is my deliverer and my HOPE! I know my faith has taken a beat down but Jesus has restored me from my brokenness. Thank you Jesus. Totally grateful for His grace and love.
AI-study: Binding Up The Brokenhearted 19-Nov. 2018 healing This study has shown me the love of my Heavenly Father. He forgives me. He wants me whole. Going through with abortion has affect me emotionally, such as anger, depression, seeking man`s approval, low self esteem, lack of self-confidence. When you have Jesus Christ in your life, He makes a big difference. He shows you through His word, through the Holy Spirit, how much we are valuable. He wants the best for us. He wants to forgive us of our sins. He wants to make us whole in spirit, body and soul. He is a loving father. He is good and kind. He does not want to leave us in our present state because of abortion. There is healing!!!
Kim C. -study: Binding Up The Brokenhearted 3-Oct. 2018 God meets you where you are This study has blessed me in ways I could not have imaged when I first started this journey. There were tears, anger, and regrets and even a couple of laughs. Through it all, I have come out stronger in Christ on the other side. I will take these truths and continue to build on them and share with others how awesome our God is and how He will meet you where you are and heal you.
Laura-study: Binding Up The Brokenhearted 8-Sep. 2018 healed heart I just cannot say enough about this study and this ministry. Sue L has done a phenomenal job with Binding Up the Brokenhearted. My e-counselor, Pat, has been so helpful, so loving and so non-judgmental. She is an awesome encourager! I have learned so much and this study just doesn`t deal with the aftermath of abortion but treats the hurts, angers and unforgiveness that surrounded me as a result of that kind of experience and lifestyle. I can honestly say that there has been much healing. I have been set free. Through repentance and God`s grace there is restoration and hope. God has done an awesome work in me through this ministry and those who come alongside women like me to offer comfort and hope through the pain. The discipline of God is part of the discipleship of being a follower of Christ. To God Be All the Glory! Bless you all and Thank You from the bottom of my healed heart!
Megan-study: Binding Up The Brokenhearted 28-Aug. 2018 happy and healed Thank you to my leader, Michele Smith, for gently nudging me along in my study and being a part of my path to righteousness. I will forever be thankful for this experience. I truly feel happy and healed more than I have in years
Sharon -study: Binding Up The Brokenhearted 20-Aug. 2018 sin before abortion This study opened my eyes and my heart to the roots of sin that were there before my abortion and the unrepented sins after. Confessing these and praying about them was so healing. I am so grateful for my mentor, Charlene, and her encouragement and prayer throughout the study. It uplifted me and helped me with the tough questions!
Leah -study: Binding Up The Brokenhearted 8-Aug. 2018 healed of PTSD This study has helped me so much in gaining more healing. I went through the Hem of His Garment study as well. It was in these studies where I was healed of PTSD and many chains regarding my past have been broken by the power of Jesus’ blood and through His Word. I am beyond grateful for this study. It was way more than I expected
R.O-study: Binding Up The Brokenhearted 3-Aug. 2018
I am very grateful to God to be part of this study. I believe that my taking part in this study was God`s plan. I have never really taken part in any bible study program. I am an abuse survivor, at the time I came across this study, I was filled with bitterness, hatred, hurt and pain from all my experiences. I wondered if I could ever forgive my abuser for all he has put me through. I even felt like a failure and always would think God would probably never help me anymore because of my sins. I could not go to school. I could not go to work. To me, there was no reason living. But, God is a perfect God. I came a cross this study and my life changed.
This bible study changed my entire understanding of God`s love for me. It also gave me hope like never before. While I was taking the study, I encountered different challenges. In fact, there were times I would not log in for days. My mindset was beginning to change and I was finding healing in God . I really thank God for the grace to press on. and The most miraculous thing that happend is that by the end of this bible study, God gave me a testimony that is so unbelievable! He made a way for me where there seemed to be no way. I bless God.
C.W-Ortiz-study: Binding Up The Brokenhearted 15-May. 2018 now understands forgiveness and intimacy Never will I live or wallow in my sins again. I know through this study has enhanced my understanding on receiving the forgiveness of God for my crimes in taking the life of my own child in my womb, the using and selling drugs in my past, forgiving those who have harmed me (my molester and others.) I see my marriage as a gift from God, not letting anything from my past hinder the intimate relationship I have with my husband. I can be intimate with my husband today and not feel dirty because the Lord has opened my eyes through this study to see that the beauty of the intimate relationship between husband and wife is gifted by God. It`s the world that has used something so beautiful and tried to turned it into something vile. I say to all the women who will be starting this study and to those who have but are still feeling guilt and shame from abortion and other mistakes you`ve made, Jesus loves you! There is freedom in Christ! When you receive Him as your Lord and Savior, you will find the freedom that we can only receive from Him by His shed blood on the cross. ``There is therefore now no condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus, who walk not after the flesh but after the Spirit.`` Romans 8:1 ``Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; In all your ways acknowledge Him and He will direct your paths.`` Proverbs 3:5-6
Carla P.-study: Binding Up The Brokenhearted 4-Apr. 2018 a healed heart At the moment I had to translate for this ministry, I was in a process of healing and recovery. Basically my life was ashes at the point you met me. The only thing I knew was that I am in His hands, but did not see the light. I thought in many places that I am healed, but find that it was hard for me to face some hard times. My counselor, Lesley, pushed me to look deep inside my heart. I did not like it. I felt anger few times, but then came back to the Word, to the study, realizing that in my heart there are roots of bitterness and I need to confess, to repent, to ask God again and again to clean my heart. Then the miracle of healing happened! He took away my pain! I have a healed heart! Thank You Lesley!!
Elle-study: Binding Up The Brokenhearted 4-Apr. 2018 overcome trauma This study has allowed me to gain wisdom and truth utilizing and revealing what God`s Word says about life and death. It has allowed me to explore deeper understanding of trauma that can stem from an abortion, but also how the word of God can be used to overcome that trauma. It has been a helpful and imperative source for moving forward in my life. It has definitely drawn me closer to God.
Barbara-study: Binding Up The Brokenhearted 4-Apr. 2018 freed from condemnation Only God knows the depths of the impact that this study will have on my life. I had confessed my sins of abortion early on in my relationship with Jesus, but never felt free from the condemnation that would rear its ugly head (I`ve been a believer for 38 years now). About 22 years later, I did a live small group with other post-abortive women that began to release me from the condemnation. In 2005, I began to experience some freedom from my past by going through Steps to Freedom in Christ by Neil Anderson. But it wasn`t until I went through this study that I consider myself truly forgiven. To see myself, not only as His child, but a priest of God and an oak of righteousness are new visions for my life. I am forever grateful for the time that the author and my e-counselor invested in discipling me through this study. May I do right by them. May I do right by God for the grace given to simply believe Him and to move forward in life by getting to know Him more intimately through His word and an obedient life.
K-study: Binding Up The Brokenhearted 4-Apr. 2018 restored I went into this study hoping to turn to God to release my anguish from abortion, and received so much more. I did not realize how disconnected I was from living the way God wants me to live. Not only did I feel the mental chains from my abortion being broken, but I truly feel restored in other areas of my life as well. It guided me to live in a better way.
Shannon-study: Binding Up The Brokenhearted 5-Mar. 2018 silent no more I had an abortion when I was 19 and for almost ten years I buried my head, heart, and soul in the sands of that one decision until Jesus met me in October, 2015. I was not ready to go through the thought of what I had done ten years ago, until God paid for me to do this study. I was blessed with a scholarship to partake in this. God has plans for me. Now, I can talk to other women about the decision I made and the consequences of my sin with hope and not despair. I can proclaim the Good News to other women who have made the same decisions I have. God is able to do exceedingly and abundantly and Jesus is the only way. Jesus is the way, the truth, and the life. God has helped me be, ``silent no more.``
Sarah G-study: Binding Up The Brokenhearted 17-Feb. 2018 God is faithful From the beginning to the very last verses of this study, God proved Himself to be faithful and to be walking right beside me. The Lord has brought confirmation thru his word with each chapter. I have been so blessed and truly healed from the inside. I can now face the decision I made to get an abortion. I have confidence with what the truth of God`s word is, the conviction and the healing that it brings. Such a grateful heart. I want thank each and every person that plays a part in this study for your obedience to the calling.
LG-study: Binding Up The Brokenhearted 30-Jan. 2018 grace, forgiveness I am so thankful and grateful for the wonderful Bible study and for the generous help from Sharron. I have learned so much about God`s grace and forgiveness and sanctification. The Bible study has taught me to read verses on comfort and truth from God`s Word. I have learned that even though what I did was horrible, God loves me and sent His Son, His Precious, Beloved One and Only Son to die the most horrible death for me. I learned that He wants to cleanse me of ALL my sins. I am learning that I must live for Him and I desire to obedient to Him. My life is forever changed for the better. I do not belong to myself but to Our Master and King. Thank you so much for this amazing Bible Study.
Jennie-study: Binding Up The Brokenhearted 30-Jan. 2018 hope restored, transformed Binding Up The Brokenhearted has had a tremendous impact on my life. When I started this study, less than two months after my abortion, I was in a very deep, dark pit of regret, pain and sorrow. I did not feel I would ever be able to get out of it. But through the encouragement of God`s word, the prayer and compassion of my leader, and the gentle, loving touch of our heavenly father - I was able to come out of that pit and my hope has been restored. People who are close to me have commented on the tremendous growth/change they`ve noticed in me during the course of the study, and all I can do is give God the glory. My growth, joy and strength have all come from the Lord. When I didn`t think healing or hope was possible, the Lord restored and redeemed me. Although I still get sad about the loss I experienced through the abortion, I have the comfort and the love of the Holy Spirit to hold me during those times. This is a much better place to be than the dark, lonely and hopelessness feelings I experienced prior to drawing near to Him through this study. I have the desire to continue with my growing and healing journey, and to ultimately help other women who have been hurt by abortion in the future. I also hope for the opportunity to help prevent other women from going through with an abortion one day. This study was truly transformational for my heart and my life.
DW-study: Binding Up The Brokenhearted 30-Jan. 2018 changed from inside out Binding Up the Brokenhearted Study has done just what the title says. The study took my broken heart and brought it before Christ so that He could take what was going on in my life and heal the pain with His grace and mercy. He changed my heart from stone to flesh so that it would be soft enough to receive the healing balm of His word. He then applied it to my life and my heart, changing me from the inside out. I will never be the same, thank the Lord!
Donna-study: Binding Up The Brokenhearted 8-Jan. 2018 softened heart This study softened by heart which gave me the opportunity to grown in other areas of my life. Thank you.
Diane-study: Binding Up The Brokenhearted 22-Nov. 2017 suffering in silence This study was one of the best gifts that the Lord has given me. Before I was suffering in my silence. Although I loved God, I felt like a prisoner. I was depressed. Full of guilt and shame and felt alone. I had repented of my sins and yet I still felt like I was in a deep pit. I called out to the Lord who led me to this bible study and He walked me through the valley of the shadow of the dead and has given me hope, new life and freedom from all that weight I was carrying! He gave me understanding, love and forgiveness. Most of all He gave me healing! I am free in the Lord! And I am forever grateful to Healing Hearts Ministries!
N.S.-study: Binding Up The Brokenhearted 10-Nov. 2017
This study has really freed me and has given me tools to continue to look at myself and my relationship with Christ. I had started to grow cold in some ways. I kept reliving the past hurts, most having nothing to do with my abortion. I still was hurting from the abortion after all these years. As my church and I got more involved in the pro life movement, I was hearing other`s stories of their abortion experiences and what goes on at abortion clinics. This was bringing up serious pain and remorse. I knew that I was already forgiven, but weekly reminders were making it hard for me to get passed what I did. I felt that wounds were constantly being opened and I was feeling a deep shame. Doing this study has helped me tremendously. I have loved having a counselor to encourage me and someone that I can be honest with without judgement. This study has brought me back more to my first love, Jesus, reminding me of all the beautiful scriptures that captured my heart at the beginning of my walk with Christ. Going through the torture and crucifixion, wow. I had to repent for taking a lot of this for granted lately. This study had helped restore my walk and love for Him in a different and new way. I am embarrassed to admit it, but I didn`t realize that I was backsliding in ways. This study has helped me be more disciplined and accountable. I believe I am the kind of person who needs that. I want to be used by Him but will have nothing to give to others if I am not constantly in the word, working on my own walk. I need to look at my life and things I have done to hurt God and others and less looking at what others have done to me. I am hoping to be used in service to others for God`s glory. I have loved this study and I would highly recommend it to others. I pray that this study will bless other women who are suffering, who need to know or be reminded of Jesus` saving grace and love and who need to be rid of everything that holds them back from being used by HIM. It`s only through Jesus and His word that we can have healing and restoration. I am so grateful for this life changing study.
Marie-study: Binding Up The Brokenhearted 14-Sep. 2017 garden I didn`t even know I needed this study at first. I was very skeptical. Well, I DID need it, badly. As a 48 year old woman who has been walking with the Lord for 21 years, this study, along with the Holy Spirit, took me to places in my heart that I didn`t even know were there. Places that needed to be healed. We believers all have a garden that the Lord tends and makes beautiful. We love to show people that part. Many of us also have a part of the garden that is sectioned off, dark and gated, with deadness in it. What God did for me in this study was He burst open that gate and rooted out the deadness and made it beautiful as well. New plantings of humility and gentleness are there now. Hope, Joy, Love. My E Counselor, Leslie, was so patient with me. She made sure to keep me at a slow pace. I wanted to race through the study. But Leslie knew better. I am still very emotional about how God has changed me. I wish more people knew about this study. I learned that God DOES love me!! Glory to God
Lisa K. -study: Binding Up The Brokenhearted 28-Jun. 2017 free and full I redid this study after 15 years since my abortion. The Lord laid it upon my heart to share my testimony of my abortion to my church and it was posted publicly. God had done AMAZING GRACE work in my life and my only hope that someone who was in my shoes would know there is forgiveness and freedom in sharing! My journey has been hard, liberating, and most of all a reminder of His unfailing Love in my life! I have never felt so FREE since sharing my testimony. It is by God`s grace that I am completely healed! My life is so FULL and May God be the Glory!
GH-study: Binding Up The Brokenhearted 20-Jun. 2017 this bible study is different I have done a few other post-abortion Bible studies in the past, all good in their own way, but there was something really special with this particular study. It dealt with so much more for me than my abortion. God knew the things I needed further healing in. What attracted me to this particular study was that you were assigned a personal counselor, who was willing to come along side you and give you the help and encouragement. I liked the idea of having someone come along side to help you through when you felt like you couldn`t do it yourself.There were no group studies in my area, as I am from a small town, and getting help for post-abortion healing is almost non-existent. My counselor, Donna, was a real blessing. She doesn`t know it but there were things she said that really stepped on my toes at the beginning, but they were done in a loving way. They were things I know God wanted me to hear. I saw things in my heart that needed God`s cleansing, and deeper healing. I loved that this study is loaded with scripture, because that is where our true healing comes. I learned a lot from this study and I believe God gave me another greater level of healing that I needed. Thank you, Donna, for your sweet spirit and loving heart. You helped me know I was not alone, and Jesus understands me more than anyone or myself. I would highly recommend this Bible study for anyone hurting from abortion and the consequences of the their sins.
Jill-study: Binding Up The Brokenhearted 4-May. 2017 incredible journey This has been an incredible journey! God has used the Healing Hearts Bible Study to free me from the shame of my past. I know this journey has just begun. But it has allowed me to see how much God loves me and how much He has done for me. I am truly beginning to understand that Christ IS my righteousness and that there is nothing I have done or could do to earn (or lose) God`s favor.
SW-study: Binding Up The Brokenhearted 4-May. 2017 God`s amazing love This study is about so much more than abortion. When you open your heart to doing this work, God will show you who you really are and more importantly who He is, and it can be life changing. Even if you thought you knew it before, it will give you a new outlook of God`s amazing love.
S-study: Binding Up The Brokenhearted 23-Apr. 2017
I believed when I got my abortion that it wasn`t a baby yet and it was ok, because it was ok according to the laws. Bringing my baby in to the world would only cause so many more problems not just for me, but for everybody else too. I had the sin of pride, sin of self righteousness. I was trying to cover my shame for 34 years and was failing miserably. I was trying to please myself and making choices every day of my life to please myself. I learned that God hates the shedding of innocent blood and that I was a murderer. This has been very difficult for me to accept and know and will be difficult for the rest of my life. By faith, I believe that Jesus died on the cross that horrible death because He loves me and He has taken away my sin of abortion and covers my shame now. I`m still trying to see myself as that person with no sin because Jesus is my righteousness. I know this in my heart, but in my mind I`m hoping God will continue to heal me every day. I`m thankful for God`s grace. I`m thankful for the experience to go back and grieve the loss of my baby, which I had never done. I didn`t even know that I was so sad inside because I had killed my baby. I`m thankful for the opportunity to confess my sin of my abortion and all the fornication, lying and all my other sin. I`m thankful for God showing me all my bitterness. I didn`t see myself as a bitter person, yet at the same time, I couldn`t figure out why I was all alone. I`m thankful now that God has helped me give all that to Him and when another root shows up, He reveals that to me so I can take care of it. Now when stuff happens in my day, God reminds me to bring it to him so the sun does not go down on my wrath and so that bitterness cannot spring up.
MC-study: Binding Up The Brokenhearted 31-Mar. 2017 scripture throughout, heal privately This study has taught me how to navigate the Word concerning abortion and past hurts. I love that it has scripture all throughout the study. It takes you to the Bible, so those who have not read or understand the Word, can learn to do so through this study. It is truly the renewing of my mind that heals me. Getting God`s word in us brings about healing. And sometimes we don`t even know how, it just happens. No one can go through this study and not be impacted in some way. God`s word does not return void. During this study I have been convicted and purged certain things out of my life due to what I`ve learned during these weeks. Having a counselor on the other end is a God send. Some women may be more apt to do this study online because they do not have to face anyone. They can heal in the privacy of their own home. Just them and Jesus. I pray God does exactly that for every woman that goes through this program. God bless.
God loves -study: Binding Up The Brokenhearted 26-Feb. 2017
God loves us all. His love for you is unfailing, and He always pours it out. He is always there. You are never alone. God loves you. Don`t forget that. He wants to take the pain you are holding onto. Let Him make you whole again. He can do it, if you let Him.
Mary-study: Binding Up The Brokenhearted 9-Dec. 2016 Seeing Truth Through God`s Eyes For 33 years I`ve carried the shame of my abortion around with me. God has brought me to a place in my life where I have the opportunity to help others that have experienced the same awful crisis in their lives. In order to truly help other women like myself, I needed help to heal from my own abortion. I had to see the truth through God`s eyes; to truly accept His forgiveness for the terrible selfish decision I made to have an abortion. Its not easy looking back at all the details, but I did it with His help in this study (and Cynthia of course). God has healed my heart!!! What was ugly, full of shame and guilt, a deep wound, is now a scar to remind me that His grace is sufficient for me. I am HIS!!! Heart and soul and He loves me!!! What the enemy meant for bad, God turned to good.
Sharon-study: Binding Up The Brokenhearted 10-Oct. 2016 released This study has broadened my outlook on life, opening doors that were never opened before and releasing me from past hurts. It gave me such freedom to release all the guilt, shame and fear I carried for so long. God is good and His love is everlasting!!!! I feel blessed to have taken this study.
MM-study: Binding Up The Brokenhearted 10-Oct. 2016 Hope and healing Binding up the Brokenhearted is a study I would recommend to all women living with the sin of abortion - wherever you are on your healing journey. I began this study after accepting Christ`s forgiveness, and believing my past was behind me. As I journeyed through scripture, focusing and meditating so specifically on God`s word, I began to see my sin for the first time through God`s eyes, and this knowledge and understanding grew my relationship with the Lord greatly! As they say, I didn`t know what I didn`t know! I am so grateful to my loving Father for bringing me here, and encourage you, if you are being led, to find hope and healing here as well!
KM-study: Binding Up The Brokenhearted 7-Oct. 2016 broken heart to beauty This study helped me to see that it is possible for God to work even this deep pain for my good. He has taken the ashes of my broken heart and turned it into beauty. He is faithfully redeeming me and this study was like water for my soul.
Andre -study: Binding Up The Brokenhearted 26-Sep. 2016 life changing This study has been life changing for me. I have been a Christian for over 35 years, but still carried the shame and guilt from the abortion that I had 45 years ago. Walking though this study with my counselor has allowed the Lord to open my eyes and see how He has forgiven me and that I was not receiving what He was offering me. This study also addressed many other areas in which my thinking and heart were askew. I can`t describe exactly what has happened to me. I can just say that I have been changed by The Master`s touch. I now have a love, peace, joy and freedom that I have never experienced. Not only has this change been evident on the inside, but others have noticed a difference in me. My husband told me that I don`t get cranky as easily as I did before! I know it`s because The Lord changed me and I see differently now. My counselor, Donna, was instrumental in walking alongside me, being there to talk with and encouraging me when parts of this study were too hard to look at. Thank you Healing Hearts for this powerful ministry. May The Lord continue to use this tool in His hand to free many others.
J.-study: Binding Up The Brokenhearted 25-Sep. 2016 freed by the love of God I have been freed by the love of God through the life and death of Jesus to face the remains of over two decades of a sin I could not forget nor forgive. My guide walked with me step by step all the way through to the end, essentially holding my hand through the computer screen. I don`t think I would have done this study without her and that would have been a mistake because I would have lost out on my release from personal captivity. I grew to know God in a healing way through this study and I hold my head up on Mother`s Day now.
Katherine -study: Binding Up The Brokenhearted 15-Sep. 2016
Through God, Sharon, my bible study leader, and this study, I feel this program will help anyone who has gone through an abortion. God will see you through.
NT-study: Binding Up The Brokenhearted 9-Jul. 2016
I used to feel empty, as I was missing something in my life. I felt lonely, afraid, depressed and did not understand what was wrong with me. I was invited to a Spirit led church. As the Pastor started speaking, my heart was racing and I heard in my own voice ``I am home this is what I have been missing, the Word of God.`` I was in darkness, trying to keep pushing down my guilt, shame and embarrassment of what I had done, too ashamed to talk about my sins to anyone. But now I was in a safe place where I can seek forgiveness. There were classes for everyone, one that tugged at my heart was called Healing Hearts. I went through the class and was finally able to understand that God forgave me but I was not walking in full forgiveness I was a baby believer. Fast forward 17 yrs. I was invited by a counselor, my sister, to take The Hem of His Garment . I had grown in Christ, have a strong relationship with Jesus, but I knew I still needed to be healed. At the end of the lesson I had received more healing. I was more free in sharing my sin of abortion with other women and was not afraid what they would think or say. I knew I had taken the lesson so I could walk in the fullness God had wanted me to. My counselor invited me to take Binding up the Brokenhearted. I thought why I have already gone through Healing Hearts and Hem of His Garment, besides other release and victory classes in my church. But I listened to the the Holy Spirit and have now completed the lesson. I now truly know, that I know, I am healed completely of my shame and guilt. During this lesson I was able to share with my children sins of my past and ask them for forgiveness as well as others that I had to ask for forgiveness including my Heavenly Father. I am truly a new creation and walking stronger with Jesus everyday. Because of His love I can love others with greater joy. Thank you Healing Hearts ministries! God took me through a long path of healing, release and peace....
GRM -study: Binding Up The Brokenhearted 20-Jun. 2016 Seeking Truth from Scripture My favorite part of this study was backing away from worldly advice and seeking truth from scripture. Our friends have well meaning in life, but only God`s Word can offer healing, and set a captive free. I was once a slave, but now behold, I`m a new creature. Thanks and glory be to God!
s-study: Binding Up The Brokenhearted 12-May. 2016 no longer chained Last weekend in church, on Mother`s Day, for the first time in 39 years, since the conception of my second child, the first to be born, I was guilt-free to celebrate the joy of being a mother. My guilt (no matter how much I had justified it), my shame, and my pain was gone. I am no longer chained to the sadness that would not go away. I am no longer chained to the silence I had to keep. My God and my Lord, the only one who could impart forgiveness, has forgiven me, forgiven me for taking my child`s life. And now, I can walk and sin no more. And, I will meet my child one day in heaven unashamed! Thank you Jesus. And thank you Healing Hearts Ministry. Amen.
Kristy-study: Binding Up The Brokenhearted 13-Apr. 2016 transformed These studies have brought me to a new place. I see the growth in many ways and daily I`m still being transformed. I finally learned to RECEIVE God`s grace and love and see it is necessary! You can`t just know it in your head you MUST believe it in your heart. We have much power in our words and our thoughts. It can be toxic to your life and others if we don`t continually take them captive. It`s the only way to be free from all the pain, fear and mental anguish the enemy throws your way. What we want is not always what we need. I look back at the place I used to be. It`s gone. She is gone! Now everyday I get more freedom in Christ. My thoughts have changed, my perception of others has changed and my way of life has changed! I`ve lost almost 35 lbs and that is a great feeling! As we change in the inside everything changes on the outside, but Jesus must be the center of it all! Things can weigh us down if we allow our flesh to rule and not His spirit. Everyone needs this study! It changes you in ways you can`t see because you are suppressing or hiding behind a mask (because of fear and pride). We all need to be reformed....refined...transformed....made whole. My life is changed forever and I`m grateful!
Sherre -study: Binding Up The Brokenhearted 29-Mar. 2016 express feelings and not alone I`m 31 years old,and I was 11 weeks pregnant when I had my abortion. I began the study a week after my abortion. At that moment, I was battling many emotions which I did not know how to process. I really did not know who to express my feelings with and I felt alone. My family wanted me to rush my feelings, which was something I just could not do. My friends were there, but I felt they could not grasp my hurt. When I joined the study, my counselor was able to provide guidance. I no longer felt alone. I was able to process my emotions and learn about God`s love for me and His forgiveness. Many times we all suppress our emotions, and wear a mask (showing that you`re okay)when you`re actually hurting. That mask was able to be dropped down and I was able to express how I was feeling and learning through each chapter.
Judi -study: Binding Up The Brokenhearted 17-Feb. 2016 curious if different from other post abortion bible studies As a post-abortion bible study leader for many years, using other studies, I went into this study curious to find out if it was different from the others. I was able to do it online, and I must say, my counselor was a Godly and very perceptive leader. This study is different in the way that the focus is always on the Word and Jesus, not on the person and their abortion experience. If one comes to a deeper understanding of what Christ did for her, then life changes dramatically in all ways. And I feel that even after being a Christian, seeped in God`s Word for 35 years, that deeper understanding changed me. This is a blessed study.
T.-study: Binding Up The Brokenhearted 16-Feb. 2016 overcome shame and guilt This study has helped me to overcome shame and guilt about my abortion. It helped reveal to me some things that I didn`t know that I was not fully recovered from yet. This study is amazing and I would definitely recommend it to anyone who has had an abortion.
Marci B-study: Binding Up The Brokenhearted 22-Jan. 2016 thankful Thankfulness. I am so thankful for this study and the tremendous impact it has had on my life: for healing where I didn`t know I needed to be healed, for forgiveness where I didn`t know I needed to be forgiven. It was as though I had been swimming under water holding my breath as a Christian, and I was ok because I could hold my breath. I knew if I came up from the water I could get breath for life and then go on swimming underwater again along with the weight of the water (my sin), and blurred vision of being under water (not seeing my sin clearly), with the light dim (not seeing the full meaning of the cross), all the while knowing that if I come out of the water I could have true life (the truth of His Word). Then I could breath easily, move about freely, see things clearly, reflect the glory of the Savior truly. God brought me out of the water to walk on dry land in the warmth of His lovingkindness, His grace, His beauty. He does want to make all things new. His timing is perfect. I aborted my child 33 years ago, became a Christian 13 years ago and opened my eyes to the beauty of the Savior again 3 months ago. Thankful I am. Very thankful. Also very thankful for my e-counselor. When I began, I had great reservations about an online study. I was completely wrong about it. Completely. She is amazing! I am so thankful for her prayers. Her kindness. Her truthfulness. God began a work in her that she may pass it on to another. I am another. Thank you!
Chris-study: Binding Up The Brokenhearted 13-Jan. 2016 carried shame for 40 years If there is one thing I would want to share with anyone who may read this, it is this: I carried deep, dark secrets and shame for far too long (some 40 years!). The decision to cover up that shame affected my life in many negative ways. Now I know that God never intended this for me; I simply did not know that there was a better way. I thank God that I was lead to my church, that I met a sister in Christ who also hid in darkness, and that I saw the Healing Hearts brochure in the church restroom, because the steps I`ve taken along with my mentor in this study have totally changed me, my marriage, and how I see my future. I pray that you, too, will open your mind, heal your heart, and feel the joy that God has intended for you. Praises be to God for His grace and mercy! Thank You, God, for leading and inspiring my mentor and the Healing Hearts founders and volunteers. I know I will steadfastly recommend this healing opportunity to those who I sense need help.
YK -study: Binding Up The Brokenhearted 16-Dec. 2015 heart changing love This study has changed my life completely! If you pray for God to help at the lowest point of your life, He will be there. Remembering that His time is always perfect. I felt my soul was sucked out of me, and praying for God to change my life. He brought me to this amazing study to fully understand Him and what He did for us, how beautiful and precious life is, how much He loves us, forgives us, and that I don`t have to punish myself for it anymore. What an eye opening, heart changing love I have received through this study. Thank you!
Jill -study: Binding Up The Brokenhearted 9-Nov. 2015 2nd time through study This study has set me free. I went through this study 15 years ago when I was 40 years old and had a newborn child and two preteen children. At the time, it was a life saver but because of how busy my life was at that time, I didn`t benefit from it as much as the second time around. I hope to revisit parts of it in the future and hope to plant my root system like a oak tree. I have walked with the Lord closely these past 15 years but some of the storms I have passed through knocked the wind out of me. I hope and pray that I can finish the journey well. This study has been a great help. I think all the news about abortion now and all the open discussions satan used to start that voice of condemnation in me again. I plan to cling to the verses that have set me free until the day I go home to heaven. I hope to discover where my spiritual gifts are so I can better serve the Lord in the future.
Sarah-study: Binding Up The Brokenhearted 29-Oct. 2015 introduced to the Healer I dragged this study on most weeks, I even wanted to stop sometimes when life seemed to get too busy. Luckily, my mentor was pursuant. This study, from the very beginning, was a quest I did not want to take because of the pain it caused to face the Truth. After confronting the Truth, and discovering the lies I had come to believe, I feel freed. I am not so troubled by my sins that threatened to overtake me, because Jesus has overcome them. I believe that I am forgiven when I ask the Lord for forgiveness. I trust in his grace and mercy, and that it is enough to wash away my sins from long ago, and the ones I`ll make tomorrow. I have been healed from the sin of my abortion, but most importantly I have been introduced to the Healer of all of my tomorrows. I believe He really does love me - and none of my works, actions, thoughts, sins, or prayers will change the fact that He loves me. I have learned I can always go back to our Father, and He will be there waiting and eager to have me start new. He wants me to push forward and to sin no more, no matter how many times I must move forward from having fallen backward. I was stuck in a rut that was very defeating to me emotionally and spiritually; I have found a new door that has always been unlocked- I just had never opened. Now today - I open that door constantly. Yes, it closes sometimes. And I knock again. He opens it again. I see the relationships in my life that are old, and I can see more clearly the ones that have grown new in Him. It is difficult to grow apart from the lifestyle I no longer live - the thoughts I no longer DESIRE - and the feelings I continuously work to line up with his Word. But it is a gift that gives daily, even on the days I don`t want it, and on every day- when I do not deserve it. Blessed be the Lord!! I know Him better now.
Lisa -study: Binding Up The Brokenhearted 20-Oct. 2015 thankful I am very thankful for the Healing Hearts course. I liked the ability to do it online as an e-study. Having the opportunity to revisit the details of the events leading up to my abortions as well as remembering the details of the day itself and the days following was helpful. I am especially appreciative of being given an e-counselor to walk with me through the study. For me, this was the most impacting part of the journey. Having someone there to share my deepest concerns with, and having her share parts of her own story with me, was invaluable. My counselor, Sherry, stuck with me through thick and thin, consistently showing me the love and patience of Christ. She gave me wise Biblical counsel and always treated me with kindness, even when I was not particularly easy to be kind to. I am grateful for her beyond words. I want to say thank you to the creators of this Bible Study and the staff of Healing Hearts Ministries and especially to Sherry for her Christ-like care and concern for me. I am thankful.
Lauren -study: Binding Up The Brokenhearted 23-Sep. 2015 biggest impact was chapter on the cross The biggest impact I had was learning to talk about what I went through. I felt it most as I went through the chapter of the cross, and learned what Jesus truly went through just for me. I am a work in process and I will always be. However, to learn what Christ went through just for me, and now what I can do for Him because of my past is something worth expressing.
HW-study: Binding Up The Brokenhearted 31-Jul. 2015
This bible study is unlike any other bible study I have been through before. It forces you to face the reality of your sin and need for a Savior, but it also gently reminds you that God is right there waiting to receive you with open arms no matter what you may be going through. This study has helped me focus my attention more so on Christ and what He has already done for me and has given me hope for the future as well. I would recommend this study for any female, especially post-abortive.
Amy-study: Binding Up The Brokenhearted 31-Jul. 2015
I came into this study thinking I was already healed from the pain of my abortion and at peace with myself and with God. But this study has led me to dig deeper into God`s word, to dig deeper into my own heart and mind and allowed me to gain a better understanding of God`s love for me. I am so Thankful I went through this study and I am thankful for my wonderful counselor who challenged me to go deeper with each chapter and was available to help guide me each step of the way.
M.Mwende.C-study: Binding Up The Brokenhearted 31-Jul. 2015 long lost love This study has further solidified and clarified many aspects that have to do with who I am, who He is, what He has done, what is rightfully mine. Praise God, for forgiving me and making where I now stand very clear. Thank you ladies for equipping and supporting many women to receive their inheritance in Christ, their freedom, their liberty, their long lost love (CHRIST ALONE).
LV -study: Binding Up The Brokenhearted 15-Jun. 2015 battle field in the mind For a long time I have been focusing on wordly things of this world. After going through some of the chapters I learned to let go of those things, and have changed my perspective in life. I struggled with negative thoughts, always expecting the worse in things. I was not able to enjoy the moment and living my negative thought stories that never even happened. I was angry all the time. I have been believing the lies of the enemy and it made me miserable and had a low self esteem. But now that I have realized that, I have committed to keep re-calibrating my mind with God`s truth and praying to Him for help in the battle field of my mind. I thank God for His word because it is healing me.
S. Lindon-study: Binding Up The Brokenhearted 1-Jun. 2015 Changed my Life This study changed my life! I was living with a heart bound in bars and chains of guilt and shame, anger and bitterness. Through the perfect atonement of Christ I have been forgiven! Through this study, I have been healed. To God be the glory forever and ever!!! Amen and Amen!!!
sm-study: Binding Up The Brokenhearted 22-May. 2015 tried other counseling This ministry is the very thing, after trying other counseling groups, that really made the healing difference for me. This is a ministry set up in a very God glorifying way. You aren`t given a bunch of human opinions, but every step is through the Word of God. Truly that is our only answer, hope, and the power to move out of sin into his wonderful light. I would highly recommend this study to any woman struggling in this area. In Christ his blood is sufficient. Go to Jesus and be healed. I was!
A.L. -study: Binding Up The Brokenhearted 14-May. 2015 letting go The biggest thing that the Lord put on my heart during this study is that He IS sufficient. When I condemn myself for past sins that I have already repented of, I am not fully acknowledging His power over sin or the sacrifice He made for me. It's like me saying to Him, "You aren't enough". Seeing my self-condemnation through His eyes hurts my heart, for I do believe that He IS enough, that His love for me IS immense and that His sacrifice was more than enough to cover my sins. Therefore, I am letting it go and giving it fully to Him once and for all!
Carmen -study: Binding Up The Brokenhearted 30-Mar. 2015 find freedom This study has revealed the healing power of my Lord and Savior. Terminating my babies life is a sin, but my Father in Heaven has forgiven me. Healing Hearts has been a blessing and I pray that as many women that are broken hearted from the decision they made will come across this study and find the freedom I have found.
L-study: Binding Up The Brokenhearted 1-Mar. 2015 healed I am beyond grateful and blessed I found this Bible study online. I was in a very sad place for such a long time. Crying, depressed, ashamed... What a complete blessing this Bible study has been for me. I have learned more about the Word of God and have strengthened my relationship with Him. This study has changed my life. I feel healed. I know God's love, mercy, and grace are bigger than anything. I know that I am whole and strong in Him and I will continue to grow into an oak of righteousness if I stay rooted in His word. Special thanks to my mentor, Sheila, who prayed with me and offered me encouragement throughout my studies - so blessed to have been able to work with her and ask her questions along the way. I would recommend this study to anyone hurting from the trauma of abortion. God bless you!
suzanne -study: Binding Up The Brokenhearted 24-Feb. 2015 mended and transformed The depths of my broken heart has been revealed, mended and transformed into a living heart with His joyful grace.~
PK-study: Binding Up The Brokenhearted 15-Feb. 2015 freedom and healing I truly believe that I have experienced freedom and healing. For the first time in my life, when people are discussing past wounds, hurts, and mistakes, I no longer experience the old pangs of guilt. 1 John 1:9 is my take away verse. "If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness." ALL... not some, he doesn't pick and choose. I am purified from ALL unrighteousness. I have learned that you can't out sin the cross. There is no sin, no hurt, no action, that Jesus doesn't cover if we take it to the cross.
jennifer-study: Binding Up The Brokenhearted 18-Dec. 2014 impacted life This bible study has impacted my life because I became aware that as a result of my abortion and the pain that endured because of my sin, I have continued to live my life in sin thinking that the next sin would compensate for the next and the next. I realize that by doing this, my actions are saying {it is not finished} rather than when Jesus died on the cross for my sins and said, "It is finished." I have the power to stop believing that I need to forgive myself or punish myself in place of Jesus. I have also become aware that I had idols in my life that I have been placing above God. I have been looking to people to give me peace, power, protection and prestige. I also have been looking to people to fulfill my need for love. This study has taught me how to express myself to God in prayer and thankfulness for teaching me the correct ways to react to hurt, bitterness, unforgiveness and deep wounds in a way that aligns with the word of God rather than dealing with it selfishly. This study has taken me on a journey to reveal how selfish I am and how much I need the Lord. I am grateful for Lesley's patience, persistence, harshness, correction, rebuking through the knowledge of God to keep me in line with the ways of the Lord. I realize this study unveiled a lot to me and it is a good start. I would like to continue to keep on learning about God. I am thankful for this study and that God led me to a place where He is beginning to bind up my broken heart.
Jessica-study: Binding Up The Brokenhearted 9-Dec. 2014
This bible study is a must do for anyone who has had an abortion. I don't care how long it's been or how much you believe you may not need a bible study. I started this because I wanted to begin an abortion recovery class at my church. I didn't realize how much I still needed to heal. I thank Healing Hearts for this Spirit led study. I thank my counselor, Lisa, for her patience and I highly recommend this study!
Yvonne-study: Binding Up The Brokenhearted 21-Nov. 2014 peace and joy God, in His amazing grace and with tender mercies, has used this bible study to change my thinking about abortion. I no longer see it as an option for pregnancy. Through this study, God has also delivered me from sins that resulted from multiple abortions, and attitudes of the heart that have hindered my relationship with Him and my husband. He has taught me what true forgiveness is through the sacrifice of His only begotten son; that there is healing of the mind, soul and body through the stripes that Jesus bore for my sins. The Lord is renewing my mind through His Word and His Spirit convicts me of unrighteous behaviors. His Word leads me on the path of righteousness. The more time I spend in the Word of God, the more the lusts of the flesh do not have the same pull on me as they once did. I have peace and joy in my soul which I haven't experienced in over 30 years. Praise be to God through Jesus Christ my Lord and Savior!
Shirleen -study: Binding Up The Brokenhearted 23-Oct. 2014
I am 63 years old and have gone through several steps of healing from my abortion in 1965. This bible study caused me to go back in time and heal old hidden wounds. I have read many Bible studies regarding post abortion but this one has been the absolute best. I love all the scripture references and the deep study about love, forgiveness, and righteousness. I also appreciate the precious love that the study brought out and the encouragement to help others heal.I have worked with post-abortive women in the past but thanks to this study feel more prepared for the future.
AM-study: Binding Up The Brokenhearted 23-Sep. 2014 reborn I feel reborn in Christ. I shut God out of my life 36 years ago when I decided to have the abortion. This study has opened my mind and my heart to God again. He is a constant presence in my life now. It is hard to believe that I lived so long without acknowledging Him. It is a huge relief to come home to God. This study has provided me with the comfort and knowledge that I can turn to God at any time for guidance. I had read much of the Bible in my youth. Now in my 50's, I read it from a different perspective on life. It is a great comfort.
VH-study: Binding Up The Brokenhearted 18-Sep. 2014 heal your wounded spirit and set you free This study has helped deepen my relationship with Christ and unburdened my body, mind and soul of the cost and toll my past actions brought full force into my life. I encourage everyone to gift themselves with the fullness of God's gracious blessing of forgiveness and draw closer to him and the life He would have you live in His righteousness. This study, when approached with an open heart, will heal your wounded spirit and set you free.
Teri -study: Binding Up The Brokenhearted 24-Jun. 2014 raised Catholic I have have given bits and pieces of my testimony as I have gone through this bible study. I was raised in a catholic home with 2 sisters. I always felt there had to be more about God than the God I was taught about. I got pregnant at 17 and married had a sweet baby girl and began what I thought would be a wonderful life with my knight in shinning armor. I soon found out that was not to be. I was in a mentally and sexually abusive marriage for 10 horrible years. I was pressured to have an abortion, my husband did not want a child at that time. My abortion was the final thing that brought me to my knees in despair and hopelessness, but thank God it also brought me to Him in 1973. I found myself divorced with three children. It was difficult, but God in His mercy was with me. I was still a sinner making mistakes but my heart desired to know His word and live for Him and have my children know Him too. I stuffed down my abortion at times pretending it never happened and at other times thanking the Lord for His forgiveness. I went in and out of that thinking most of my Christian life. I never felt I was good enough. God, in His mercy, has been putting people and situations in my life to bring me to a place of finally dealing with my abortion. It has been a hard journey, one that I am thankful He pressed in and didn't let me run away anymore. I have volunteered at 3 Pregnancy Centers. I am currently volunteering. It is a blessing to serve there and be part of God's work in helping those who are hurting. My personality is not one of a leader, at least not as far as I am concerned. I have felt very drawn to post-abortive women, yet never felt I could really be a leader. I now feel at peace with Healing Hearts and their support system.
Tammie-study: Binding Up The Brokenhearted 31-May. 2014 Opened My Eyes This study has opened my eyes to Gods amazing love and his offer of forgiveness.
Sally-study: Binding Up The Brokenhearted 1-May. 2014
At 19 I was date raped and I got pregnant. I didn't tell anyone until I was 7 months along. I chose abortion. Mom went with me to the clinic. It was eye-opening. A 14 yr old girl on my left was being encouraged by her two sisters and her mother, who all had abortions. To our right were two older women. One of them asked why I was so upset. She said she has had 7 abortions and she is fine. I was upset because the doctor told me I was too far along. I was going to have a saline injection. My mom gave me her medical journal and I highlighted the word, "Usually" in this phrase, "The baby USUALLY is stillborn". I prayed on it all night long, by morning the baby was kicking me and I was crying. I knew it was going to be ok to have my baby.
Then I met my husband. It was a rocky time. I got pregnant while we were broke up. We communicated that I would abort the baby with nods and shakes of the head. He didn't go with me. I pushed the memory deep into my soul. It all surfaced years later. We ended up separated, and we had to deal with it then. We were apart for two years. By the grace of God we reconciled. We now have a Christ centered marriage and I know I am forgiven. I believe I have a story to share because I have lived on both sides of the abortion issue. I was a teen, I was raped, I prayed to God for His help and I had my baby. She is now a beautiful servant of God, and one of the best things that happened to me. Later, I was in my early 20's. I had a job. Life was good. I didn't pray to God because I didn't want to have this baby, and be a mother of two children, by different fathers. I aborted my baby. I turned my face from God so that I didn't have to feel shame. It affected my entire life going forward.
Pam C. -study: Binding Up The Brokenhearted 27-Apr. 2014 Breaking Free From Bondage Because of God's Love. When I first decided to do this study I wanted to start with the Hem of His Garment. I had anger issues, and a lot of fear that I had been fighting to get over for years. I wanted to have friends, and not be afraid to reach out to anyone. I was locked away for so many years. I was sitting in church when Sue L got up and showed a video. I realized God was telling me it is time, and to do the study. I went home that day from church, and signed up for the Hem of His Garment.
A few pages into the study they switched me over to the Binding up the Brokenhearted study. I had an abortion back when I was 19, but I thought I had dealt with it on my own. I didn't understand anything I had done, and never thought twice about what it did to God. I didn't know God at the time of the abortion, but I do remember praying and being angry that I did it, and angry at a God I did not know. Years passed and I went on with my life. I didn't have a good life before my abortion, and I feel I had a worse one after it.
I came from a very broken home, where there was no real love expressed. We were never allowed to talk about our feelings, or show any kind of emotion of closeness. I have been on my own since I was 14. I was kicked out of school for something my sister did, and then my parents kicked us out of the house. My first boyfriend was 21 years old. I thought he loved me. I never really trusted him to love me, and so I pushed him away. Eventually, he cheated on me, and I left him. I was always in search of someone to love me. I associated sex with love. I felt if I gave them what they wanted, they would never leave me. I was wrong. I was only used by men, then tossed aside.
Later, I became pregnant again. Due to being anorexic, I had a miscarriage and almost died. I recovered from that, and life went on as usual. I did this for years. I got married and divorced three times. I married abusive men, but my lack of belief that I was lovable also destroyed those marriages. I have been divorced for almost thirteen years, and a Christian for 12 of those years.
I love my church, and the people in it, but I have never been able to develop a close relationship with anyone, because of my past. I didn't realize how much it had impacted me. Even with the years I have spent in my church, and going on missions with them, I have always felt like an outsider. I felt I never belonged because I wasn't good enough to be around. I was unlovable. I can honestly say that being a Christian, for all these years, God has kept me safe from hurting myself with men. I have been celibate all these years, and that has been a blessing. But, I have not learned to love, or be loved back, because I didn't think I deserved to be loved.
Through this study, I have learned that God has forgiven me, and He changed my heart. He has loved me and seen me through this study. He has shown me His love, grace, mercy and forgiveness. He has shown me, no matter what, He is here with me, and He loves me. He has opened my eyes to the pain and hurt that has kept me in bondage all these years, and now He has set me free.
I am so grateful to Sue for this study, to my friends at church, and to Tammy my counselor, who have helped and encouraged me through this healing. Thank you all for loving me and being my brothers and sisters in Christ Jesus. My biggest achievement in life is finding Christ, and learning to love and trust in Him. Praise God for never leaving, nor forsaking, His people. Amen.
Michelle-study: Binding Up The Brokenhearted 26-Apr. 2014 Deeper Understanding I have a deeper understanding of how much God cares for me, and loves me. I am looking forward to sharing how the view of myself has improved. I am not feeling as unworthy and unlovable as I was. It is getting firmly set in my mind, heart & soul that God is not watching for me to do something wrong. Of course, He desires I follow His ways, but if I fail and sin, He isn't condemning me and looking at me like I am a loser. He wants me to get back in fellowship with Him, repent, and live my life with joy, so that others will see His light in me, for HIS glory. His forgiveness in unending ♥ for everyone . . . me too! What a great study and time of soul searching this has been. So thankful to have had this Healing Hearts Ministry shared with me by a friend. Thank you ~ I pray others who need healing will commit to completing this study. I am also very thankful for the counselor who was assigned to me. She is full of love and grace, and offered many words of encouragement and wisdom. Love her! ♥ In Jesus great love ~ thank you, Michelle
J-study: Binding Up The Brokenhearted 21-Apr. 2014 peace and forgiveness This study has brought me peace in my soul, something I thought I would never have or deserved. There is forgiveness through Jesus and strength in the word of God. I highly recommend this study to anyone who is suffering from the emotional and spiritual damage done by having an abortion.
Lynn-study: Binding Up The Brokenhearted 21-Apr. 2014 healing and forgiveness This study has helped me heal. I thought I had dealt with forgiveness of my sin aborting two babies years ago. It wasn't TOTALLY dealt with. There was more to uncover so that I could heal totally and know that my sin was forgiven evermore. This study reopened my eyes to how deep God's love is for each us and how He wants us to become more like Him. Sin causes such a separation from Him. He wants us to draw close to Him. He offers such peace and comfort when we come to Him with our pain and hurts. He knows. He's there. He wants to heal us from all our sufferings and afflictions and gives us an abundant joyful, fulfilled life which can only happen through Him because of what He did on the cross for us. I have been set free from the pain of what I have done, and FORGIVEN.
Deidre -study: Binding Up The Brokenhearted 21-Apr. 2014 never be the same I thank God for Healing Hearts. I will never ever be the same and I know that God has forgiven me and given me a new life in Him. My past is over and I can walk into my future with my Father.
DC-study: Binding Up The Brokenhearted 28-Feb. 2014 freedom and strength This study has been very thorough, just what I needed. Even though I have gone through much healing the past 35 years, it still had not been completed until I went through this study. Freedom and strength are the two words that best describe what this study has helped me birth within me. Although it has been very painful, this thorough study walked me through with truth, which hurts, but also God's grace. It has been a cleansing, renewing, and a strengthening process. The scriptures and interaction with them while writing have caused a deeper meditation and integration of God's truth, which helped to break the lingering bondages. I loved the writings to My heavenly Father.This above all helped me reflect how the abortion has affected me and to express them to Him. Although I have verbally done this, it was powerful writing it, and actually seeing it written that caused a greater cleansing, and healing. I am finally living in total freedom from the bondages of the abortion. I no longer carry shame and guilt. I am able to speak about it without being tormented. Christ has cleansed me and strengthened me. I now can share this and bring God's truth and healing to others that have gone through an abortion. I highly recommend this study to women and men I encounter that have experienced an abortion.
Stacy-study: Binding Up The Brokenhearted 10-Feb. 2014 not alone I love Healing Hearts because I'm not alone. I love my counselor and she walked with me through the scriptures and held me accountable. This study is filled with the Word of God that speaks directly to my heart.
LJ-study: Binding Up The Brokenhearted 31-Dec. 2013 life restored I was in a very dark space, unsure of how I could possibly get back into God's good books again. This study had me explore God's love for me and I truly came to recognize what God's love for me truly means. I know now that God is the ultimate provider and I always need to put Him first and go to Him first. I know this study took me awhile but I thank God for not allowing my counselor to give up on me. Her patience and endurance speaks volume as to what God can do and how God restores life. My life is being restored!!
LJ-study: Binding Up The Brokenhearted 31-Dec. 2013 My life is being restored!!! I was in a very dark space unsure of how I could possibly get back into God's good books again. This study had me explore God's love for me and I truly came to recognize what God's love for me truly means. I know now that God is the ultimate provider and that I always need to put Him first and go to Him first. I know this study took me awhile but I thank God for not allowing my counsellor to give up on me. Her patience and endurance speaks volume as to what God can do and how God restores life. My life is being restored!!
Jenny-study: Binding Up The Brokenhearted 30-Dec. 2013 life completely changed I came to Healing Hearts broken and just a shell of who I once was. I was consumed with so much bitterness and anger that I didn't think I could ever be whole. After completing the "Binding up the Broken Hearted" bible study, my life has completely changed. I am healed. I understand how much God loves me now. I feel His love daily and this study helped me work through all of the bitterness that was keeping me from feeling that love. Praise Jesus for Healing Hearts!
f.m-study: Binding Up The Brokenhearted 2-Dec. 2013 set free I'm thankful to the Lord for leading me to this study. The Lord got me to feel and shed all the brokenness and receive healing and forgiveness. The Lord has taken away my shame and healed my broken heart. He showed me there is hope and forgiveness in Him. I no longer feel the shame and guilt I have always felt. I no longer have to bear the thought that I have to carry this burden alone. God has set me free. He's proven it to me and He can do it for you too. This study was life changing for me. I am now in a closer connection to Jesus than ever before. There is power in the name of Jesus!!
Brandy-study: Binding Up The Brokenhearted 2-Dec. 2013 changed forever I have been able to move outside of the act of abortion and really embrace the healing part of moving forward. There are many sins we commit yet this one seems to keep us in bondage. I have found a new freedom in expressing this sin publicly in order to not only influence other women to make a smarter and healthier choice for their lives and their bodies, but to show the grace of God and that He offers freedom and cleansing from any sin! Most women make this decision in ignorance. Not ignorant to the act, but ignorant of the knowledge of how much it truly brings God sorrow. I had no idea that God would be so sorrowful over it when I had mine. It wasn't until I was saved that I could properly deal with what really happened and let God's grace shower me as He showed me. Changed forever!
DDN-study: Binding Up The Brokenhearted 18-Nov. 2013 free for the 1st time in 20 years Thank you Healing Hearts ministry for this study. Abortion has hurt and damaged me for years. Through your study and the power of Jesus Christ, I feel free for the first time in 20 years.
JA-study: Binding Up The Brokenhearted 27-Sep. 2013 forgiven as far as the east is from the west This bible study has shown me the incredibly difficult realization of how I killed 2 innocent children. It is so painful to write that out. I am horrified of my actions and it will always haunt me. I do know that I am forgiven as far as the east is to the west and that God loves me.
That I know for sure. I am so thankful I had the opportunity to really deal with my abortions and then begin the healing process. I pray God will use me to help others through this difficult journey as well. I know one day I will meet those two sweet children and that God has been taking great care of them. This is part of my healing as well.
Debbie S -study: Binding Up The Brokenhearted 27-Sep. 2013
I came to this study through the advice of a friend. God had appointed a day for me to deal with an abortion I had over 20 years ago. I wasn't sure what to do with the fact that I was admitting this - nor did I even begin to realize what God wanted to show me from His Word. I accepted the Lord as my Savior as a young girl. I had strayed far from Him, making decisions that I knew were wrong. God drew me back to Him through the death of my mother. I realized then that I had made a very bad decision to have an abortion, but I knew I could not change my choice. For some reason a day came after a sermon preached by my Pastor and a question by a friend was asked of me. I could not say everything was fine - someone I barely knew I confided in. I have no doubt that God's Spirit was upon me that day and He wanted me to understand how great and wide and deep His love for me truly was and that is what this Healing Hearts study has done for me. God has used your ministry and now my daughter is also doing one of these studies. God has taken a broken family and is mending and healing it. Sometimes it is painful and more valleys need to be gone through. I want to be a mighty oak with strong roots deep in the ground - rooted in Jesus.
Barbara -study: Binding Up The Brokenhearted 27-Sep. 2013 freedom wasn't expected This study has given me a freedom I had not yet experienced. I would recommend it to all women who have gone through an abortion or abortions. It is never too late to understand how God forgives us and how much He loves us. It is not about how we see ourselves, it's about how God sees us and how absolutely nothing can separate us from His love, grace and mercy when we accept Him as our Lord and Savior. Thank you to my wonderful counselor, Tracey, who shared about herself and her experiences and gave me so much encouragement along the way.
Patti -study: Binding Up The Brokenhearted 27-Sep. 2013 broken chains and set free Thank you, "C" ( counselor ) for spending time with me, to try to get me to understand His grace and mercy, to understand He has forgiven me. Not by any works I could ever do to undo the bad things I've done, but by His Love, His Grace and His Mercies. I know I am empowered by the Holy Spirit to do what He wills me to do so I can glorify Him. He alone, can break my chains and set me free from the prison I have locked myself into. Thank You, Lord, Thank you, Healing Hearts Ministry. Blessings be given to you and all who enter into His Word.
Renee -study: Binding Up The Brokenhearted 27-Sep. 2013 changed my life Prior to this study, I blamed others for the decision to have an abortion and harbored unforgiveness in my heart towards those who urged me to make that decision. The guilt from having an abortion always weighed heavily on my mind and heart. I felt as though God would allow my children to die because I killed this precious gift that He bestowed upon me. Binding Up the Brokenhearted really changed my life by taking my personal situation and comparing it to the Word of God! It walked me through making the decision to have an abortion and the morning that comes after I had it done. I learned about how God views abortion and the anger, guilt, shame, depression and consequences that followed. I found how to truly repent, accept the forgiveness of the cross, resist temptation and to be confident in my belief that God's grace is all I will ever need!
Andrea -study: Binding Up The Brokenhearted 27-Sep. 2013 new creation Thank you Jesus for this bible study and online counselors who help gently push you to finish. I was so broken in my abortions. Thank you for setting me free. What a blessing to have this study help break the bondage of sin. I have struggled in my Christian walk to find peace in my abortions until now. Thru this study I see how God has always loved me and how I needed to fully accept His grace to be set free of guilt and shame. I am a new creation.
Joanna -study: Binding Up The Brokenhearted 27-Sep. 2013 God's grace is enough This bible study has helped me so much in better understanding my abortion experience. I was a complete mess and I felt that my image was ruined. But, through this study, I have learned that God's grace is more than enough. He loves me unconditionally and He heals my wound. He makes me perfect in my weaknesses. Now, I have stopped worrying about my past and my future as God is with me. I strongly recommend women who have had the same experience like me to join this bible study. May God bless you all.
Laura-study: Binding Up The Brokenhearted 27-Sep. 2013 peace, joy and freedom in Christ I spent so much time living with a big hole in my heart, trying to fill it with the little that the world offers, trying to distract myself from the pain of my soul, sinking more into sin, living with anxiety, anger, sadness, without realizing that the only thing I had always needed was GOD. Through this study, I was able to know who God is and to witness His power. God changed my life completely. He gave me freedom from the yoke I carried for committing the sin of abortion, and He healed wounds made by others. The blood of Jesus cleansed my sin and gave me new life. I thank God for His infinite mercy and love, and Healing Hearts for bringing His word so far to reach the wounded hearts of many women. The sin of abortion is rooted in other sins. This study goes to the bottom of these roots, and plants seeds of wisdom from God. From there, the fruit that comes is peace, joy, and freedom in Christ.
Lori -study: Binding Up The Brokenhearted 27-Sep. 2013 joy and peace Dear Sisters, If you have experienced abortion, you may know well the darkness that clings to your life. You may have accepted that darkness as the consequences of your decisions. But, I have to tell you that you do not need to live in the darkness. This study has lifted the darkness from my mind, my heart and my life! For the first time in many, many years, my life is bright! I have a joy and peace I didn't believe was possible just 10 weeks ago. God is great. He is the Light of the
World, and He is now my Light. I pray that you will also find the Light.
TLC-study: Binding Up The Brokenhearted 27-Sep. 2013 from a dark place to hope This Bible study saved my life. I thank God I was able to learn and grow closer to The Lord and learn the true devastation of my sin and be healed, forgiven and set free. I was in a dark place and now I have hope and want others to experience the same joy I received from this bible study. I learned so much about our Savior and what He sacrificed for us. My life will forever be changed. I am a child of God, I now know that. His mercy is great.
DGD-study: Binding Up The Brokenhearted 27-Sep. 2013 life changing This study is a life-changing combination of God's love, truth, grace and mercy that washes away the sin and shame women carry as a result of abortion. I thank the Lord for all the women who have contributed to this Bible study and for the dedication and Christ-like love of the mentors who walk alongside those who participate. May God richly bless you and continue to make you a blessing to others.
V-study: Binding Up The Brokenhearted 27-Sep. 2013 set free from sins that kept me running This study has truly made me free of the sins that kept me running. I strongly urge anyone who has gone through abortion to allow God to heal them and not live in the chains it creates in your life. This study helped show me how much God loves us and the true meaning behind the cross. God really does forgive all sins, and I am not unforgivable or unlovable and I don't have to live in fear of punishment or continue to punish myself. I don't have to continue living in shame and regret and be held down by what I've done. God has given me a new life and I plan to trust him with it.
lw-study: Binding Up The Brokenhearted 6-Aug. 2013 I've got my healing!! Completing this study showed me that there is more than just being forgiven for my sin. God also provides healing and comfort which I had previously denied receiving. It has taken me to a new level of intimacy with God!
L-study: Binding Up The Brokenhearted 3-Jun. 2013 Free at last!! The weight of my sin has truly been lifted. Thanks be to God, He has set me free!
Liz-study: Binding Up The Brokenhearted 29-May. 2013 carried hurt and guilt for 23 years This study has helped me recover from guilt and anger. I have learned that there is forgiveness in the Lord. I had an abortion that I wasn't proud of and carried the hurt and guilt for 23 years. This study helped me be free of pain. Now I believe the Lord wants me to help pregnant young girls to understand that abortion is not the last option. There are other resources.
nb-study: Binding Up The Brokenhearted 20-May. 2013 helped through darkest time Healing Hearts has helped me through the darkest time of my life. Without their guidance to God's grace, I would still be lost not knowing that I am forgiven. I cried tears of sadness and tears of joy through this whole study. Just knowing that my counselor has been in my shoes meant more to me then I could have imagined. I didn't have to hide my shame and I was able to tell her things I have never told a soul. What a blessing to have Healing Hearts! I am forever grateful!
Cyndi -study: Binding Up The Brokenhearted 22-Apr. 2013 new found freedom I want to encourage other women who are suffering from pain, guilt and shame after their abortion to do this study. I have finally found freedom from my abortion through Christ who provided this study and through my wonderful counselor, Cathy. The teaching of the study along with the encouragement and wisdom from my counselor has provided me with such freedom. I always knew God loved me but I didn't understand that His grace was enough for me, even for the horrible sin of my abortion. I pray that anyone reading this will find the love, healing and freedom that I did in Christ through this wonderful bible study.
GR-study: Binding Up The Brokenhearted 19-Apr. 2013 new freedom I am thankful for this study, and the new freedom it has brought me. I would definitely recommend it to anyone who has had an abortion.
CP-study: Binding Up The Brokenhearted 18-Apr. 2013 great study This was a great study. I'm so thankful for Debbie's kind words and support. God bless you! I couldn't have done this journey without you and this great study. I was challenged and brought through a much deeper level of healing and freedom. Thanks so much. So appreciative of all the hard work you guys do on this site. It's amazing. God bless you and keep you, make His face shine upon you and give you favor! Love your sister in Christ,
KH-study: Binding Up The Brokenhearted 12-Apr. 2013 amazing healing Truly an amazing healing experience. I never thought I could have peace with the decision that I made. I know it was not the right decision, but now I know that God has forgiven me. As I walked through the study, I was taken through so many emotions: shame, hurt, hope, relief, and then finally freedom. This course will be a tool that I use as I try to encourage those that have dealt with abortion.
Grace-study: Binding Up The Brokenhearted 12-Apr. 2013 made whole I was hurting, I hated myself, was angry at myself, at people and felt worthless. But I am made whole by Jesus Christ after going through this study.
Annette-study: Binding Up The Brokenhearted 4-Apr. 2013 forever changed I started this study believing that I would find healing in my life after having 2 abortions, but I found it to be so much more. God has allowed me to take this journey with a wonderful counselor to find and accept healing and forgiveness for my past. Also, it has healed my heart to learn to forgive others. My life has been forever changed.
sh-study: Binding Up The Brokenhearted 19-Feb. 2013 release bitterness This study has helped me to release the bitterness, unforgiveness and ugliness of my past, to receive Christ's forgiveness and healing and supply me with a boldness for the gospel in order to give compassion to others who are imprisoned by their pasts.
Susan-study: Binding Up The Brokenhearted 7-Feb. 2013 from guilt to redemption and life I lived in a deep, dark, and lonely place of guilt. But through this study, I learned that because of Jesus' blood and what He did for me on the cross, I don't need to feel guilty. His death and resurrection was for my redemption, and He paid it all for me to have life! Jesus Christ is living and He is alive in this study. This study teaches you who God is, and where your place is in His divine plan!
M-study: Binding Up The Brokenhearted 25-Jan. 2013 forgiveness This has been a long and sometimes difficult journey. I learned a few things but the most powerful thing I learned was that I did not need to forgive myself. Self-forgiveness is not biblical. I am so grateful for this. I can forgive everyone else and wish them well. I can accept God's forgiveness that I do not deserve. I am beyond words sorry for what I have done and I live with the emptiness and regret every day and pray for everyone I have hurt and I rightly suffer for what I've done. I love the child I never had and miss this child so much. I try to go forward as best I can - I can do all things in Christ who strengthens me. Thank you for your help.
J.D.-study: Binding Up The Brokenhearted 25-Jan. 2013 forgive and peace This study has been a huge reminder to me that I am loved unconditionally by my dear Father in Heaven. Jesus, the Creator of the Heavens and the Earth, has forgiven me and loves me. The study has shown me how God forgives me, how I can forgive others and how to have peace in my life.
Melissa-study: Binding Up The Brokenhearted 19-Dec. 2012 He is enough I didn't have a lot of expectations going into this other than knowing I was ready to address my past and my choice to have multiple abortions. I am so humbled at how the Holy Spirit worked through this study to do a work in my life far beyond those expectations. The work you do is heart-breaking, but lifting the veil has changed so much in my life and how I look at being forgiven through grace. Self-punishment is not my job. I always thought it was and very diligently kept at it. But Christ has already forgiven me. He is enough. That was hard to learn, but life changing.
FC82-study: Binding Up The Brokenhearted 28-Nov. 2012 closer to God This study has impacted my life in such a way that has brought me closer to God. I am closer because I realize my utter need for Him. I realize that I am so insignificant without Christ. I am nothing without His grace. His grace is what sets me free to not have fear or doubts about everything I do. It's because of his abounding grace that I am able to see who I am to Him. Someone special. Only through His eyes do I see how every person is very special. Through this study I have found the harsh reality of my choice of abortion. Before, I had asked for forgiveness and tried to just forget. I never truly forgot though. I would think it occasionally and wonder about her often. This study helped me to come to full terms with the reality and the full forgiveness of it. It has helped me not to hide it so much when I feel the need that Christ wants me to share it. This study also helped me come to terms with other ungodly areas of my life (from the past). It helped me to hear from God, exactly what needs to be done in order to begin rectifying my situation. It encourages me to know that God is with me always. A big lesson I learned is that although He is with me, it is up to me to "listen" to the Lord through studying His words and not just by my praying/talking to Him. This brings so much more comfort and security and makes me much stronger in times of temptation. Walking, talking, and listening to God is the one thing that is irreplaceable in my life now. I cherish this time I had through this study. I will recommend it to any woman who has experienced the tragedy of abortion and to women who need healing from any of their past. Also, I can recommend this study to men, which is awesome because there are no other resources I know of that is so powerful and in Biblical depth for both men and women. I always remember now that where I am weak - He is strong through me.
Heather -study: Binding Up The Brokenhearted 7-Nov. 2012 transforming view This study has allowed to see my own insignificant impact on my life but the huge impact I have on the lives I come in contact with as a child of God. I know now that there is nothing I can do to be freed of sin, that it is only through Christ and the ultimate sacrifice made that I am allowed to be freed and forgiven for my sin. At first, I wasn't sure I could go through the past or that I would feel so freed from the bondage I held myself in. It has been amazing and truly transforming in my view of my sins, my reactions to others sins and my place in God's family.
Anonymous-study: Binding Up The Brokenhearted 31-Oct. 2012 real This study brought the love of Calvary very real to me.
Anne-study: Binding Up The Brokenhearted 27-Oct. 2012 Now I have freedom & joy instead of shame! God is in the business of Healing Hearts!! This study has allowed me to get in touch with wounds that I had been covering up for 33 years... self-inflicted wounds incurred when I chose to take the life of my unborn child. And not only have I gotten in touch with the wounds, God has (through this study, using His precious Word along with the wise counsel of His servant, my "e-counselor", Carol), brought healing to the wounds my abortion caused. I am no longer afraid to share about my sin of abortion. As a result, as soon as I am finished with the study, I will begin training to be a peer counselor at a pregnancy center in my area...where I will be able to share my sin of abortion, the wounds it caused me and the healing that God has brought to me through the Healing Hearts ministry and study. Through this study, Jesus truly has brought to me good news, healing, freedom, comfort, gladness and joy. My prayer is that I will be a vessel used by the Lord for healing as mightily in the lives of other women as this study has been used by the Lord as a vessel of healing in my life...that the Lord will turn me into an "oak of righteousness" so that I may bring glory and honor to His precious name....
APR-study: Binding Up The Brokenhearted 26-Oct. 2012 WOW!! I am in a NEW place!! I went through an emotional breakdown about 5 years ago and sought counseling through a local crisis pregnancy center. It was an incredible healing process and I was placed in a newness generated by the Holy Spirit. Then I heard about this study through a friend of mine at church. She urged me to do it. WOW! I am in a new place with the Lord in my understanding of forgiveness and depth of His love and sacrifice for me. His word is bringing about changes in my heart that I never dreamed would happen for me. I knew it could be true for others, but I was not one that would have that freedom. Now I am living proof that YES... God's word can heal anyone from anything!! And He is willing to, we just need to seek Him. This study has been the means He stretched out to reconcile my heart and make it whole.
April-study: Binding Up The Brokenhearted 21-Sep. 2012 I suffered in silence.... My life has been forever changed! This study has helped me to realize why I was frozen sometimes, I needed healing. Healing Hearts, Binding Up the Brokenhearted was what I desperately needed. I never knew where to turn or how to get the counseling I needed. I had my abortion 11 years ago and suffered in silence. So, I just buried everything and never realized I needed God's healing hand. The study gave me truth and brought me face to face with my past so I could move forward into the plan and future God has for me. This study taught me truth the truth has set me free. I now have the freedom to be used by the Lord in whatever ways He wants to use me. I have my voice back and the Lord has restored the pain and given me purpose. So, I'm grateful for the Lord's timing and how He turns our ashes into beauty. I'm thankful for this special time with the Him and I pray that anyone who is considering taking this study just takes the first steps of registering and finishing because the Lord is waiting to heal you! What He has done for me, He can do for you!
Jane D.-study: Binding Up The Brokenhearted 24-Aug. 2012
It is hard to believe this particular journey is over. It's like a great book--one sees the final pages coming but secretly hopes it will not end. There is a great song by William McDowell called "I Won't Go Back". Some of the words: "I've been changed, healed, freed, delivered - I've found joy, peace, grace and favor. All my shame guilt, sin, forgiven...I've been changed." I know that I know I am not the same woman who started this Healing Hearts study seven months ago. The study has been a very powerful stream in a season of healing and growth God has called me into. It has come at a time when the Lord is moving me in new levels of spiritual warfare and my spiritual "foundation" had to be firm so the enemy could not attack me there. Wherever we have cracks, breaks, unhealed feelings, areas of unforgiveness, we give the enemy an avenue to wreak havoc in our life. This study brought Words of Life in key areas of denial, hurt and unforgiveness. It was not so much that the words were "new" to me, many were scriptures I had heard, read, before. It was how the study built on these truths to specifically deal with post- abortion trauma that was powerful. The recognition of sin (no more hiding, no more secret shame) and the acceptance of the forgiveness of the Father thru the sacrifical life of His Son, Jesus was the major breakthrough for me. Equipping me with scriptures to expose the lies of Satan and put me back in my rightful place of authority in heavenly realms. The renewing of my mind - the real battlefield and the heart - so fragile to damage. This study was enhanced ten-fold by my amazing counselor N, who had the perfect word in season, was led of the Spirit and was not afraid to lose me through a strong word of warning and was ALWAYS there. Her input made a potentially lonely and fearful journey, a path I could walk with another sister quietly guiding me thru the dark places until the SON rose over the mountain. For her service, for the woman God called to start this study and my faithful Savior, I am forever grateful.
Jo-study: Binding Up The Brokenhearted 14-Aug. 2012 No more I'm free! Before this study, I had a lot of shame. I had secrets and could not let go. As I studied, I learned that our God is a forgiving God. I was able to see how others (in the Bible) were also sinners and were saved. This helped me be honest and open and surrender to the Lord. A lot of reading God's word, praying, and encouragement from my counselor has helped free me. The Lord healed my wounds. I have been shown grace, mercy, and love. Praise God!!
GW-study: Binding Up The Brokenhearted 11-Aug. 2012 impact of sin This study opened my eyes to the impact of sin. It's power and consequences which I never knew. I wholeheartedly recommend this study to anyone who has been affected, as I was, by abortion. The Lord will take you places you could never have dreamed. In Jesus mighty name,
Kesha-study: Binding Up The Brokenhearted 5-Aug. 2012 completely forgiven and free This is an amazing study that the whole world needs to know about. I know so many women who feel guilty and bound because of their abortion(s). This study not only sheds light on the realities of abortion but also provides women with the awareness of how God truly loves them and forgives them. I feel completely forgiven and free to move on with my life with joy because I've been redeemed! Thank you Lord!
Melissa-study: Binding Up The Brokenhearted 15-Jul. 2012 free from sin Before I did this study I was ashamed and afraid of what other people would think of me if they knew I had an abortion. This study has revealed to me that my sin is not the focus, but the focus is what Jesus did to rid me of my sin. I had issues with guilt as I held on to what I did. I never felt adequate enough for God to use me because I thought my sin was so horrible - even though I knew in my heart that I was forgiven. I now know that I need to lay my guilt and shame at the foot of the cross and allow Christ to be glorified in what He did to free me from my sin.
Pam -study: Binding Up The Brokenhearted 9-Jul. 2012 heartfelt gratitude I have come to a blessed revelation just how much God loves me. How much...He sent His one and only Son to take my place. He has forgiven me. He has restored me. He is my Redeemer and my Savior. I have learned so much about His abounding grace, His tenderness, His compassion. I want to be a light in this world of darkness, to be a blessing to others. There are no adequate words to express my heartfelt gratitude to Him for not giving up on me. This wonderful study has shown me that no matter what sins I have done in the past or will commit in the future, with sincere repentance, God is faithful to forgive me. Where would I be without Him??
Carrie-study: Binding Up The Brokenhearted 9-Jul. 2012 life changing Do you want to move past areas that are keeping you stuck? This study is life changing and will do just that. It has brought me past so many things - anger, self pity, running to friends instead of God and so many other things. This study will change your life in ways you didn't even know you need changing.
dannah-study: Binding Up The Brokenhearted 8-Jun. 2012 From fragmented to whole It has been deep, deeper than I have ever been. It has impacted me in a way that is hard to put into words. I will try. I am enlightened by it, emboldened by it, and humbled by it. When I graduated from college and got my degree I felt I had been prepared for a new life but looking back now it was nothing compared to this. This has eternal impact. I am so grateful. And to think I thought I was just doing this in order to be a mentor. I thought I had already had all the healing I needed. NOT! I looked at the areas of sexual intimacy, abuse, trust, mysticism and was freed from so many things! This study is whole. I feel whole, not fragmented anymore!
dannah-study: Binding Up The Brokenhearted 8-Jun. 2012 From fragmented to whole It has been deep, deeper than I have ever been. It has impacted me in a way that is hard to put into words. I will try. I am enlightened by it, emboldened by it, and humbled by it. When I graduated from college and got my degree I felt I had been prepared for a new life but looking back now it was nothing compared to this. This has eternal impact. I am so grateful. And to think I thought I was just doing this in order to be a mentor. I thought I had already had all the healing I needed. NOT! I looked at the areas of sexual intimacy, abuse, trust, mysticism and was freed from so many things! This study is whole. I feel whole, not fragmented anymore!
DCG-study: Binding Up The Brokenhearted 8-Jun. 2012 now a free woman, nothing is the same 20 years ago I found God in the love and acceptance of a high school youth group. 18 years ago my father committed suicide while I was a freshman at college. 17 years ago I decided that my Heavenly Father's love was as unreliable as my earthly fathers. 16 years ago I aborted my first baby. 15 years ago I aborted my second baby. 14 years ago I met my husband and ever since have been clawing my way back to the Lord and that feeling of being worthy, loved, valued, accepted and understood like I had first felt 20 years ago. Almost two years ago my journey home began, and its brought me to this day. Today, on my 9th wedding anniversary, I leave the Healing Hearts experience a healed and free women for the first time in my life. Nothing about my life looks the same as when I began this journey. My life as a wife, mother, daughter and sister has been forever changed. Thankfully, I am now a women who once again knows God, who for the first time walks with Jesus, who forever has received the gift of His grace, and who for the last time will let anything separate me from the love of God again. Thank you Healing Hearts for following His call and ministering to the men and women like me, who have lived trapped by the guilt and shame of their past, and who can be set free by the Truth of who we are in Christ! Therefore there is NO condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus... Thank you for helping me to know these words in a way I had not before. 2 Cor 5:17. . . I am new!
Heidi-study: Binding Up The Brokenhearted 30-May. 2012 free from guilt and hatred Without this study I would still be stuck in guilt, hatred and so many other negative emotions. I get to move forward from my abortions, finally, after 16 years of depression, self harm, self hatred and many more. I will be forever grateful for finding this study and having the chance to complete it.
Katherine -study: Binding Up The Brokenhearted 22-May. 2012 Heavy burden is gone I'm truly thankful for these studies because Gods presence is with you throughout the program. One of the things I appreciated was that the counselors themselves have gone through the same study and the same issues that those of us taking the study have gone through. Through the Binding Up the Brokenhearted study, I learned to forgive and be forgiven. I also reconnected with our heavenly Father. The best part was that I came into this study feeling like I was carrying a heavy burden, and now I feel like it has all been washed away and that I've been set free by God. It's a wonderful feeling! Blessings to all the teachers!
Gloria-study: Binding Up The Brokenhearted 20-May. 2012 back to full relationship This study has brought me back into full relationship with God. Even though I was a Christian, I believed the devil's lies and was lazy with my walk. This Study was deep, sincere, gentle, clear, and rooted totally in God's word. I would recommend it to anyone.
DML -study: Binding Up The Brokenhearted 20-May. 2012 received healing and now set free My life has changed since I was willing to invest the time and energy to go through this study and read what the Lord Jesus had to say to me personally through the Bible. I did not realize how much healing I needed and how much freedom I have since I did this study. I was screaming so loudly for help, but no one could hear me because I was so afraid to be truthful and let anyone know my secret. I had lived in guilt and shame for so many years. I am now set free from my past because of what Jesus did for me on the cross and to really understand what that really means will set you free. After going through this study, I now have the power to be victorious in my life. I truly know who I am in Jesus and that I am the daughter of the King.
Diane-study: Binding Up The Brokenhearted 8-May. 2012 ALL God I really appreciate the Word of God being used to bring truth to me. Words of man/woman were not given to try and convince me that God loves me or what God's plan is for me. It was written out plain and simple using the truth of God's Word. Since I have already gone through a Bible Study for abortions, I had a good dose of God's healing. But I was still blessed to be reminded of His Word and most of all, given the truth that I simply needed to believe God's Word instead of thinking I had to forgive myself in order to be set free. I understand now, that it's ALL God and His Awesome Word and has NOTHING to do with me.
PG-study: Binding Up The Brokenhearted 18-Apr. 2012 from oppressed and afflicted to forgiveness When I began this study I had lost all hope, I was oppressed and afflicted and couldn't turn to anyone but God. He has heard me and changed me and now I see His love for me. Abortion is forgivable! His Blood covers it, too! There is nothing His Blood cannot cover!
Sylvia R. -study: Binding Up The Brokenhearted 5-Apr. 2012 I didn't want to face any of this...but now I am free! Going through the Healing Hearts Study has been so releasing for me in my soul. It has helped me to grieve over my children I aborted. I am no longer fearful of even hearing the word abortion. It has given me confidence in knowing that even though I took the lives of the two children God chose to form in me, he forgives me and they are waiting for me in heaven. I had such pain in going through this and even worse pain at seeing God's word and how it applied to my decision both good and bad. I didn't want to face any of this. I thought as the world tells's ok, you're fine, move on but it is a lie! I was not fine at all. But now I can give my aborted children honor by being a better mom now to the adopted children God has given me. I actually feel like I am their mom now. I know that God loves me and trusts me with their care. Before this study I didn't understand why God would give me them because of my abortions and all the other sin that came from that decision but I did appreciate him. (How silly that sounds now) Thank God, I have a better sense of family and being their mother. My anger and frustration is slowly ceasing to be. I recognize where it came from and it's getting better all the time. I thank God for this study and bringing it to me for such a time as this and thank God for all those involved in this ministry. I am free.
T-study: Binding Up The Brokenhearted 2-Apr. 2012 No more shame.. This study has changed my life. I no longer feel like I must hang my head in shame. I know that I am forgiven and loved. Jesus paid my debt, and I am free. I am now learning to be the best possible version of myself that I can be. The version of myself that God knew I could be all along.
DB -study: Binding Up The Brokenhearted 26-Mar. 2012 life has value This bible study taught me the value of life and how it is a blessing from God. It brought truth to the fact that a lot of women struggle from similar symptoms of abortion that I had. It gave me insight on not having shame in view of Christ removing the sin and shame of an abortion.
Naomi-study: Binding Up The Brokenhearted 14-Mar. 2012 true healing This study has been such a blessing and life saver to me. Having gone through 22 years of shame and holding the secret of my 2 abortions, I had a lot to work through and I personally feel that there is only 1 way to true inner healing for the sin of abortion. It is from our Lord and savior Jesus Christ. This study has been such a healing balm to the wounds of my heart of my abortions. It has applied the word in the right amount to bring light, revelation and healing to many areas in my life! It is the best study, in my opinion. I pray many will find healing through this study in the future!
maryann -study: Binding Up The Brokenhearted 26-Feb. 2012 free from guilt and shame The has not only used this study to set me free from the guilt and shame of abortion, but from the guilt and shame of my life before Christ in general! It feels good to walk without the shackels.
Heidi-study: Binding Up The Brokenhearted 5-Jan. 2012 no more broken heart I used to try and pick up the shards of my broken heart. Each time cutting myself deeper. Then the Lord led me to this study. He walked with me through the pain and remembrance. He picked up those pieces and started putting them back together. He has given me a heart of flesh and washed my sins white as snow. I no longer have shame for the things I've done. My full confidence is in the Lord and I will boast of Him and all His mighty works.
Mel-study: Binding Up The Brokenhearted 4-Dec. 2011 remove pain and heal This Bible study has deepened my faith in God, taken away the pain and helped me heal through God's grace. The counselor also took a deep personal commitment to helping me on my healing.
JMH-study: Binding Up The Brokenhearted 29-Sep. 2011 found encouragement What an encouragement to hurting women from a past abortion. I will pray for your ministry to reach out to more hurting women and that they may find the peace and encouragement I have found through this study.
Jamie-study: Binding Up The Brokenhearted 10-Sep. 2011 forgiveness and grace I came to this study a woman who defined herself partially, as someone who had 3 abortions. It was frequently in my thoughts, and I often allowed that life experience to impact my perspective on other things in my life. My marriage is in a much better place, I feel tenderness toward my husband again. I now have forgiveness, and freedom. I know that I am forgiven, and no one can accuse me because the holy, loving, God of the universe has forgiven me. I have found the vast ocean of His grace, and have an altogether new appreciation for it!
Leslie-study: Binding Up The Brokenhearted 3-Sep. 2011 finding my way back I had not realized the impact of unconfessed sin and ungrieved loss in my life...a result of 2 abortions when I was in my 30's. Many years have gone by, and I was astonished in the course of the study to see how many roadblocks to a full and rich life were due to these hidden deaths. My relationship to God and as a result, to other people, was blocked and hindered and though I sought Him sincerely, it seemed I never could find the longed-for intimacy. As a result of this study, I am finding my way back to a vital relationship with Jesus. Other hindrances are being swept away. I believe the tears are necessary, but there is joy in the morning!!!
Chioma -study: Binding Up The Brokenhearted 2-Sep. 2011 from hopelessness to hope I used to feel empty, destroyed, hopeless and that God could never take someone like me back. I felt that I had really messed up this time around since I was raised Christian with Christian virtues and that it was better for one not to know about my abortion. Knowing that this thing was wrong, I still went ahead with the abortion anyway. I felt so terribly ashamed and my heart was broken that I had made this choice to my child, the flesh of my flesh and the bone of my bone. I looked up to heaven but darkness was all around me and I wished I had died that day, but today God has showed me forgiveness like he gave Peter. Because like Peter I wept and cried, God took me from the mire clay and has set my feet upon HIS rock and I am so glad that through this study I have made peace with myself, my child and God. There is hope even in our hopelessness. Jesus can and will give us light at the end of that pit that we have dug for ourselves. Jesus is the only answer, amen!
Michelle-study: Binding Up The Brokenhearted 1-Sep. 2011 no quick fix, but worth it Healing hearts has guided me to taking the first steps to save my life. No medicine could fix how I was feeling, and nothing could take the pain of my abortion away. I had made the worst decision of my life. I was supposed to protect and love her. I failed to protect my precious baby because I was so busy worrying about the rest of the world. It hurt me so badly, I could feel the emotional pain so much that I could feel it physically. This isn't easy - things that are worth it never are, but for anyone who needs this, remember God put you in this direction for a reason. He loves all of us, and He will protect us, wipe away our tears, brush us off, and let us start again, if we let Him in. The difficult bits are so worth it. I still miss my baby, and pray for her everyday - she is at peace in the Lords arms. He will take wonderful care of her in heaven until it is our time to be together again. This study has had an impact on all aspects of my life. I feel renewed and stronger than ever. I would recommend this to anyone. If you are reading this, then you have already made the first step. You are loved, and my thoughts and prayers are with you. This isn't a quick fix - this is a process that will let you see yourself through Jesus' eyes - He loves you so much, you are His precious, beautiful person. You are supported every step of the way. My couselor is amazing - she will stay in my heart always. Thank you, In His love,
Becky-study: Binding Up The Brokenhearted 2-Aug. 2011 full of God's Word I didn't know what to do when God started bringing up the abortion again after so long. I was in a panic because I felt like if I started dealing with this I would start crying and never stop--that I would fall into a pit of despair and guilt and shame and never be able to get out. I knew that God was telling me that He had healing for me, but I didn't know how to take it and I didn't know what it looked like. I started searching for the way God wanted me to go and there was a program through Lifeway called Surrendering the Secret. But there were no leaders or classes near me--I thought. So I looked on the internet and found this study. I started this study at God's leading and the healing process began. I was delighted at the solid biblical content. As I worked through the course, God worked on my heart bringing me the healing I needed. About half way through this course, I was contacted by a leader for Surrendering the Secret and started going to a group meeting once a week at the same time and working through the course book they have--it is okay, but I found the Bible verses, and the course with Healing Hearts to be so full of God's Word that I just can't help but be healed. This course repeatedly points toward the sufficiency of Christ to be the real power for healing. I am a mentor for Setting Captives Free, The Lord's Table and I have already talked to some of the organizers about recommending this course at the website. Thank you for allowing God to use your lives to point to the Cross and sufficiency of Christ and the grace and healing that God has for each of us there. Thank you, Maria for your input during the course, it was so wonder! ful and encouraging. God bless you in a mighty way as you continue to serve Him with your whole heart!
G-study: Binding Up The Brokenhearted 2-Aug. 2011 HOPE Binding Up The Brokenhearted has really helped me to begin to breathe again. Through the Word, the Holy Spirit and with the help of my counselor, I was able to access the part of me that I thought was forever gone, dead and destroyed. There is hope. I highly recommend this study to any woman who believes her life is over or thinks there is no way of being consoled, healed or way of starting over.
Pam -study: Binding Up The Brokenhearted 18-Jul. 2011 shown forgiveness and mercy When I started this study I was completely broken and had no hope for my future. I felt I no longer deserved anything good and the rest of life would be one tragedy after another. Through this study God has shown me forgiveness and mercy. He is renewing my mind and my thoughts are becoming His thoughts more and more everyday.
Tara-study: Binding Up The Brokenhearted 18-Jul. 2011 Biblically based This is a very complete and excellent Bible study that examines the Scriptures and asks you to apply them to your life. I have been applying God's Word to my life for six years, however, I have not studied the Word regarding my abortion until now. Binding Up The Brokenhearted laid line upon line and precept upon precept to instruct me of what God has to say to me about my choices, my salvation, my healing, my forgiveness, my emotions, my purpose and my Jesus. I had recently participated in a three-day retreat for post-abortive men and women and, being led by the Holy Spirit, I was completely healed of that wound. Yet, I was hungry for more. I needed to consult the Bible on all this, so that I could serve others in their healing by showing God's love to them, which is revealed through His Word. The Lord led me to this study, because He gives to those who ask; and I definitely have an abundance of scriptural evidence and experience to be a willing vessel for the Lord to let others know what He has done for me. He is no respecter of persons; the healing He has done for my heart and soul, He can do for other post-abortive women.
Kathy-study: Binding Up The Brokenhearted 28-Jun. 2011 This study for the seasoned or the new I would recommend this study to anyone who is a "new" believer or a "seasoned" believer who is hungry for biblical truths that center on the Lord Jesus Christ and the benefits of the Cross. My husband and I left our church where we had attended for over 9 years! It was very painful, but it was a situation where we had to move on. We didn't know that "Believers" could "fight"! Both of us had ministries in the church... I was the worship leader, and my husband taught bible studies, and played organ and piano. Where we live in the Mark Twain Nat'l forest there aren't many options. We are still currently looking for an Assembly to fellowship with. This study has been refreshing for me, and I have enjoyed it so much. I loved this study.
Emily-study: Binding Up The Brokenhearted 28-Jun. 2011 forgiven and burdon free In the beginning of this study, I was at a time of my life where I was ready to receive God's grace and begin to heal. I was reaching out for help and was lost and still involved in sin. I didn't know if I could ever get a point in my life where I would feel I was truly forgiven for my sin. I also felt compelled to hide my sin from others because of the guilt, embarrassment and fear of judgement. I, myself, was judging others and committing other sins that I wasn't aware were actual sin. I have learned that God gave us so much because he truly loves us. He gave us His only son. His son, Jesus Christ, paid the penalty of all our sins. God gave His only son so that we could have grace and eternal life with him. This study opened up the reality and painful details of what Jesus went through on the cross. I still get emotional when I think about the sacrifice He made for us. The sacrifice on the cross is our freedom from sin. I was forgiven, repented and gave God my worries, fears and burdens that I carried for so many years. I am free from my sin. I don't have the weight of guilt and shame on my heart anymore because I have been set free. I have also learned of the consequences of sin and been given the opportunity to turn to God any time I am in need. I know I can rely on the Lord to get me through anything. It is not okay to return insult with insult, instead I have learned that complete joy comes from being a blessing to others and not allowing sin into our lives. Walking with God will give me all the strength I need to avoid the enemy and sin. I know that God is with me always and will never forsake me. I have the confidence to share my story about the love God has for us. Through Christ, He forgave me and took all the burden away from me through the grace of God. I am strong through Christ and have peace and joy within my heart and give all the glory to God!
JS-study: Binding Up The Brokenhearted 16-May. 2011 Choose life Not thinking or not experiencing feelings after your choice of abortion(s) does not mean that it is dealt with. I thought this was in the past and it is done. It is in the way that I am forgiven because I received Christ as my Savior since I made those choices. But there was garbage and hurt and lies and the enemy helped me believe that it was done. God wants to take my hurt and my shame and heal those broken things from my life and turn them to good. Anyone who says abortion doesn't hurt anyone is in denial. I was one of those woman who said that no one gets hurt. I was hurt, the fathers of my babies were hurt...the list can go on. My first abortion was 38 years ago, and just this year began my healing!!! I was adopted and my birth mother chose life, I wish I chose life for 3 of my babies. If you are reading this and considering abortion....Choose life!!!!
Jessica-study: Binding Up The Brokenhearted 17-Apr. 2011 set free ......When I found Healing Hearts Ministries I was looking for place to help others, not for my own healing. Little did I know God needed me healed before He could use me.... Through the months it took me to finish the Binding Up The Brokenhearted study God washed me clean of ALL my sins, and set me free of my guilt, shame, and unforgiveness. May all the Glory be to Jesus for the sacrifice He gave for us ALL to be freed of our sins, every one of them.
cm-study: Binding Up The Brokenhearted 17-Apr. 2011 woman at the well This bible study is evidence that all things work for the good for those who love the Lord. It was the Holy Spirit that lead me to this website and I'm so glad that I was obedient. I want to share this blessing with others as the Spirit leads -- I feel as the woman at the well when she said "come see a man who told me about everything I had ever done..."
A-study: Binding Up The Brokenhearted 14-Apr. 2011 forever grateful I was once lost in my sin, and drowning in my hurting through my sin. I cried out to the Lord and the Lord led me here. I do not have the words to fully explain how this study changed my life and my walk with Jesus. I'm finally free from my past. I was once weak and now strong with the Lord. It has amazed me how far Jesus has taken me. I now can see the will of the Lord unfolding in my life!! I'm forever grateful!!
TO-study: Binding Up The Brokenhearted 9-Apr. 2011 no more secrets Thank you for this ministry. I have been a Christian for many years now, and although I have known that I have forgiveness in Christ, there were wounds that I felt were not completely healed because I never addressed them. I kept them hid away in my heart instead of turning them completely over to God. This study has helped me find peace and has helped me move beyond the secrets that I have kept hidden for so long.
Erica -study: Binding Up The Brokenhearted 4-Apr. 2011 greatly impacted This study has impacted me life greatly. I am so thankful that I ran upon this website. It has helped me through all the pain and suffering that I went through.
K. D.-study: Binding Up The Brokenhearted 4-Apr. 2011 road to freedom and love I found this Bible study a few years ago and for some reason I chose not to do it at that time. Recently, my past had come back to haunt me in a big way, especially thoughts about my abortion. I thought about this Bible study and without thinking too much about it, I signed in and just started doing it. It has been the most amazing experience of my life. It has been the road to freedom and love for me. For some reason, all the learning that I had been given as a child about God was lacking. I never really understood that just reading the Bible and praying on a daily basis would draw me nearer to the Lord. God is so forgiving and now I am healed from my abortion as well as all my past transgressions. I had a wonderful experience and with the help of a great counselor, I got through some of the tougher lessons in the study. Going through the tough lessons brought me into the light of the Lord. I thank God for guiding me to this study.
Heather-study: Binding Up The Brokenhearted 26-Mar. 2011 healed from pain of abortion Thank you so much, Healing Hearts, for coming into my life at a time when I truly needed you! I have come so far and learned so much. I pray I will continue to grow in the Lord. I thank the Lord for healing me from the pain of my abortion.
Charlene -study: Binding Up The Brokenhearted 20-Mar. 2011 love, grace, mercy and forgiveness shared God led me to this study. I had never heard about Healing Hearts Ministries. I was feeling so bad. My abortion has haunted me for years. I knew that I needed help. I was looking on my computer's search engine and this website popped up. I was intrigued, nervous and anxious to see what it was about---a little leery too, if I was going to get anything out of it. Little did I know that layers would be slowly unfolded & shed. So much of God's love, grace, mercy and forgiveness, was shared. This was empowering! Thank you so much for all that you've shown me!
Laura McA-study: Binding Up The Brokenhearted 8-Mar. 2011 He is everything It has opened my eyes to just how much I am loved. I am fully impacted with the love my Father has for me and that He has a purpose and plan for me even now, at the age of 56. I can be useful. I can step out believing that the dreams He gave me long ago can still be accomplished in this lifetime. I am His favored daughter and He has a loving, watchful eye on me ALL THE TIME. He just loves for me to come to Him with all the hurts in my heart: past, present and future. He stands in the gap for me when I can't do it. He stands beside me and has His hand on my shoulder when I need extra reassurance. He loves me with an everlasting love. There's just too much to proclaim and it could never be enough praise. :)
Gina-study: Binding Up The Brokenhearted 21-Feb. 2011 God's love and grace are sufficient Twenty-three years ago I made the worst decision of my life, to abort my child. For years, I ran from God because I was ashamed of what I had done. The guilt was overwhelming! I had prayed for some guidance in my life, and God led me to this study. Through it I was able to address the issues that were keeping me in bondage to my sin. I learned that God's love and grace were more than sufficient for me. Jesus died on the cross for ALL of our sins. By not laying down my shame and guilt, I was not giving Jesus the credit He deserved. I have also learned the importance of forgiving others. By holding on to hurt and anger, I was hindering my relationship with God. Walking in obedience to God is a daily choice that I will do to the best of my abilities from this point on!
DR-study: Binding Up The Brokenhearted 21-Feb. 2011 wonderful journey This study has been life changing, healing and a gift from God. Jesus has walked with me though this wonderful journey, I am so excited to see where this road will lead.
DE-study: Binding Up The Brokenhearted 10-Feb. 2011 restoration and rebuilding God is good and He wants you to be free from the prison of your guilt and restore your heart and give you life in abundance in Him. I have found Him and He has started this awesome work of restoration and rebuilding ! Oh how I love Jesus!
Michele-study: Binding Up The Brokenhearted 27-Jan. 2011 healed and free So thankful for the Lord leading me to this study. I'm especially thankful for the Lord removing my pridefulness to admit my sin, after 20 years. Now I am healed and free to live the way the Lord truly wants me to.
Melissa-study: Binding Up The Brokenhearted 24-Jan. 2011 innocence restored I'd been a Christian for 11 years when I came across this study. Immediately, I knew God wanted me to go through it. I had been praying for whatever was keeping me from getting closer to God to be removed. I didn't know exactly how to let God in. Through this study, God showed me deep wounds I had never allowed Him to touch. It was painful at first revealing the areas that were wounded and festering. He allowed me to see my own sin of holding on to anger and self-righteousness showing me these things were keeping me from a closer relationship with Him. As I progressed through the study with the help and prayers of my wonderful mentor, I was able to see life in a new way...through God's eyes and through the Cross of Christ. It was when I realized how much Christ went through so that I could be forgiven that I was overwhelmed with His love. He continued to pour out His mercy on me so I would truly know I am forgiven. I now know what it means in Psalm 23:3 "He restores my soul"...What was taken from me at an early age set in motion a way of living that was killing my soul. Through the healing I've received I can say my soul is restored along with my innocence! Praise God for His Word and the power He so freely gives!!
beth-study: Binding Up The Brokenhearted 22-Nov. 2010 I have never been so encouraged to allow the Holy Spirit to dig, dig, dig into my heart! God is not finished with me. My identity is in Him. He has begun a good work and will carry it on to completion. I have never been so encouraged to allow the Holy Spirit to dig, dig, dig into my heart and get rid of the garbage. And Ill be honestthe enemy and my flesh were not happy about it. It literally was that my spirit was willing but my flesh was weak. Some days, all I could ponder was that I must be doing something right because there wouldnt be so much opposition to my healing. However my God is bigger than any of that. He carried me right through the discouraging times because He was rebuilding my heart through His sanctification process. About halfway through the bible study, my life verse became Galatians 2:20. For I have been crucified with Christ and no longer live, but Christ lives in me. The life I live in the body, I live in the faith of the Son of God who loved me and gave himself for me. I had memorized it several weeks earlier and then God began bringing it to me in every way imaginable. There is no more me; its Jesus and its going to stay that way through His sanctification. I am still here in the flesh as a responsible keeper of this body but I am now completely dependent on my Jesus and resting in His peace who loved and gave (past tense). Knowing everything that I would ever do, the victory in Jesus has already been won so Let us hold unswervingly to the hope we profess, for he who promised is faithful. (Hebrews 10:23)
Jennifer-study: Binding Up The Brokenhearted 9-Nov. 2010 healing and new journey This Bible study will not only heal your hearts but also help start a brand new journey to become a true follower of Jesus Christ.
LW-study: Binding Up The Brokenhearted 7-Nov. 2010 Forever Changed I am forever changed in my Savior. I know no matter what this world throws at me I have a rock to stand on and a spirit to live in, Jesus Christ!
PBG-study: Binding Up The Brokenhearted 1-May. 2010 Looking to the Lord This study has made me completely whole. To look to the Lord for all my needs. To release the pain, anger, hurt, and shame is to repent your sins that you have done to others, then forgive those who have done harm to you. Love those as God love us.
Johanna-study: Binding Up The Brokenhearted 26-Apr. 2010 My husband, my baby, and I, are in Jesus When I started this study, I was very stressed and nervous, because I was trying to get pregnant with my husband but it wasn't easy for over a year. I hadn't shared my past abortions with my husband before our marriage, so I feared how he would react when he got to know it, especially, if I could not have a baby.
At the same time, I could not manage the guilty feeling and fear of punishment about my sin, whenever I saw or heard about teen age pregnancy or abortion through the media, I was so embarrassed and frightened. I was trying to run away from the past, but the truth was, I was living in the past sins.
When I found the study, I immediately registered. I had just wished there was some way out of this pain, I couldn't manage the stress and fear any more.
When I first started the study, I was so afraid to go on because I feared if there was any condemnation or punishment that I was doomed in the study. I was just too afraid to face what I had done. But my counselor encouraged me and prayed for me continuously so that I didn't give up.
During the study, I learned about forgiveness that I've received and that I need to give to others who sinned against me as well. Relationships started to get recovered and the most surprisingly!.. I found I got pregnant!
The study replaced my fear with the freedom and courage. I shared my past abortions with my husband and we as a husband and a wife, have experienced becoming one in Christ Jesus.
Now when I look back, my life has been totally changed. I do not fear, I do not worry about my past, or my sins, any more. I learned God forgave me and blessed me so generously and faithfully. The truth set me free.
Now I confess I am not the same person any more, my family life is not the same any more, the relationship with my husband is not the same any more, we, including my baby in my womb are growing in Jesus together. I do not know how I can appreciate enough for the study and my counselor Tara who was so faithful and loving always. I want to continue the journey in Christ Jesus to become a pure priest.
H-study: Binding Up The Brokenhearted 11-Apr. 2010 Emptiness, sorrow, regret and shame Healing Hearts and Mollie helped me find my way back to God. After my abortion I felt such an emptiness, sorrow, regret and shame. I experienced a blackness in my life which I have never felt and I knew I needed help badly. With the help of this study and my counselor I slowly felt the darkness slip away and I truly felt forgiven by God. It has brought me back to God and to realize that I'm never alone, God is always right there with me and that he forgives me. I now have hope, faith and love once again in my heart and feel a weight has been lifted. Thank you Healing Hearts and Mollie for all your help.
Ginger-study: Binding Up The Brokenhearted 16-Feb. 2010 No more shame and sorrow for me This study has truly been a tool God used to finally open up the wound and let the ugly shame & guilt, suppressed sorrow and lies to be subjected to His sweet light of mercy and grace... as God has shined his light on that dark place in my life He truly is making it a sweet and Holy place. No more shame and sorrow for me.. I know He is not finished yet, He is still shining His light on me and sweeping away the darkness in that part of my heart but as He does, every day is going to get better and better and I am going to take this blessing of grace and mercy to me and finally rejoice in it and let God do whatever else He will still do in my life and use this story of shame and years of hidden guilt turned to a sweet aroma of His grace for His glory.
E.D.-study: Binding Up The Brokenhearted 10-Feb. 2010 I Feel forgiven I finally feel forgiven. Going through this study showed me with Bible teaching that God forgives all who accept Jesus. I finally get that. Thank you for showing me the light of Christ.
BKB-study: Binding Up The Brokenhearted 10-Feb. 2010 This study changed my whole life Before this study, I was bitter, selfish and unforgiving. Now I am more fun to be around, am not bitter and forgive more easily than I used to. I do not close myself off physically and emotionally and make the effort to spend time with friends and family. I have let go of people in my life that were holding me back and not letting me forget or forgive. This study changed my whole life
Liz-study: Binding Up The Brokenhearted 16-Jan. 2010 Another step in the right direction A former Bible Study had helped set me free from the shame that was hidden deep inside due to my abortion. My life was changed. However I still had a fear of sharing the truth of my abortion with my daughters so I knew I was not completely healed.
Through Binding up the Brokenhearted I was encouraged the whole way by my counselor and I had shared with her my desire to get to that place of freedom. I am thankful for her prayers. I did have my prayer answered and was able to share with my daughters and saw God's Amazing Grace above and beyond anything I would have imagined.
I know my journey with this is not over but has only just begun as I want to share with others the freedom that they too could experience.
Natalie-study: Binding Up The Brokenhearted 22-Dec. 2009 Back to life Binding up the Broken Hearted brought me back to life. I am so grateful for this study and the lessons learned throughout it. Without this study I have no doubts that I would still be carrying around the pain and suffering of my sin. Through this study and God's love I have been healed. I am so excited to start the new life God has graced me with by completing this study.
Wentra-study: Binding Up The Brokenhearted 21-Dec. 2009 Growth and change My pain has been lifted and my spirit restored to its former self after completing this study. My counselor was truly encouraging and patient with me as I reached each stage of growth and change throughout each chapter.
Tina-study: Binding Up The Brokenhearted 19-Nov. 2009 No longer looking back I don't think I see or understand the full impact right now. I believe any time I undertake a bible study and read God's word there is an everlasting change in my spirit, mind and soul.
The peace God has given me over the past few weeks is beyond explanation. I have also been involved in another Bible study "Believing God" (Beth Moore) that I just finished and between these two I know God has started a new chapter in my life.
I believe God has told me to stop looking back and wondering why I went through those experiences or how those things in my past will be used to glorify Him. Instead I now know I am not that person any more, I am a new creation in Christ Jesus and those past actions have no control of me. I realize God has placed His Spirit in me and I believe I am His daughter and He is calling me to live like it with His power, strength, hope and joy.
I will never allow myself to be identified by the sins of the past because they were taken by Jesus and are no more. I will not consider myself a victim or feel sorry for myself any longer. I now live according to what God has in front of me and focusing on how to walk with Him forward (not backward).
I leave it up to God if He wants to use anything from the past to glorify Him, but it is not my concern or job to try to make it glorify Him. I am so excited to find out each day what God has before me, not behind! THANK YOU MY LORD JESUS CHRIST
LaReina -study: Binding Up The Brokenhearted 15-Nov. 2009 Nothing heals like the word of God This study has brought healing that I never thought was possible. Nothing pierces like the Word of God, nothing HEALS like the Word of God. I always thought I would carry at least a part of the guilt and shame of my abortions for the rest of my life, even as a Christian, just because I thought it was unforgivable. It isn't. Complete healing IS possible, and my relationship with God is now closer than I ever imagined. I don't need to hide anymore.
MMJ-study: Binding Up The Brokenhearted 12-Nov. 2009 Looking forward This study has shined the light of truth into my life with the Word of God and the conviction of the Holy Spirit. It has provided healing where I still held unforgiveness. It has helped me to see my own sin, repent, and be forgiven. I am looking forward to growing and bearing the fruit of righteousness. I am thankful for this study and for the Healing Hearts ministry. You have been a blessing in my life. May God richly bless you and your work.
Randi-study: Binding Up The Brokenhearted 3-Nov. 2009 Better mom, daughter, sister, wife Although a believer, there were issues of non-forgiveness in my life (abortion being one of them) and this study assisted me with not only that, but drawing me into a closer relationship with Christ, my Savior. It's more than I could've ever imagined. It's made me a better mom, daughter, sister, wife, and person by showing me my weaknesses and praying they be turned into strengths to glorify God. I'm free and on fire for God like NEVER before and I've been a believer for over 25 years! Praise God!
Anon-study: Binding Up The Brokenhearted 25-Oct. 2009 Blocked things out This study has helped free me up, so that I may be his servant, all of me. I have blocked many things from my past out, so that I wouldn't hurt. I had to hurt before I could be healed totally. The Lord has forgiven me, he has treated my ailments. I pray he will strengthen me and use me to heal wounds of others. There was no one there for me, maybe it would have made a difference. May I make a difference now that I am healed.
Leanne-study: Binding Up The Brokenhearted 17-Oct. 2009 Intimacy issues Before I started this study, I thought I was already healed from the pain of my abortion. What I didn't realize was although I had a head knowledge of my forgiveness, I hadn't received it into my heart and that was keeping me from experiencing true freedom. I was still captive.
As I have walked through this study, I have embraced the truth of Christ's covering and come face to face with my Savior in a new way - truly understanding this offense in the light of the gospel. At the end of it all, Jesus reigns. He is victorious - he sets the captive free.
I will go forward knowing that I will be free from the intimacy issues that have plagued me and glorifying His glorious work in me.
I am sure that the Lord will use this healing to touch others who have the deep seated pain of abortion in their past.
Thank you for this ministry and may God richly bless those who step out in faith to mentor others who choose to face this secret sin with the healing power of Jesus Christ.
Amanda-study: Binding Up The Brokenhearted 24-Sep. 2009 The Lord's purposes are also for our good When the Lord led me to this study, I thought it was only for the purpose of helping others find freedom from the guilt and shame that abortion brings. I knew that I had been forgiven through the blood of Jesus, and that my baby was with the Lord, but I soon found out that God still had some "heart surgery" to do on me! Through this study and through my wonderful counselor the Lord revealed to me that I had been holding on to bitterness and anger toward some of those involved in my abortion and in that period of my life. I learned that some of the scars that I thought I had to bear for the rest of my life could be completely healed! I have been a Christian for 15 years and a Pastor's wife for 9 of those. I have a wonderful, biblical, gospel-centered, Christ-exalting church, but I had never experienced, in my own life, intimacy with our Lord like I have during this study. I pray that the Lord will use me to touch the lives of women the way that mine has been touched here, for the glory of His Name, and the advance of His Kingdom.
Kristy-study: Binding Up The Brokenhearted 19-Sep. 2009 Forgiven I am a Born Again Christian who accepted Jesus as my personal savior 02-18-09. When I was baptized on 05-09-09, I died to the old ways and became a new person in Christ. Yet I could still not forgive myself for the abortion I had over 18 years ago, or believe that MY sin could ever be forgiven. This study was what FINALLY made me see that my sin is forgiven, and that the blood of Jesus IS sufficient! The song "I'm so Glad Jesus Lifted Me" has a whole new meaning now! THANK YOU Healing Hearts Ministry for this study.
Dianne-study: Binding Up The Brokenhearted 15-Sep. 2009 Forgiving Myself Using this study, God has destroyed a simple but VERY POWERFUL lie that had a hold on my life. Even after knowing the Lord for 29 years I was filled with fear, anxiety, anger, bitterness and unforgiveness. Through this study God showed me that the root of unforgiveness and its effect on my life was the lie that "I needed to somehow learn to forgive myself for the abortion that I had almost 31 years ago".
I harboured unforgiveness in my heart toward myself. Because of this, no matter how hard I tried to walk in forgiveness toward others, I could could not sustain a forgiving heart - I was bound in unforgiveness. The truth is that NOWHERE in God's word does He call me to, ask me to, or command me to forgive myself. HE ALREADY DID THAT AT THE CROSS! His forgiveness IS ALL I NEED!
The Lord opened my eyes to this truth through this study and my life can never be the same. I AM FORGIVEN - THEREFORE I FORGIVE OTHERS! He has indeed used this study to set the captive free. I am eternally grateful to our great and loving Father, who knows what we need and exactly when we need it. He knew I needed this study and He knew that this was the perfect time.
PM-study: Binding Up The Brokenhearted 11-Sep. 2009 Abortion at 15 I had an abortion at 15, at 23 I had a baby boy. Without realizing why and with no certain things to cause it, I could look at my son when I would get sad about something and feel the pain of my abortion all over again as well as a feeling like I didn't deserve the second chance at a family.
After completing this study I no longer feel the pain. I feel free like I've never felt before in my life. God took a huge weight off my shoulders once I repented and asked him for his forgiveness that I once feared he would never give to me.
I feel like I'm not only a better person for finally opening my eyes to God's grace but also as a mother to my child. I couldn't have done this without Becky. May God bless her and every counselor who helps to guide each of us through this study and show us what God's grace can do for each of us if only we open our hearts
Kay-study: Binding Up The Brokenhearted 8-Aug. 2009 Saw a feature story on Healing Hearts Healing Hearts has been such a blessing to me. I knew that the time had come to really deal with my abortion, which took place 25 years ago. I started to look at post-abortion retreats and just wasn't able to find anything that worked in my schedule and nothing seemed to be the right fit. Then, I got a newsletter from the North Dakota Family Alliance, which had a feature story about Healing Hearts and shared the story of a local Healing Hearts leader. I had never heard of this ministry before! I chose to take part in the online study, complete with my very own supportive counselor (Robin) and was on my way. I don't know what I really expected this to be - but it far exceeded my expectations. There is no 'fluff' in this is hard heart work. I have spent time in front of my computer in tears or have wanted to just skip some of the questions and not really consider what was being asked. This study made me look at my abortion from all angles and its impact on all areas of my life. It reminded me of who God really is and how much He loves me and that He desires me to be whole and healed. I have a sense of freedom in me that I have not felt in 25 years - since my abortion. Praise God for this study! I have already told several other women about it and pray that they will take part in it.
Pam-study: Binding Up The Brokenhearted 9-Jul. 2009 Brought to the end of myself I've known for many, many years that God used that abortion to bring me to the end of myself, reducing my carnal mind and lifestyle to ashes and rubble and using this shocking event to bring me to my senses, as He drew me to Himself.
And although I have been a Christian and Bible Study teacher for several decades, I have been frequently frustrated and baffled by certain behavioral patterns that sometimes left me doubting my own salvation, as I believe a true believer will manifest the fruits of the Spirit. Instead, I was too often manifesting the fruits of a root of bitterness.
This study brought to my attention the extent to which I had been covering the sin of harboring an unforgiving spirit. I was quite shocked by the enormous number of specifics which the Holy Spirit brought to my attention when I listed the people who had ever offended me, because I had truly thought I had forgiven them. The problem was, I had declared a blanket forgiveness, rather than dealing with the specifics. And this unforgiving spirit was the bitter root that kept me enslaved to patterns of anger, which had actually been one of the primary reasons for the behavior which culminated in my having had an abortion in the first place.
The truth sets us free, and I believe this study has accomplished a mighty work in exposing the truth to me, so I can enjoy a right relationship with my Lord and walk in His light.
This passage sums it up: "Therefore, strengthen the hands that are weak and the knees that are feeble, and make straight paths for your feet, so that the limb which is lame may not be put out of joint, but rather be healed. Pursue peace with all men, and the sanctification without which no one will see the Lord. See to it that no one comes short of the grace of God; that no root of bitterness springing up causes trouble, and by it many be defiled." (Hebrews 12:12-15 NASB)
Heather-study: Binding Up The Brokenhearted 25-Jun. 2009 New tools to use The Lord in his mercy led me to Binding Up The Brokenhearted study. I had looked at times in the past for a bible study to help me heal. This is exactly what this study has done for me. It has taught me to go to Jesus with all my problems and concerns and that he is there to give me rest from my worries. I have the tools now to defeat the evil one from his attempts to constantly remind me of the abortions I've had. Thank you Healing Hearts for showing me the love and mercy of Jesus once again.
Cindy D.-study: Binding Up The Brokenhearted 31-May. 2009 Tools and answers right from the Bible This study had changed my life in the most dramatic ways. I thought I knew a lot, I thought I was not bothered by my past, and yet I knew something was wrong.
I just happened to find Healing Hearts. During this study, I found hope and strength I never would begin to think I had. I truly have a new lease on life... My marrige has been restored. My relationship with my family and my beautiful daughter has become incredible.. I believe that I am forgiven...
I am a child of the lord, and he did not make a mistake when he brought me to this page. I thought I was lucky to get the counselor I recieved, but I know now that the Lord put her in my life because she was the right person for me.
I feel I am closer to the Lord even more now than I did when my family and I were actively going to church. I now feel the Lord with me and in my heart... I am so gratful that I had this chance to learn all the wonders that were there for me.
If not for Healing Hearts, I don't know if I ever would have found happiness again. This is one of the most wonderful things I have done for myself... I praise God that he is there and helped me along the way. Healing Hearts will always be a big part of my life... You gave me the tools and answers right from the Bible. The impact is far too great to tell you what I'm feeling for having done this Bible study.
Praise the Lord that there are people who still care about people in this world.. Healing Hearts is definitely those people. Thank you is not enough...... Praise GOD and everyone who works so very hard to help keep this site alive, and who work so hard to helps us who reach out.... GOD BLESS HEALING HEARTS !!!!!!!
Deborah-study: Binding Up The Brokenhearted 24-May. 2009 29 years ago Some 29 years ago, I aborted my unborn baby. At the time it seemed the only way to go, I was caught in a cycle of child abuse and did not want another baby. This action led to a life of anguish and suffering that was to last many years. I have had counselling and asked for forgiveness and prayed that God would release me from this great sin. I knew that He had, but I was still bound to the abortion. Through this study, God has truly given me freedom. Complete freedom. His truth has soaked into my soul and set me free. I am so grateful, thank you so much. Blessings
EG-study: Binding Up The Brokenhearted 1-Apr. 2009 Beginning to end "Binding Up the Brokenhearted" really helped me to deal with the destructive emotions left behind by my abortion. It reinforced that the ONLY way to be completely cleansed is by immersion in the Word and the Spirit of God, and I believe that this ministry is anointed, as I felt the power and presence of the Lord from beginning to end.
Beth-study: Binding Up The Brokenhearted 3-Mar. 2009 A social worker For 30 years I have lived with pain and shame because of my abortion. I am a master level social worker and counsel people daily, yet I could not overcome my own hurt. Then God led me to this Bible study. My counselor was awesome and had scripture for me that had to be from God. This study took me to places I didn't want to go but had to in order to heal. For the first time in 30 years I can face myself in the morning knowing that God has forgiven my sin. I feel as if a huge burden has been lifted. Thank you for caring enough to develop this. I would recommend this not only as someone healed through this ministry but also as a counselor.
Amber-study: Binding Up The Brokenhearted 23-Feb. 2009 Grown so much It is difficult for me to put into words all that I feel having completed this study. My life was in constant turmoil before, sometimes even without my realization. I have found such peace and completeness through this study. I have grown so much over the last few weeks. I am forever grateful for this opportunity. My past is no longer my albatross hung around my neck that I had placed there and then allowed the devil to hold in place for all of these years. Through Christ this has been lifted from me and I feel cleansed again. Thank you.
D. Rogers-study: Binding Up The Brokenhearted 11-Feb. 2009
Where to start? One morning, I was searching around online about abortions, to see what was out there. Not a day goes by that I don't think about it - or rather am plagued by it. I stumbled across this study. At first I was a bit scared to share my feelings. I can't speak to anyone about it, so I had become used to bottling it all up inside. After the first week I could already feel the impact of the study in my life. I have learned what an abortion really is, how it has drastically changed my life. I have come to realize that the only way to live my life is through Jesus. Thanks be to God for the work that takes place through these studies. I am no longer afraid to be alone with myself, for fear of how badly I will break myself down. I have learnt that even I can be loved.
CL-study: Binding Up The Brokenhearted 4-Feb. 2009 I hated myself, I couldn't take it anymore I found this bible study on a night that I couldn't take it anymore. The hurt from my previous abortions was more than I could take. I hated myself. I know without a doubt God led me to this bible study and to my wonderful counselor Ruth. She has been so patient and loving as I have worked through this bible study. All I needed to know was that God had forgiven me of my sins, but I didn't think he would. How far I have come! He has forgiven me and I asked Jesus to come into my heart and forgive me of all my sins during this bible study. The price Jesus paid for all of us, as I am sitting here typing this, just the thought of what he did for us makes me get chills. I have come quite a long way since the beginning of this journey. My heart is at peace and I will continue to grow in God's word. Thank you to Ruth, she has been so patient and kind with me. I know she doesn't know me and she gave me everything she had to help me. That is what God's love is all about, I have learned. I will never forget, but my heart is healed.
Elisha-study: Binding Up The Brokenhearted 1-Feb. 2009 A new sense of peace, real change It has truly been a journey!!! I know this study has changed my life, my way of thinking and especially my HEART!!! First and foremost I am able to say that I have truly grasped the forgiveness of my sin from my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ! I understand that forgiving myself is not what God requires but he does require me to accept his forgiveness. Accept his death on the cross!
I truly had to grasp my abortion, there were so many feelings and pains that I buried over these four years. At one point I actually felt like Jesus would never forgive me, then I felt shame and guilt!
Beginning this study I had grown so much spiritually I thought I understood that God forgave me but in actuality I didn't. I felt ashamed of my abortion. I wanted it to be a secret for the rest of my life. But now I know that one day I will testify about my experience with my abortion! I used to look at the abortion like there wasn't a baby inside me. I knew it wasn't just a lump of tissue but I didn't look at my pregnancy like I lost a loved one and now I do look at my baby like she is in heaven! There's so much I can say about this study.
Every scripture gave me strength and understanding on the pain I caused Christ and the grace that God gives me!!! This bible study has completely CHANGED MY HEART!!!!!! I begin to think differently about how God forgives, on his grace and mercy.
I know that from this day forward my life will never be the same. I am on a more intimate level with Christ because of this study and the love and grace God has given me. In so many ways my life has been changed. I want to help others who are struggling with pregnancy because I don't want them to make the same mistake I did!
I love my husband more because of this study. He has supported me so much throughout it and the lesson also made me evaluate my marriage as well on the chapter where we discussed God's plan for sexual intimacy.
I look at my baby as a human being as a person I love so dearly that I betrayed but by God's grace and mercy I am forgiven and I truly believe we will be reunited in Heaven. Overall this study has truly given me a sense of peace with my abortion and has truly helped me love God more and more.
Jenni-study: Binding Up The Brokenhearted 28-Jan. 2009 10 years since my abortion Healing Hearts was such a blessing in my life! It has been 10 years since my abortion and not a day goes by that I don't grieve for the loss of my baby. I thought I had to forgive myself for what I did and then I would finally be able to find joy. What I found through this study was healing and peace that only comes from the gift of grace and the blood of Jesus. I know that God loves me and forgives me. And I know that Jesus is holding my baby in His arms and that one day I will be able to hold my baby too. Thank you Healing Hearts and Praise Jesus my Savior!
Holly-study: Binding Up The Brokenhearted 25-Jan. 2009 Freedom exchanged for prison God has truly freed me from the bondage and prison I've been in because of my past. He is so strong, so loving and so powerful and willing to free us and heal us so that we can be His oaks of righteousness, for His glory and splendor. There is nowhere else I want to be but in His will for my life. I pray Lord Jesus by your Spirit you would keep me there.
Amy-study: Binding Up The Brokenhearted 23-Jan. 2009 They walked in my shoes This was an incredible bible study. It has deeply impacted my life in so many ways. First of all, I want to add that the scripture applied to this study is the most important part that effected me the most. I could not have received complete healing without the guidance of God's word. I know that is where the healing is and this study brought that out. I don't think this study missed one thing that needed to be addressed. Knowing that this site was put together by people who have walked in my shoes and felt what I felt is comforting to me. I was able to put my trust in this site. Without the complete confidentiality that this bible study offered, I know without a doubt that I would never have come forward. I just could not speak to someone face to face and did not want anyone in my family to know what I was dealing with until I received complete healing and this site allowed me to have complete confidentiality. I love being able to go online, read the chapters at my own pace and speak my thoughts and feelings freely. My counselor is the BEST! She is so supportive and offered very comforting words and encouragement and was non-judgemental the whole way through. I thank everyone for the efforts put into this study and your faithfulness to God and your witness as you are changing one life at a time as my counselor stated. I am a completely new woman in Christ. My life is completely restored. I was very skeptical when I started this study and just knew I could never forgive myself. I was wrong. I am excited to see how God is going to use me in the future and to be the witness He wants me to be. Thanks To All of You Involved With This Study At Healing Hearts. God Bless You All From "Another Healed Heart!"
Sandy-study: Binding Up The Brokenhearted 13-Jan. 2009 Through daily study and light God has done an amazing work in my life in the weeks since I began this journey to touch the hem of His garment. I think the key was being desperate enough that my heart was open to whatever Jesus wanted to do. I knew there were things I needed to deal with, yet I didn't know what. Through the daily study and light of God's truth, The Holy Spirit revealed many things - people I hadn't forgiven or resented, ways I wasn't loving my husband properly, and other things I had not been willing to let go of, and repent of my pride and rebellion. It's always so subtle, and I am so deceived by nature thinking I'm OK when I'm really not. But through these pages, my counselor, and the guidance of the Holy Spirit, I've gained more freedom, more sweet time with Jesus, as I am learning to better communicate with honesty about who I am and be amazed at who He is.
H.A.V.-study: Binding Up The Brokenhearted 6-Jan. 2009 So blessed to complete it This Bible study came just in the nick of time. I was suffering in so many ways. I was in a deep & disturbing depression fueled by uncontrollable anxiety. God was sending me a wake up call. Every time I thought of myself I would say "I hate me!", what a terrible thing to say, right? Well that is how I felt at the time.
Every time I would sink into this depression the abortion I had 20 years ago would come to the front of my thoughts and I would think, this is why I am being punished - because I am a terrible person. This Bible study made me open up and look at all the events that led up to my decision to have an abortion but it also made me look at other circumstances in my life and see everything for what it was. Well I confirmed I was indeed a sinner! The great news is, I am also a child of God and Jesus Christ is my saviour!
So week by week I read the chapters and gained the understanding of just how wonderful the forgiveness Jesus makes available to all of us is. Guess what I had to stop being angry with me because if God sees fit to forgive me, who the heck did I think I was holding onto the anger I had towards myself. So for the last time, I asked him to forgive me for this terrible thing I did and a tremendous weight was lifted off my shoulders, but even more amazing was the enlightenment that filled so many other aspects of my life (my past hurts, my failed marriage, issues with relationships, envy of others, anger towards others, the list goes on and on). This experience has been truly life changing and I am truly blessed to have been able to complete this Bible study! Praise the Lord. Deb - Thanks for being with me every step of the! way!
Megan-study: Binding Up The Brokenhearted 7-Dec. 2008 Jesus set me free I would like to testify that this study has helped me to experience God's love and grace. It has led me through God's healing word which has helped me to break free from the deception, sadness, loss and pain from my abortion. I always believed Jesus had come to set the captives free. In doing this study I've experienced Jesus setting me free.
L.A.L.-study: Binding Up The Brokenhearted 17-Oct. 2008 I was in total darkness A couple of months back I was in total darkness about abortion. I was in great pain, my heart was very heavy in me. I mean I was a completely broken person. I used to search on websites for information on getting pregnant and having babies and all the information on having babies. Any time I thought about it, I felt a pang of regret for the abortions I committed some years back. I finally found this website through a site I used to visit. I decided to visit this site and see what it was all about. The very first time I opened this site I knew this was a place where I could unburden myself. This I did and now, I am as free as the word itself, the little negative feelings I used to get are no more, the tears I used to shed, the Lord has dried up. With the help of my counselor Tina, I went through this and I finally came out a winner in Christ Jesus.
Sheila-study: Binding Up The Brokenhearted 2-Oct. 2008 Not my first post-abortion Bible study I never thought I would do an Internet Bible study. The idea of it seemed too impersonal, not relational. I am used to women's bible study in a group. Some have been wonderful and lots of honest sharing and other my spiritual warning signal went off and I kept my mouth shut.
Doing this study allowed me the freedom to say some things in witing to another person that I never dreamed I would share or could share, especially not in a public group. Even though I have done 2 other post abortion studies there were certainly areas that were not touched upon.
By digging deeper and having the freedom to confidentially share I was able to release more painful hurts that I did not even realize I had. By turning over rocks and exposing my sin and the lies, I was able to face the truth in and of myself.
With God given guidance, comfort, encouragement of my prayer partner I now have a deeper walk and greater understanding of His truth, mercy and grace that is of God and from God. There is such a need for this study. There are so many hurting woman who are ashamed and afraid to open their mouths and their hearts.
Sheena-study: Binding Up The Brokenhearted 15-Sep. 2008 My walk has just started This bible study helped me deal with my abortions. I had simply made the decisions to have them and never visited the thought again until they decided to visit me. In this bible study I have found the strength in God to truly look at my past and the sins I have done. I have been able to find comfort in the Lord and knowledge in knowing that He forgives me and appreciates my new found honesty and openness with my life. God has given me a very powerful story that I hope to share with others and minister in the lives of people going through the same thing. My walk with the Lord has just started, I am not completely healed, but am a completely different person walking through this healing process.
Michelle-study: Binding Up The Brokenhearted 18-Jul. 2008 A few weeks after my abortion I came across this study just a few weeks after my abortion. I was so distraught that I knew I needed help and soon, so one morning I just got up and googled, "help for post abortion women". I was supposed to be a christian but I had had an abortion, how could God ever forgive me? It was hard going through each chapter, I had to face and take responsibility for what I had done, there were times that I wanted to quit, I wanted to give up on life but God wouldn't let me and I had a really wonderful counselor, (Girlie) she gave me all the encouragement that I needed to continue. Now I have a real relationship with the Lord, and he has truly healed me and made me whole again. He healed my marriage as well, thank you Lord Jesus. I thank God for my counselor and the staff of Healing Hearts Ministries.
Linda-study: Binding Up The Brokenhearted 6-Jul. 2008 Opened my eyes This study has opened my eyes so that I look at things with a different light. I never thought that freedom from the past was possible at all. But I now am confident that all is possible in the hands of the God I serve and EVERYTHING is subject to Him. I know that He sent me an angel, Lesley, to walk this part of the journey with me. As everything is according to His purpose so was this study I encourage anyone looking to free themselves from mistakes they made in the past to go through this study.
Tammy-study: Binding Up The Brokenhearted 5-Jul. 2008 Looking forward to being pregnant I loved this study! I feel like I have literally been washed clean with the Words of Scripture. I don't think I even realized how much of my abortion I was still holding was so easy to think I had dealt with all the pain. This study allowed me to walk through grief, anger and forgiveness in a way that allowed me to understand my sin better as well as the power of the Cross. Grace has never been so powerful in my life. As I let go of my past I find more grace fills my heart. The Holy Spirit has used this study to continue to transform and redeem the dark places in my story. I now, for the first time in my life, look forward to getting pregnant and enjoying that season of my life, if it is God's will. I can actually be excited to have a family with my husband without feeling guilt and shame ridden. And I know that is only because of Jesus! I look forward to offering others the same comfort and grace as I have been given.
Aggie-study: Binding Up The Brokenhearted 27-Jun. 2008 Everything is possible I am very thankful to God for directing me to Healing Hearts Ministries' Binding Up The Brokenhearted online Bible study. It has healed and changed me. In it I found a friend and counsellor, Michelle, who assured me I will be fine, and I sure am. I have realised there is forgiveness from God no matter what kind of sin one has commited. I am worthy of God's grace. I need not to hurt myself with tears and regret. God calls us to come before Him with humble supplication and repent. He forgives and turns our lives around for the better. The devil made me think I would never come this far. I was miserable - in darkness but I've now seen the light. Having an intimate relationship with God is so wonderful. He wipes our tears away and there is no heartache. He guides our path and teaches us new things each day. I surely recommend this study to anyone who is undergoing post-abortion trauma. With God everything is possible. There is a way. Jesus Christ shed His blood and took our sins away. He understands all our pain. Come before Him and you will be set free from unnecessary pain. I will forever be grateful to Healing Hearts Ministries and my counsellor Michelle. I am what I am now because of you. May God bless you and your ministry. Thank you very much.
Susan-study: Binding Up The Brokenhearted 19-Jun. 2008 First abortion, tender age of 15.. My first abortion was at the tender age of 15, begining a cycle that wouldn't end until 10 years passed and 5 more lives were taken. In my shame, I kept the number of abortions, and the details to myself. Even after coming to know that Lord as my Savior, I carried my grief and regret alone, assuming that I deserved whatever pain came my way. A sense of punishment, I suppose. I believed in forgiveness for everyone and everything else, but didn't accept it for that area of my past. Binding the Brokenhearted allowed me to take a look at what I really had done, take responsibility for it, repent of it, and opened my eyes and my heart to receive the forgiveness and healing that Jesus has for me.
MM-study: Binding Up The Brokenhearted 21-May. 2008 Transformed I can't express how much this study, along with God, has transformed my life. I now understand that God can and will forgive ANYONE who truly wants forgiveness. He is not picky or judgemental. He is a great God!
Terry-study: Binding Up The Brokenhearted 20-May. 2008 Small changes make big impacts I had my abortion 29 years ago, and it was the worst mistake of my life. I thought I could not go on living, knowing that I had killed my own child. The Lord spared me from suicide and alcohol and other destructive behaviors.
Two years later, I gave my heart to Jesus when I accepted the price He paid for my sins on the cross, and accepted Him as my Lord and Savior. He did a great work in my heart, healing me of my abortion and other sins and hurts in my life, through His Word.
When I started the study, I felt that I had been healed so completely, and didn't know what to expect of the study. But I know that God works exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think, and He did!
The biggest change for me was becoming aware of anger and unforgiveness that I was holding onto, regarding certain men in my past, and a specific denomination they had all come from. This was a real surprise to me, as I had thought I had forgiven them years ago, and did not realize how much this was still affecting my relationships today, as I have frequent contact with people from this denomination. I forgave, each one of them, and have been freed up from the burden of unforgiveness that I didn't even know I had been carrying around for years!
As a result of this study, God has given me a real sense of hope for my future with my husband. There is more love in my heart for him, a tenderness to each other, and a quickness to forgive. It has been an awesome experience to have worked through this study with my online counselor working so closely with me on these intimate issues.
I am realizing that I have never had this much accountability built in to my walk with the Lord before, and have received a great blessing from the Lord through her. I have had more opportunities to share about my faith and the healing the Lord has done in my life. I think this is mainly because I am walking closer to the Lord as a result of the work the Lord required me to do in the area of forgiveness.
I have a joy and a confidence that the Lord is leading me and directing me in my daily walk. I highly recommend the Binding Up The Brokenhearted study for anyone who has had an abortion, even those who have previously received the Lord's forgiveness and healing for their abortion experience. He is always ready and willing to do so much more for us!
KP-study: Binding Up The Brokenhearted 19-May. 2008 An answer to my prayers... An answer to my prayers... I grew up in a home where my dad committed adultery for years and my mother loved him so much she couldn't see past it. She was so devoted to him that sometimes we, the children, felt like there was nothing left for us. Things were always tense and rocky. I was saved at an early age of 13 and I tried so hard to look past these things, but it was difficult to do. I then left home and got married when I was only 18. I thought that I had finally found happiness, but I was wrong. He was physically/verbally abusive. After a couple of years, I left my husband. Even with the abuse, it was a very hard thing to do. After my divorce, I strayed away from church and from God. A few years later, I found a man that I thought could fill my void. Several months into the "relationship" I became pregnant. At this point, my life became a whirlwind. I knew, because of several reasons, that bringing a baby into the world probably wasn't the best idea. I wanted him/her so bad, though. The daddy of the baby, on the other hand, was insistent that I have an abortion. So, I was young and he was several years older than me, I went along with his wishes. I will never forget the day...July 28, 2003. I was 24 years old, but I felt like a frightened, young teenager. The first room was so dark. There, they did an ultrasound and I remember thinking that there was a baby inside of me, but I felt like it was too late at this point to change my mind. The next room was so cold and so dreary. I can only remember the nurse coming over to me saying, "Don't worry. You won't remember any of this" and the doctor sitting in front of me. The doctor didn't discuss any of the procedure with me. I can not remember any other details about the abortion. Actually, I can only remember a few details for several days after. My mind had suppressed all these thoughts/emotions...a short time later, the daddy of my baby and I said our good-byes and departed ways. Then, a while later my life changed again. This time it was for the better. A wonderful Christian man came into my life...he was an answer to so many prayers. I started going back to church and rededicated my life to God. It was only about 4-5 months ago (about 4 1/2 years after my abortion) when God started dealing with me concerning my abortion. Sure, there were times that I thought about my baby...mostly the date of abortion and the due date. But this time, it was different. I couldn't get it off of my mind. God told me it was time to face it, deal with it, and move on with my life. He told me He would be with me every step of the way...and He has been. I prayed about it for quite some time and that is when I found Healing Heart Ministries. I knew this was an answer to my prayers. This was one of God's ways of helping me cope and deal with everything. I feel like one of my heaviest burdens that I have ever carried has been lifted...thanks so much to God, to Healing Heart Ministries, and to my wonderful counselor, Tina, who has helped me every step of the way. I can never say "thank you" enough!
Libby S.-study: Binding Up The Brokenhearted 16-May. 2008 Rape, 25 years later God is so good. I was not raised as a Christian. In fact the names Jesus and God were only associated with curses. I was a child, or product, of this world not understanding that God was, and is real.
The era in which I grew up pushed women into an unnatural roles. We were taught to be independent and to take care of ourselves, or to be an island. It was ingrained into us that being a mom was just not sophisticated and not what we "should" want for ourselves.
It was not until I was 37 years old did I ask Jesus into my heart and life. At that time my life completly changed. At thirteen I had found acceptance in a group of friends my same age. It felt good to "fit in" so I went along with some things I didn't completely understand. I experimented with cigarettes, alcohol, pot, drugs and eventually sex. We were all very uninformed on a lot of things, sexual relations being at the top of the list. There was a guy I liked at the time and some of my "friends" convinced me that he would not want anything to do with me if I was a virgin. These same friends also had a cure for this "problem".
Looking back now, (and facing it through this Bible study) I know that I was molested. I was almost 14 when I was led into a room by a then 19 year old man who took my virginity, and later stole things from my parent's house. That memory has been locked away for almost 25 years. It was very traumatic for me and I believe that my mind just shut that memory away so deep into my soul because I couldn't handle it.
After this time I lost all self esteem and just allowed myself to be used. It may sound strange, but I didn't even think about getting pregnant. That was something that happened to other girls, not me.
But just after I turned 15 I became pregnant with my first child. I was terrified. I didn't want to tell my parents and didn't feel I could take care of a baby. I had never before heard of abortion when it was suggested to me by a boyfriend of one of my friends. He knew a doctor and gave me the name and number. The appointment and procedure came so fast. I had to find someone old enough to drive to take me to the appointment. That was also so traumatic that my mind just shut down and refused to remember any details.
It would be almost 20 years before I would face my abortion experience. Years of denial followed by years of pain and anger, mostly at myself. During this time I washed all my emotions in drugs, alcohol and bad relationships. Then Jesus stepped in. (That is a whole story in itself) After I started attending church and I heard a lady speak on a Pregnancy Center. I felt that I could help out in that area. One of the requirements for volunteers who have had an abortion was to go through a Bible study on healing. It was then I first faced my abortion experience and learned of the love that God has for even me.
Since that time, I have search and read everything I can find on abortion and on healing from it. That led me to this Bible study.
As I mentioned before I had not faced that very first sexual encounter. I did work through my abortion experience and my life after it with the first Bible study, but never even thought of facing the molestation (or rape).
God took me through some very dark times this past summer and allowed me to be taken away from the job I had done for many years. I was placed on nights and at the bottom of the "food chain" with my job. I tried everything I knew to get myself out of the situation to no avail. That's when I prayed and told God that I REALLY didn't understand, but I would try to do this task with a good attitude.
A few weeks into this new schedule it happened. I had been placed in a position where I didn't interact with too many people and could pray while working. One night I was standing in front of a machine talking to God and the memory of that day when I lost my virginity came flooding over me. It was as though I was standing there watching, but feeling at the same time. I could see the room smell the smells and feel all the pain, emotional, physical and spiritual. It was at that moment that I knew God wanted me to face this part of my past and heal from it.
That is what this Bible study has helped me do. I am so thankful to God for raising up people who have a heart for the hurting people like me. The time and effort that I'm sure went into this program has been such a benifit to me and I know other people too. It was very well prepared and thought out. I'm so glad that we don't ever have to stop learning about God. That each day we can learn something more about His charactor and His love for us. Blessings
Wendy-study: Binding Up The Brokenhearted 14-May. 2008 Receiving Mercy I thought that I had recovered from the hurt and shame I experienced from my abortion. This study helped me to see which areas I had not let God heal and how I can continue to heal. It is not an easy thing to seek forgiveness for something horrible that you have done, but God has forgiven me through His son Jesus and I no longer need to feel that I am unworthy of His grace and mercy.
Connie-study: Binding Up The Brokenhearted 30-Mar. 2008 30 years For 30 years, I carried the agonizing burden of my abortion. I was like a "dead woman walking". This study brought light into the dark places and has saved me. Thank you so much for this study!
SA-study: Binding Up The Brokenhearted 17-Mar. 2008 Sometimes grief is delayed Twenty three years ago after several days of praying and crying, I chose to have an abortion. Only a handful of people knew I was pregnant. None of which supported my decision to keep my baby. Instead of trusting God, I chose to listen to the world. My baby's father took me to the hospital and stayed with me until I was released a few hours later. He then took me back to my friend's home and left. I never saw him again.
I always said I would never have an abortion. I didn't believe in it. How did I get to the point of going against everything I had been taught and believed in? I did not have a relationship with Christ at the time and thought I could just ask God to forgive me and I could go on with my life.
A few years later I was married and went on to have two children. I thought all was well until my daughter's friend, age 17 and unmarried, became pregnant and chose to give her baby up for adoption.I started thinking of the baby I aborted and for the first time felt the shame and sadness that I had tried to ignore from 23 years ago. How I wish I would have chosen life for my baby.
I began to grieve and had such overwelming feelings of guilt and shame. I was so thankful to find this Bible study! It has completely changed my life! Each chapter that was studied, seemed to melt away all the horrible feelings of shame. Studying God's word has shown me that there were other areas of my life that I needed help with also.
Without this study, I don't know where I would be today. Thank you Healing Hearts and also my counselor Carrie who was with me every step of the way! I will never forget you!
SMcF-study: Binding Up The Brokenhearted 11-Mar. 2008 God is working This study taught me a lot about submission, humility, obedience and follow through along with a huge dose of patience. I know that God has a plan for my life. I see Him working in my life. It was amazing how He used this study to confirm some things as well as to continually refine me. When I started I thought because I had done so much healing that I would not learn really anything new. But of course I did. I am extremely grateful for the grace that Lesley has shown me and all of her encouragement and patience. I am excited about the future and the ways in which God is working through me. I am excited to continue on seeking Him. I am excited to be in His word. If you haven't guessed by now my Lord excites me. Thank you again for all of your counsel and leadership. You have been a true blessing!!!
Tamara-study: Binding Up The Brokenhearted 9-Mar. 2008 I told myself I wasn't thinking about it I had an abortion when I was 20 years old. I already had one child and was going through a difficult time and I felt like I couldn't deal with another child. I didn't acknowledge my abortion for the next five years. I told myself I wasn't thinking about it but the truth is I thought about it a lot. Then when I got married to the father of my aborted baby we finally started talking about it one day and we agreed that it was the biggest mistake either of us had made in our entire lives. That day began an overwhelming time of shame, guilt and grieving. I started going to Celebrate Recovery at my church and a women there told me about Binding Up The Brokenhearted. I went right home and signed up for the study. This will probably be the most important study I ever do. It has changed my whole life forever. I will never be the same again. And I am so happy. I feel free from my sin of abortion and I know my baby is in heaven with God. This study also helped me to deal with other sins in my past - both those I committed and those committed against me. I am so grateful that this study was available to me. Thank you.
Margaret R-study: Binding Up The Brokenhearted 7-Mar. 2008 From nightmare to beautiful journey Before doing this study, I was having nightmares about murdering someone. It would be the same scenario: I would have a recognition that I killed someone in my past and that I would have to pay for it. Often, I would have a sense that I buried this person. These dreams would horrify me because I am a nonviolent person. I finally told my husband.
After a year of these dreams, I asked God what they meant. I then had a dream that I saw a very young little girl lying in a fetus position, buried in the ground. The Lord showed me it was the abortion that I had twenty years ago! Shocked, I realized that I did indeed murder my own child! Not by society's standards, but by God's Holy standards: His Living Word.
By God's help, I found this website. This has led to the most amazing healing journey in my life. Not only did I receive complete and total healing for this sin, but God showed me so many other areas of my life that needed His healing touch. He mercifully showed me how incidents and traumas in my life had given the enemy strongholds in my heart that led up to the abortion.
The Lord showed me His heart and I was able to grieve with God over my baby. I no longer saw this unborn child as the white tissue I saw being sucked up in a clear plastic tube. I see this baby now as mine, as a little girl waiting for me in heaven.
One morning, while reading scripture after doing this study, a name popped to my mind, "Sheila". I knew this was to be her name. I looked up the meaning of this name and the first meaning I found was "heaven".
I finally realized that this is a precious baby, a gift from God, just as precious and just as beautiful as my other children. After my broken heart came the joy of a heart healed. God is the Healer and His grace is sufficient! This has been a life-changing, beautiful journey that I highly recommend to anyone that has the sin of abortion in their past.
Laura S.-study: Binding Up The Brokenhearted 12-Feb. 2008 I have found forgiveness I had an abortion when I was 31 years old. I already had 2 children and was separated from my husband. I had grown up in the church; accepted Jesus at an early age. However, I was living in a situation that was less than ideal. I was still going to church, occasionally, but it was just for show. I hadn't let Jesus really into my life. I came back to Jesus and back to the church, I had asked for his forgiveness and truly meant it, but I hadn't shared my story. I felt guilty and dirty for what I had done. I couldn't get beyond the fact to let the Holy Spirit use this area for his glory. Now I know God can take any situation even as ugly as mine, and use it for his glory. I have truly forgiven those who hurt me and I have found forgiveness for my sins. Thank you for your ministry. You are truly blessing the lives of many women.
DJW-study: Binding Up The Brokenhearted 31-Jan. 2008 mercy was very apparent in this study Twenty two years ago I walked through the doors of a hospital and had an abortion. For the past twenty one years it was a secret that my husband or I talked about or discussed with anyone. One year ago, through prayer I was able to ask God to forgive me. I thought that everything was fine after that. But once I started this study there were things that I had not thought needed healing, but God is good and He led me through this study and through His grace and mercy brought me to full understanding of His forgiveness of me and how I needed to forgive others around me. His love and mercy for me was very apparent in this study and I would recommend it to anyone that has gone through an abortion, even if you think that all is well and you have accepted God's forgiveness for yourself.
MN-study: Binding Up The Brokenhearted 1-Dec. 2007 I had four abortions. I was neither poor, nor alone. In my twenties, I had four abortions. I was neither poor, nor alone. I chose these abortions out of selfishness and fear. After the first one, I found that self-loathing and an unwillingness to speak to God out of shame accompanied me everywhere. It only got worse. With this study, I found a place to share my feelings. My counselor was instrumental in helping me through the pain of my abortions. I now know my life has not been ruined. I know that I can still be happy, that I deserve it and that God wants it. This study has helped me gain back the peace I had felt with God as a young girl involved in my local parish's youth ministry. Through it and Kathy, I've had a direct line to God. I am saved, I have a new sense of self and I am happier than ever.
Lorraine-study: Binding Up The Brokenhearted 1-Dec. 2007 What can I get out of an on-line study? I believe there are many women out there who are hurting. Who don't realize the impact the abortion had upon their lives, who have no joy. This study is a life changing experience. It has restored my relationship with my husband and revitalized my faith in God. Joy has a totally new meaning for me. At first I thought, "What can I get out of an on-line study?" It was amazing! My counselor Lue was there continually encouraging me and the lessons were available to me any time, any day. If you seek healing from abortion, this is the place to be.
Lisa-study: Binding Up The Brokenhearted 15-Nov. 2007 The Gift of God My life has completely changed since going through this study. I was carrying the guilt, shame, sadness and bitterness around for 14 years and could hardly stand it anymore. A dark cloud followed me everywhere and my behavior ruined so many friendships over the years. I was approaching my 45th birthday and realized that something in my life had to change in order for me to be happy again, like I was before my abortion. I was so relieved to find your on-line bible study that I could do in the privacy of my own home, rather than in a group setting. I finally see light at the end of the tunnel again and it is wonderful. Thank you Lesley for your help and encouragement along the way!!!!
DonnaLD-study: Binding Up The Brokenhearted 15-Nov. 2007 Deeper walk This study took me to depths that I would never have thought possible in an online situation. Having a wonderful online sister to help me sort out my deeper thoughts and ask me tough questions was a blessing beyond words. I am closer to God because of this. I will always be grateful to this ministry. God bless you all!
Shawna-study: Binding Up The Brokenhearted 12-Nov. 2007 The weight is gone I am amazed, thrilled and so grateful for this study and the way that the Lord has used it to reveal Himself to me. I never thought I would be able to feel "soothed" about my abortions, but I now feel His presence and forgiveness. It is like a weight that I have been carrying for ten years is gone.
April-study: Binding Up The Brokenhearted 27-Oct. 2007 What I have learned This study was sent to me at a most opportune time in my life. For years I had felt that God wanted me to do something to help others who found themselves in the same situation as I had found myself in. By going through this study I have learned that God's forgiveness and mercy are mine. I am the one who needed to accept that forgiveness. God's mercy is always with each of us and never leaves. This study, through the Hand of God, is indeed a work of God and I thank Him for the opportunity to have gone through it.
Sharon-study: Binding Up The Brokenhearted 21-Oct. 2007 On the road to helping others This Bible study has made a difference in my life because it made me really stop and think about how I feel and what I believe. I have learned things about myself that I would have missed otherwise. I really think God led me here because He put it on my heart to help other women, but He also impressed upon me that I really needed to make sure I dealt with my own issues. I know I'm on a life long journey, to that point of being perfected in Him, but this was a huge step in that journey.
Nina-study: Binding Up The Brokenhearted 17-Oct. 2007 I thought I was past it This Bible study changed my life! I thought I knew God loved me; I thought I'd already healed sufficiently from my past horrific choice of abortion. However, I never fully realized until I did this study how bound I still was by guilt, condemnation and a fear of rejection. And how that bondage and fear kept me from fully seeing, understanding and accepting the total limitless love of God. Now that I know that truth, I am freer and more confident than I have ever been, which has released & enabled me to love others more as well, without fear of rejection, especially my husband & children, which has greatly improved my family. Thank you, thank you, thank you! Words cannot express how grateful I am to this ministry & everyone in it or how much I highly recommend it to ANYONE who has ever been through an abortion. Even those (like me) who thought they were well past the pain of it.
Anonymous-study: Binding Up The Brokenhearted 27-Sep. 2007 My priest told me I was forgiven, but I couldn't accept it About a week before finding healinghearts ministries, I was praying and suddenly got this insight about my abortion. I was being shown that it was my own decision entirely and not the fault of other people around me. I was being led to acknowledge my responsibility. But this was done with such incredible gentleness and love that I knew it was God.
The following week I was watching EWTN and on came an advert for Silent No More. I felt that God had meant me to see that advert and I came straight online and looked them up. I got to reading their lists of counselors. I found a link to That very same day I looked up Healing Hearts and signed up for the ten week course.
I can honestly say that I have never felt so much pain and grief in my entire life as I did during the first two chapters of this study. This is because I had buried everything I thought and felt about my abortion for eleven years. It went against everything I believed even when I did it, but I still did it, because I thought I had no choice.
In this study, I had to finally face what I had done and for a time I could not get the thought of it out of my head. I couldnt sleep, I was tired and weepy all the time. I had been told I was forgiven by God by a priest, and I knew Christ, but I could not accept that forgiveness. I could not feel it. I could not comprehend it. I did not feel worthy of it.
Now you have helped me. Now I am starting to feel that I have been, can be, forgiven by God. I am striving to accept that forgiveness because Christ died for this. Who am I to reject the sacrifice of Christ? Without Healing Hearts I might never have moved on towards feeling this. I would like to thank you so much. You are helping me to heal finally after all these years. You are helping me to be set free, you are giving sight to the blind. Thank you.
Patricia-study: Binding Up The Brokenhearted 17-Sep. 2007 People kept telling me I hadn't forgiven myself The study has been a great help to me. People kept saying to me that I hadn't forgiven myself for my abortion. I was confused about this. The study helped me to realize that all I needed to do was to receive God's forgiveness. I know that I am forgiven through the sacrifice of Jesus on the cross. He shed His precious blood for each one of us so that we could be free, and for this I am truly thankful.
SS-study: Binding Up The Brokenhearted 7-Sep. 2007 Rock Bottom I started this study at rock bottom. I have never felt so depressed or mournful for something I had done. Throughout the study I was led by God and my counselor. They lifted me out of my depression and made me whole again. I will never forget my abortion and will always remember my unborn child, but now I can do that without all the tears and heartache.
Janelle-study: Binding Up The Brokenhearted 21-Aug. 2007 I was so desperate for healing Thank you so much for providing the Healing Hearts Bible Study online. While living in Honolulu I was so desperate for healing after I realized the horrible sin of my abortion. There was not a Bible Study group available in person, but I was able to interact with my online counselor, Cindy. This Bible Study helped me restore my relationship with God. I looked forward to the healing brought by each chapter. Thank You!
AS-study: Binding Up The Brokenhearted 7-Aug. 2007 12 Years vs. a few weeks After 12 years of denial, guilt and shame, the Lord told me it was time to get honest with myself, and He put Healing Hearts in my path. It's taken me longer than 10 weeks, but I've made it to the end, and here I am released from the burdens I carried for so long. The chains of bondage have been broken through searching the Scriptures, listening to the Word of God and praying with an honest heart.
My walk with the Lord is closer and I can come before Him boldly in prayer because I know He understands and He loves me. I'm so thankful to Healing Hearts for pulling the Scriptures together for me so I could hear what God has to say.
For me, there is no other way except God's way, and the only way to experience true healing is through Jesus' work on the Cross and by opening your heart to Him and letting Him heal you.
Lue, you've been fantastic - you made things clear to me when I didn't understand, you encouraged me during the busy times when I struggled for time to sit down, your prayers carried me through.
It's my prayer that Healing Hearts will continue for many years to help other women who are in bondage to their past, to let them know the Good News so they can also receive healing and freedom. AMEN!!!
Lisa-study: Binding Up The Brokenhearted 30-Jul. 2007 Everyone can experience freedom Healing, and freedom. I experienced both as a result of this amazing study. The comfortable, conversational tone of the commentaries, and the obviously Spirit-led choice of scriptures are woven together with activities that brought me to a level of understanding and intimacy with my Father and my Savior that my heart desperately needed. Everyone, whether someone who doesn't know Jesus, is new to the Family, or a well-versed Christian can experience freedom from the chains of guilt, shame that shackle the heart and prevent one from living and loving the woman God created us each to be.
Dawn-study: Binding Up The Brokenhearted 6-Jul. 2007 Satan loses I will never be the same! I now know that being righteous before God does not mean that we are sinless, but that we served God faithfully. In God's eyes - He doesn't count faithfulness as being successful in all that we do - He counts it as us giving our best to walk with Him - Blameless means no accusation could justly be made against us because of the loving sacrifice of Christ.
Today - I am walking on the road of liberty and freedom and I know that this is just the beginning. I am excited about my future and what God has for me there! "For I know the plans I have for you - plans to prosper you, to give you hope and a future!" May God bless all of you for taking the time to help the wounded heal! May I be used to help set the captives free! Satan!! You just lost another prisoner!!!
CSR-study: Binding Up The Brokenhearted 6-Jun. 2007 Freedom I have found a new freedom from all the shame and pain of the past. My daily weaknesses are Jesus' stengths. He broke down all the walls in my life and gave me freedom.
Tara-study: Binding Up The Brokenhearted 5-Jun. 2007 By God's power Before I came to Christ, I knew I made tremendous mistakes in the past. Two of those mistakes were previous abortions. Four years ago, our first child passed away, and for all this time, I truly believed her death was in part due to God's retaliation and because of my thought process I lived with tremendous guilt. Yet, through this study and with the help of my counselor, I was able to become witness to God's great healing power. I never imagined it possible to have a complete healing without any condemnation of myself or from God. I am still in awe as to how God has worked this change within my life, but I can truly testify that this study has completely changed my life - I am no longer a captive to myself, but I now feel completely transformed and set free. God's redemptive, restorative and healing power is amazing to witness first hand.
AG-study: Binding Up The Brokenhearted 25-Apr. 2007 From deep depression to freedom I have a commitment to heal and this study has been a big step in that direction. I remember my life without hope, trying to survive from a deep depression. While I read each chapter of this study, my conscience was transformed. I have been confronted about having made a wrong decision and I have discovered how much "lies" were the foundation of my life. Now, I am free. But the most important thing is that I have found the love and mercy of God.
Tammy-study: Binding Up The Brokenhearted 4-Apr. 2007 Transformation in Christ I was once a broken vessel. No good to anyone, but Jesus came along and reformed me in this study. I now know the true meaning of dying to the old self and becoming a new creature in Christ. My bondages are broken and my heart is healed! I have the love of Christ going through me! This study has shown me that God's love, grace and mercy can overcome ALL obstacles that come against me! Thank you Healing Hearts Ministries!
A. Watson-study: Binding Up The Brokenhearted 12-Mar. 2007 Burden of 20 years is gone The guilt and shame that I had carried around for over 20 years is now gone. This study had made me realize that God has totaly forgiven me and that the sacrifice of Christ was enough to cover this sin.
CC-study: Binding Up The Brokenhearted 9-Mar. 2007 Peace with God I am changed from the inside out because of this study. I now see how I incorrectly saw God at work in my life and blamed Him for my choices. My prayer life is alive again. I want to meet with Him daily and know it is well with my soul. I no longer fear that God will take my children because I rejected the first ones He gave me.
SR-study: Binding Up The Brokenhearted 2-Mar. 2007 Submitting to the work of God Dear Healing Hearts Ministry, Binding up the Broken Hearted made me realize that God knows everything about me. During my journey God invited me to put all the difficult things in my life to rest. I kept the door closed on God's grace for so long, it was time to be set free. I kept asking God over and over to forgive me, but continued to judge myself harshly and had a hard time believing that God could really forgive these actions that I found to be so awful. The hardest part of my healing was self forgiveness. We trust that God can and does forgive us, but we hang onto our own self-recrimination. I realized that my faith in a merciful God and the redemptive power of His Son our Lord Jesus needed to be stronger. God didn't place these terrible things upon me because of my behavior. God granted me pardon and mercy when I confessed and brought my repentant heart to Him. I have a new outlook on life now, through the eyes of my loving father. My family has noticed a positive change in me, and I feel much closer to them. The spiritual numbness and fatigue I used to feel has disappeared, and for the first time in a long time I am comfortable in my own skin. No one ever tells you how your life will be impacted by abortion. Abortion leaves a hole in the soul, it is a wound that only God can heal, but God can heal it, if you allow Him to. Thank you for the opportunity to write and God Bless!
Tina-study: Binding Up The Brokenhearted 6-Feb. 2007 Tried to bury my feelings This study has helped me to work through the pain of my abortion which I had over 18 years ago. I tried to bury my feelings and pretend as if they would go away yet when they surfaced I knew how they were destroying me on the inside. I knew it was time to deal with my pain before it got the best of me. I tried secular counselors and everything else in the way of counseling yet..I found my true healing comes from Christ alone.
Christine-study: Binding Up The Brokenhearted 26-Jan. 2007 Freedom bearing Fruit for others I am thankful that God used this study to show what I harboured in my heart and what needed to be confessed and brought before him. You have such a beautiful way of leading through this study in truth and grace. Never ever have I felt condemned, but rather felt acceptance and a leading to the throne of grace. I am very thankful for the truthful words on the process of abortion. Only through looking consequently to our wrongs in life, can we also look to the cross where the price had been paid. In Full! Now after having completed this study I was asked by others who also had abortions, to lead them in a study in order to experience the healing they have seen in me. Praise be to our God!
Jennifer-study: Binding Up The Brokenhearted 24-Jan. 2007 God forgives and removes I, my family and future generations have been blessed by this Bible study. I have been transformed from an angry, resentful wife and mother, to the wife and mother that God created me to be. God is willing to forgive and remove my sins as far as the East is from the West, I am going to accept. I choose to walk in the light and not be pulled into the darkness. I thank the writers of this study for being so scripturally sound. I also liked having the interaction with a counselor!
quinngirl-study: Binding Up The Brokenhearted 31-Dec. 2006 Moving Forward I cannot tell you how much this has changed my life, in freedom from my past. I recommend this to anyone who feels they need freedom from their past and would like to move forward in their life. It isn't always easy, but take your time and you will work through it.
Tracy-study: Binding Up The Brokenhearted 2-Dec. 2006 God is truly awesome!!! I read many testimonies of hope and healing before signing up for the Binding The Brokenhearted Bible study. And I cannot believe I am now able to add a testimony of my own. I began this study because I felt it was the "right thing to do." It was more out of duty than anything. I had 2 abortions, neither of which affected me until years later. Especially when I held my daughter for the first time, 5 years after my 2nd abortion. I came into this study a Christian, forgiven of my abortions, for I had confessed them many times. But I had no idea how much they were still affecting me. When a secular physician gave me a diagnosis of bipolar disorder the beginning of this year, due to out of control mood swings, and frequent bouts of depression, I was EXCITED! I thought, FINALLY! I know what's wrong with me. The meds numbed me for a little while, but in my spirit, even through my broken, hardened heart, I could hear God's quiet voice gently calling me to real healing, healing only He could offer. I knew I wasn't suffering from this disorder, and decided to try things God's way. I found this study not long after throwing out my meds. I remember thinking I knew it all, but I would just do it to "make God happy." I can remember crying through the first 2 chapters. I think I cried non stop for 2 weeks. But it wasn't the cry of a depressed woman. It was a cleansing cry. I could feel God so close, so intimately. He was talking to me constantly. It was overwhelming, but so unlike any preconceived notions I came into this study with. What I was really not expecting was how the teachings not only related to my abortions, but to other issues from my past, such as unforgiveness, anger, and a hardened heart. It has been 12 weeks now, and I still have so much work to do. But I have never felt such hope. As I told Lue, there is still a tunnel ahead of me that I must walk through, but now I see light in that tunnel. And God is walking through it with me. It is no longer that cold, dark, lonely place I was in before. God is truly awesome!!! And that is a miracle in itself I can say that. I have always known "about God," but never knew God personally. I want to thank everyone at Healing Hearts for developing this study. And a special thanks and God Bless You to Lue, my e-counselor. You laughed with me, cried with me, prayed with me, and prayed for me when I felt too weak to do it myself. Stepping out on my own will be hard, but for the first time in my life I have hope. I have no idea where God will lead me, but He is leading me. And that is all that matters.
KM-study: Binding Up The Brokenhearted 31-Oct. 2006 Seeing the light This study has pulled me through such a difficult time. I never thought that I would be able to see the light at the end of the tunnel. I was hurting and depressed and upset with myself and I never thought that I would be able to get through it. This study has helped me see that light. It is no longer dark.
SS-study: Binding Up The Brokenhearted 24-Oct. 2006 Let Jesus lead When I began this study, I was dealing with much more than having gone through with an abortion. I had what seemed like a million issues that had to be dealt with and I didn't know how to turn to the Lord, because it was all so overwhelming, and in my limited capacity, I could not imagine how the Lord could possibly reach me in any one of those issues, let alone my abortion. This study provided a clearly lit path that brought me to the feet of Christ. I realized in going through this study, that I didn't need Jesus to deal with all of my issues, I just needed Jesus. I am truly thankful for those that the Lord has placed in this ministry. My e-counselor was very patient with me throughout the study and encouraged me during those times when I just wanted to give up. I now have a hope for the future and have found joy knowing that the Lord began a good work in me and He will be faithful to complete it.
Donna Corydon-study: Binding Up The Brokenhearted 26-Sep. 2006 I thought I had dealt with it It has been 25 years since my abortion. I started this study to prepare myself for ministry to post abortive women, not because I thought I still needed healing. I had dealt with it, healed from it and moved on. I found in the study shock of all shocks, NO! there was still under the surface issues. God knew even if I did not that I needed this study and I am thankful to have finished it. It took awhile and some parts were really hard for me. But I am moving on with my Jesus and He is the author and finisher of my faith. Praise His Name!
Megan-study: Binding Up The Brokenhearted 26-Sep. 2006 Holding on to God, Letting go of guilt Although it still hurts every once in a while to see children the age that Josh Jr. would be, I have always known he is with God. Through this study I have been able to mend my relationship with God and am growing closer to Him daily. The pain is still there, just as it would be if a loved one passed away, but I have been able to let go of the guilt and shame I was carrying inside my heart. Through this study God has truly started to bind up my broken heart. Thanks to all the people who work at Healing Hearts, God is truly using you in awesome ways.
LS-study: Binding Up The Brokenhearted 25-Sep. 2006 He will see me through Healing Hearts was a God-send to me. It was not by accident but by his purpose. God through this study has shown me so many truths but mostly of his love and his love through the love of others, such as the people at Healing Hearts Ministries. It has been a long journey and there is still a ways to go, but he has healed the broken hearted person that I once was and reminds me daily that he who has begun a work in me will see me through; that he loves me.
Birgit-study: Binding Up The Brokenhearted 25-Sep. 2006 Changed my outlook This study has changed my outlook on life, the perception of God, the Bible (truly His inspired word). It helped me understand why I felt and did what I did. Not an excuse but an explanation to the whys. With a map for getting out of the rut/rot. Wonderful, exhilarating, at times burning, searing the truths into my understanding. Would not change this experience for the world... Thank you & God Bless
Dina-study: Binding Up The Brokenhearted 9-Sep. 2006 God forgives me Healing Hearts has helped me to accept my past regardless of what I've done. I can't change my past but I have to accept it and learn from it if I am to make better decisions for my future. The most important thing I learned was that self forgiveness is not biblical and that was a huge hang-up for me. God forgives me and that's really all that matters. It has helped me to grow in my walk with Christ and has given me a better understanding of God's love for us and his grace.
Lou-study: Binding Up The Brokenhearted 31-Jul. 2006 A Good Recommendation I would recommend this study to anyone feeling the pain of abortion, I was a bit afraid at first, but I knew I needed to do more healing. I didn't realize even as we went along that I was getting better all the time. Looking back I know I have come to learn a lot more about God's love and grace. I have had to face a lot of unpleasant truths and let myself feel the pain of my choices in life. I also can feel relief that I have God to hold me and love me through anything. His promises are ours forever. I really appreciate the time my counselor has taken with me and am glad this is available on-line. Thanks so much
Donna-study: Binding Up The Brokenhearted 16-May. 2006 All Glory to God I thought I had "stumbled" onto this study but I now I know that God was definitely leading me to it. I did a post-abortion study before but what great healing came from this study! It was so deep and it caused me to truly examine myself -- especially in areas where I thought I was strong. I can see that I need improvement in every area of my life and this study has helped me to become a better wife, a better friend, a better mother and a better daughter of the King. I've enjoyed the closeness I've shared with God through this and really was not looking forward to it ending! But of course, I need to keep growing and I'm looking forward to what God is going to do in my life next! This was an amazing study and Lue (my e-counselor) was a great encouragement to me. While we may never meet face-to-face, God used her in a mighty way and she will hold a special place in my heart. All glory to God for using Healing Hearts to bless and mature me! I would recommend this study to a new believer, a mature believer - to anyone who wants a closer walk with their Father. There is healing and deliverance to be found at the foot of the cross -- Thank you Lord!
anon-study: Binding Up The Brokenhearted 14-May. 2006 Life has Purpose, Peace, Joy, Hope What a life changing, wonderful ministry Healing Hearts is! How great is God! to lead me to the right place at the right time! Through this study I was able to look into the depths of the damage of my sins, the harm that they have caused and were continuing to do. And that Christ sacrificed and paid the price; that we may have forgiveness and a new light on life. I knew the Lord in my head; now I Know Him IN MY HEART!!! I no longer have to carry the guilt, shame and feelings of worthlessness. Walking with Christ is so important; and I know that as a human I will stumble and fall and sin. But humbly I can go to the Lord and He will forgive and lift me up; and I will continue to walk in Him!!! Life has purpose, peace, joy and hope now!!! Thank You Lord! Thank You Healing Hearts Ministry and Your Precious Counselors!
Mary-study: Binding Up The Brokenhearted 19-Apr. 2006 Guilt and shame removed I know that I was led to this study by God. I was searching online for a Christian Bible study pertaining to abortion and it's aftermath, and healing from it, and forgiveness, and when I stumbled on this study after doing some searching, I hoped that it was what I was looking for. And it was that and more! God saw my needs in the area of healing and filled them through this Bible study. It carried me step by step through the Scripture and showed me what God's word says about sin and forgiveness. I can now say that all of the guilt and shame associated with my past sins have been removed because of my understanding of God's forgiveness, His mercy, love and grace. The heartache that I carried buried deep within me for so many years has been lifted. I understood God's forgiveness prior to this study, but not in the area of my abortions. I often said that I knew He had forgiven me, but I could not forgive myself. This study helped me to understand that it is not about forgiving myself. That only God is able to forgive my sin. And that is all that I need. Thank you for making this Bible study available, and for making it available online. It has had a deep impact on my life!
Karen-study: Binding Up The Brokenhearted 27-Mar. 2006 Transformation As of tonight, I have given everything I have to this Bible study and I feel I have taken and received everything that was offered. My soul feels better. I have changed, and I will keep the change. I know that as I recover from the work of the study, I will be blessed and re-filled by God. I will take the filling and give it to others.
Christine-study: Binding Up The Brokenhearted 20-Mar. 2006 Not alone anymore I never knew pain, remorse, regret, anger, sadness. It became a part of me after I had my abortion. I never thought that it was a big deal to have one. I wasn't financially stable or married. I thought God wanted me to suffer because, I went against His rules. One day I stumbled on this site and I started to cry. It was a sign for me and I didn't feel alone anymore. Emotions ran high during this course for me and I am so glad I found it in time. I learned so much from this and I am still healing and will continue to do so. God has not given up on me and others like myself. I know that my little baby boy is safe in God's arms and has forgiven me. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. God bless...
anon-study: Binding Up The Brokenhearted 14-Mar. 2006 Free in Christ This study has helped me to look at forgiveness in a different way, allowing me the freedom to move on with my life without the shame, the fear, the isolation and the depression that abortion brings. I attended another post abortive Bible study group 3 times and this study opened my eyes and my heart in ways the other study did not. I found myself jotting down the Bible verses as I studied on-line, so I could fully digest their content. I wish there were groups in every city. I want to shout to others.. Free in Christ!!!
Kimberly-study: Binding Up The Brokenhearted 4-Mar. 2006 What an amazing God When I was first invited to join this Bible study I thought it might be good for me, but didn't really think I needed it. I have learned so much since then and it has impacted my life. What an amazing, awesome, perfect God we have. I often think about what Jesus went through to save us. If Jesus could suffer for sins he didn't even commit, who am I to not ask for his forgiveness. Who am I to not forgive others? I was finally able to get to the root of many of my problems as an adult...I really believe my abortion and the unrecognized guilt, anger, etc. I was harboring played a big role on my bad decisions since then. Now I realize what all those negative emotions can do, they were eating away at me for years and years and now that I have let them go...what an amazing God we have! I do not feel ashamed, I can hardly believe I said that. No, I really don't feel ashamed because of my abortion. God has forgiven me. That is all I need. Thank you Jesus!
Lisa-study: Binding Up The Brokenhearted 2-Mar. 2006 A God thing Hi Julie,
I just heard they passed the Anti-Abortion Law in SD!! I was so happy to hear that...but we have 49 states to go...Well, I was so happy I text message'd some friends and found out that some of them were Pro Choice. So, I had this long discussion with one of my friends in TX and it came to it..that in order to be effective I had to share...and I did.
God has definitely been working in my heart and I know there's someone praying for me....and I feel the prayers working because I am able to speak about it openly and say what happened. Totally a God thing. Last night, I talked with my roomie about it and I was able to talk it out with, eh?
I never thought I would get to this point in my life. I never thought I could....I still get sad and I cry...but it almost feels like I'm all cried I just want to do something about it. I'm starting to pray that God would help me go "public" when the opportunity arises. It hurts more when I am in secret about know?
One thing for sure is that God gives me this vision: every time I miss what could have been...I always see God holding what was mine.
I know that I live my life for do what He has called me to do according to His will for my Life!!
I really wanted to share this with you...because I know in my heart that God put you in my path for the healing process....and it may have taken this long for it to kick in..but at least I know ANYTHING IS POSSIBLE IN THE NAME OF JESUS!!
Julie responds:
Hi Lisa,
Thank you so much for emailing this to me! Would you mind if I shared it with Healing Hearts? They put testimonies on the website, with just your first name. If you give me permission Ill send it in. That is a first step, you can know that your testimony belongs to the Lord when you can share like you did with your roommate. And youre right, it is harder to keep it in, esp. when you know this is where the Lord has met you and God has done his sanctifying work. I am so blessed by thisyes, the SD thing was amazing and it gives us an opportunity to share... There is a wonderful scripture Id love to share with you, you are a living example of Gal 2:20..It is no longer I who live, but Christ who lives in me, for the life I now live in the flesh, I live by faith in the son of God, who Loves me and died for me! He loves you and died for you dear, and you are a living, breathing testimony to HIM! I love you sweetie. Love, Julie
Laurie P-study: Binding Up The Brokenhearted 28-Feb. 2006 Unexpected blessings I signed up for the study just to compare it to another Bible study I had participated in for post abortive women. I was caught by surprise at the things God revealed to me through this study, since they had nothing to do at all with my abortion. I have peace now where I was conflicted before about the direction of family and marital areas in my life, and God's will for my life. Praise God for the comfort and hope you offer through this ministry! Thanks so much for the unexpected blessings poured upon me during the last couple months.
JMT-study: Binding Up The Brokenhearted 22-Feb. 2006 Glory to God! I am so very grateful that I learned of Healing Hearts Ministry. It changed my sorrow to joy and my despair into hope. My life has been richly blessed by this Ministry. Glory to God!
Tina-study: Binding Up The Brokenhearted 17-Feb. 2006 Whole new place of forgiveness I was led to this ministry by Ann Marie Cosgrove, the head of Silent No More Minnesota. I have been speaking out about my past abortion with this group since it's beginning several years ago. I honestly didn't think I needed "formal" healing. I was confident in my forgiveness through Christ and thought that was enough. When she told me about this study and that I could do it through email I thought it sounded perfect for me and decided to do it. I must admit I had far more healing to do than I realized! This study has led me to a whole new place of forgiveness. I had areas in my life touched and healed that I wasn't even aware needed touching, or healing. I can't say enough about how wonderful this journey has been. I will be honest it was sometimes tough and took me back to memories that I had purposely avoided for a very long time, but it's like walking out of a dark dreary building and into the bright, warm sunlight directly into the arms of Jesus Christ! What a wonderful place to be. Thank you so much to my counselor. What a warm, caring, wonderful woman she is. A direct reflection of the love of Jesus Christ.
Lauri-study: Binding Up The Brokenhearted 25-Jan. 2006 Plan to help For a long time I felt so guilty, like I had no right to even have the children I had. I had a hard time enjoying them because of the guilt. I now have dealt with my decision to end my child's life and have received healing from God. I know that he no longer holds it against me and that my child is safe in his care. I know I will meet him someday in the presence of God. I plan to help other women to move through the journey of healing that I've experienced.
CS-study: Binding Up The Brokenhearted 22-Dec. 2005 Into the light This study has helped me to become aware of the pain I had buried and denied for so many years, and the destructive consequences that abortion had in my life over a long period of time. It brought it to light and so that I could find help and begin healing. I wish I had done it sooner!
D.F.-study: Binding Up The Brokenhearted 18-Nov. 2005 Spreading the word I had the opportunity to change my life by going through the Healing Heart study just after I was married over eight years ago. I know it will help other ladies who had made the same decisions in the past that I did, and work through their thoughts and feelings with their choices. I have a few pastors that give out my phone number and name to talk with people regarding what I did to get through it all. I really enjoyed the study and just recently had a call this week from a struggling gal... so I jumped on the website. Thank you for your ongoing commitment to this program... it worked for me and I know it will for others.
S-study: Binding Up The Brokenhearted 10-Jan. 2004 A mother struggles Innocent eyes look up into mine
adoring and wide and heavy lashed
These eyes that love me
are so difficult to look into
so difficult
Trust and Wonder and Love
pour out of them
so difficult
Tiny hands reach up
and beg me to love them
the inviting arms waiting
This soft skin is a witness
against me
This innocent a key witness
in the trial of the murder
of my unborn
She who adores me
crushes me to the earth
my punishment is to love her desperately
all the days of my life
My life with my newborn began with weeping, and continued that way until she was a toddler. I was sure that my punishment was to be the perfect mother to this precious one to atone for what I had done, but at the same time I knew I was the worst mother, because I killed my first child. What a rock and a hard place to parent from. And this is how I would have continued, if healing had not come from the Word of God, the only Word that gives life and true freedom and peace to those who, through perhaps misery, finally humble themselves enough to look for it. I was healed and freed up from the guilt that sought to crush me. Thank you Healing Hearts! Thank you God!!
Susan-study: Binding Up The Brokenhearted 2002 Multiple abortions The counselor I was seeing told me about Healing Hearts. I had tried everything I could think of to try to cure myself of the depression and anxiety. I really didnt know if my sins were too great to be forgiven. The first time I called Healing Hearts, I was sobbing so hard, it was the first time I had talked to someone who had also had multiple abortions, and she said I could be forgiven.
I was in really bad shape when I came to the first few meetings. I had never studied the Bible, even though I had gone to a Christian high school, and considered myself a Christian. As I got deeper and deeper into the study, I felt a huge weight being lifted. I was forgiven. God in heaven is my father and He loves me. I am learning to trust in His divine timing and His grace. I now look forward to learning more about Christs love and now I can live a life to glorify Him.
Kim-study: Binding Up The Brokenhearted 2000 Atonement adoption For twenty-two years I have tried to carry the pain, sin and shame of my abortions all alone. A few years ago I came to the conclusion that if I adopted another womans children, that this would some how atone for what I had done. This is something that I knew I would be doing for false motives and I really didnt want to but felt like I had to in order to make amends for my abortions.
Through this Bible Study I have come to know that there is no righting this wrong. I can't do something to earn my forgiveness and I can't forgive myself either. Only Christ can forgive me and He has, and I gratefully accept His mercy upon me.
A few weeks before this Bible study ended, we received a call in the middle of the night informing us that a baby available for adoption was about to be born. Within 48 hours our daughter was holding her new baby sister. I knew that Christ had completely healed me of my ulterior motives for wanting to adopt and brought this miracle to our family simply for us to love her and raise her in His ways.
Marie-study: Binding Up The Brokenhearted 2000 [Poem] For a very short time
So long ago
You lived inside me heart and soul.
I let them tear you away from me,
A day Ill regret for eternity.
But I found a peace,
Forgiveness and love,
It came, one day from The Lord above.
Now I know He was always there,
Holding you warmly in His Loving care.
So dont cry my little ones,
Be not afraid
A place for me, Our Christ Has made.
To be with you, one day, on High-
To join you, hold you, while Eternity goes by.
The love and joy that fills my heart-
For that one day, when we will never be apart.
Julie-study: Binding Up The Brokenhearted 1999 Living like I was at a womens retreat listening to the speaker share of her work in a Crisis Pregnancy center, when she began to tell the story of a client she was involved with, who had had multiple abortions. At that moment my ears were as if they had been stuffed with cotton. I sensed the Lord speaking directly to my heart, and what He said was this What the enemy has used to hold you down with for so many years, I will set you free from, and use to My glory. I did not know what it meant, but what I did know was that the Lord was beginning a new work in my life.
I came across a church bulletin of my friend's and saw an announcement for a Healing Hearts Post Abortion Bible Study beginning soon in her area. I called the number and was referred to a woman in my city. With fear and trembling I made the call and began to share the shame over the choices I had made in my life. How relieved I was to find that the woman I was talking to, had also made this decision, and reassured me with her understanding words, that she knew just what I was going through.
As I went through this Bible Study, I began to see with Gods eyes, that I was a sinner without excuse. As I looked at His commandments, I saw that I had broken every one of them. Even if I had not participated in Abortion, I had fallen short of Gods standard, and I was separated from God. I had no way to earn my way into His kingdom. As I came face to face with my sin, the Lord revealed His perfect sacrifice, through the blood of His Son Jesus.
For years I had tried to live life like a Christian, without ever placing my trust in the finished work of Christ alone. When I was able to transfer my trust from my work to His perfect provision, changes began to take place. No longer do I live in fear of my failures, but rather thankfulness for the forgiveness I have received for those failures. I am grateful to the ministry of Healing Hearts, to bring healing into my life that was not at all what I expected it would be. I am thankful for the message of the gospel that saturates this study, reaching into the heart of each woman like me, weighted down with the bondage of past sins, and setting us free by the power of Gods love and forgiveness.
Terri-study: Binding Up The Brokenhearted 1997 Felt dirty Clothing is somewhat fairly easy to clean. All you really need is detergent and a washing machine or scrub board. A broken spirit isnt that easy. I went to this class feeling extremely dirty, I felt like a dirty rag and I wished my healing would be as easy as detergent and a washing machine. God is so much bigger than any materialistic thing or sin weve done. God revealed to me His unconditional love, His forgiveness and the sacrifice He allowed with His sons death for me! Though I have been silent for 12 years regarding my abortions God gently extracted my 12 year secret and I was able to share with the other wonderful women in my class. God revealed to me how much He values me even after such an awful choice I made in my past. I no longer feel like a dirty rag. No one But God could do that.
Patricia-study: Binding Up The Brokenhearted 1997 Sincerely loved When I first came to Healing Hearts I was apprehensive, unsure and separated from my Lord. I had allowed unconfessed sin to create a barrier between myself and God. I was like a bush in wasteland, withering and dying. Week after week I studied the lessons and slowly in Gods perfect time He revealed to me how much He loves me and that His Sons blood covers all of my sin. I had been waiting for Gods punishment for my abortion. I was convinced that some terrible thing would happen at some point in time, that God would definitely punish me for what I had done. I lived each day in fear of Gods punishment. I also convinced myself that God could not forgive me for aborting the baby I had prayed for. Healing Hearts allowed the Holy Spirit to show me how awesome God is and how much he loves me and that His sacrifice is sufficient to cover all my sins. I left the study knowing I had been forgiven, knowing that I had been reconciled to God and with a sincere desire to live for Him and serve Him and follow Him obediently.
Suzanne-study: Binding Up The Brokenhearted 1997 #1 anything Healing Hearts taught me so much. It was my first Bible Study; really learning scriptures. Most importantly it made me realize how God is the #1 anything in my life. Only God could forgive sins. I now strive to live each day putting God first, and being thankful that He gave His life for me, even if I was the only person on earth.
Alice-study: Binding Up The Brokenhearted 1997 Thank you husband As a married woman in my early 20s I became pregnant not once, but twice. Each time I thought I wasnt ready to become a mother. There were major problems in my marriage and I thought a child would only make things worse. In each case, I chose to abort the baby inside of me, thinking it only as a fetus, tissue-certainly not a baby.
My life went on, my marriage got back on track and years later I became wracked with pain, guilt and shame over what I had done. I was blessed with a child of my own and had come to know the Lord through my son. As we planned for a second child, I was met only with heartbreak after experiencing difficulty conceiving and having a miscarriage. I felt God was punishing me for the abortions I had had. I felt He could never forgive a sin such as that. After 4 years of trying to conceive, my husband and I turned to adoption.
Adoption proved to be a roller coaster of a ride for us. Birth mothers would choose us only to change their mind later. Either they decided to keep their baby or go with another adoptive couple. After the last such incident I was inconsolable. My husband encouraged me to attend the Healing Hearts Bible Study, going so far as to get me the name and number of the person I needed to call. I made the call and soon after made the commitment to attend the 10 week study.. What a change it has made in my life. It made me address my abortions and all the related issues head on. Sometimes it was painful, but it was always enlightening. Gods word seemed to jump out at me. His grace and mercy poured over me until I could no longer deny the truth: He has forgiven me. What a wonderful feeling to know that God loves me in spite of my sins. My sins have been washed away by the blood of His Son, Jesus Christ. This study brought that point out load and clear. The healing has begun. I am starting a closer walk with God and with my husband. Has this study changed my life? Absolutely!
K.I.-study: Binding Up The Brokenhearted 22-Feb. 1996 [Poem] Here today... gone tomorrow
So starts a lifetime of sorrow
The physical pain was short
but the emotional pain is long
Why did I choose to abort?
Why did no one help me see
the beautiful creation living inside of me?
Here today... gone tomorrow
Siblings my children will never know
First steps never taken
A mother's love forsaken
No first day of school
No memories to remember
No Christmases in December
Here today... gone tomorrow
Three hundred bucks to erase a life
Yet what is the true cost;
Is it sorrow and strife?
With God's grace and mercy
He has forgiven and told me
In heaven one day I'll see
My daughter in all of her glory
And then we'll sit down
and have a tea party
Here today... gone tomorrow
Saved by grace
no more sorrow
Jan-study: Binding Up The Brokenhearted 1995 Felt alone I really felt so alone and like I was such a failure as a Christian and a human being. I have been helped immensely just by being able to share such deep feelings and frustrations out loud with others. I have never studied the Bible in a class where it personalizes it the way this class did. Its helped me get back into the Word and excited to receive each weeks new lesson. It also helped me to understand God in a whole new light and given me such a renewed love and gratefulness for all HE has done and continues to do for me.
Christina-study: Binding Up The Brokenhearted 1995 Self punishment When I reached the point where I knew only God could forgive and heal, I refused to accept His grace for my mistakes and began to crucify myself mentally and emotionally. My group leader stressed over and over that there was nothing I could do to ever earn Gods grace, just accept it and move in toward living a life of holiness. I left my classes feeling reassured of my identity in Christ and empowered to live each day for Him.
Miriam-study: Binding Up The Brokenhearted 1994 Tough issues Healing Hearts helped me not only deal with my abortion, but helped me with other issues in my life. It helped me dig deeper into the root causes of my rebelliousness, rather than just scratch the surface. I appreciate the care and concern shown by my leaders. They helped a great deal in the process. Their unconditional acceptance made it easier to face the tough issues. Healing Hearts was both the most difficult and most rewarding thing I have done in years.
Jacqueline-study: Binding Up The Brokenhearted 1994 Strongholds down Through the scriptures and the study I came to see that God loves me and has provided everything I need. He wants to heal our wounds and set us free to serve Him. The group discussions helped me see that other women have had the same thoughts and struggles. I am not the only one. Constantly seeking the Lord and searching the scriptures helped me to focus on God and not on myself, or my past. The commitment of the leader and co-leader to walk with me over the weeks meant a great deal to me. Their prayer support was essential. Through this group strongholds were pulled down.
S-study: Binding Up The Brokenhearted 1991 [Poem] My God is singular in holiness. His perfection is absolute. More immense than all of Creation, His galaxies spin on His fingertips, the universe sits in His palm. Yet for all His grandeur, He is mindful of me!
I went my own way. Lived my own set of rules. I despised Him, cursed His name, destroyed His creation in my womb. He cried with compassion, and waited patiently.
I spit in His face, nailed His hands, pierced Him with my love for sin. He hoped I would yet know His love.
I hated myself. Wept bitterly at having been made. But He still loved me tenderly.
Until, exhausted from defending my sin and weary of hate, I yielded myself to Him. I lay on the ground, His captive.
His kindness I felt in His hand as He gently held me and whispered that I was precious to Him.
Who understands His mercy that set me free? Who can have grievance against Him who forgives without second thought? Who could have imagined that the God of all that is, is mindful of me?
Erin-study: Binding Up The Brokenhearted Thrilled I just wanted to let you know how powerful your post abortion on-line bible study was for me. When I started looking in to your
program I was thrilled to be able to choose the on-line approach. I
met my counselor, who was wonderful, and began a journey into my
I have been a Christian for 15 years and this was by far the
most powerful, healing study that I've ever been in. God transformed
my heart. I knew from the time I met the Lord that He forgave me,
but I wasn't identifying with some of the issues that go along with
forgiveness and God's great love for me.
One of the most powerful
words that God spoke so clearly to me about was in lesson 9 on
I kept on thinking that maybe if I just forgive myself, everything
would be
o.k. Well lesson 9 just clearly opened my eyes to this concept and
set me free!
Thank you for your on-line approach!
Tara-study: Binding Up The Brokenhearted Bandage wounds This study has brought me closer to God and helped me remove those thorns and bandage the wounds so they could heal. I am now able to serve God with all my heart instead of just part of it.
Jan-study: Binding Up The Brokenhearted Future generations Thank you for being obedient to God and pursuing Healing Hearts Ministries. If you had not started the bible study when you did I can say that I would not be the kind of mother that I wanted to be! Thank you for helping me heal. You have let God use you to change the future generations of my family! God bless you!
D.M.-study: Binding Up The Brokenhearted My marriage HH has helped me to see my sin for what it really is and confront it head on. It has helped me to let go of bitterness that has affected my marriage and my relationship with the Lord. It has also humbled me by seeing how unworthy I am to be called God's child and feel His forgiveness and love.
K.E.-study: Binding Up The Brokenhearted Forever buried This study has helped me to understand and realize how the abortion has affected me throughout my relationships. It has shown me that the cross - Jesus- is sufficient to forgive and that I don't have the ability to forgive myself, my worst enemy. It helped to realize that what I did was mainly out of revenge which was Satan's tool to seduce me. The relationship I've had with Christ these past 5 years has been truly awesome and life changing. This part of my life, the abortion, has been brought to the surface once again, only to be dealt with truthfully and now, forever buried in the deepest sea, never to be remembered anymore! PTL for His mercy and grace and praise be to God for the ministry of HH.
Pauline-study: Binding Up The Brokenhearted Want to tell Before lesson two I didn't feel abortion was wrong and could have advised someone to have one. Now I know it is wrong and I want to tell everyone.
Rita-study: Binding Up The Brokenhearted Grandmother I am a 62 year old grandmother of 8 who believed that God did not love me, a killer, a sinner of the worst kind. I was wrong. When I came to Healing Hearts I felt beyond help, helpless, unloveable and unforgiveable. I thought I would give this a try, never expecting to experience all that I did. I learned that it is never too late to grieve, not even after 42 years. Seeing other women who were suffering just like me made me realize I was not alone. A light has gone on in my heart where there was only darkness.
Kim-study: Binding Up The Brokenhearted Hid behind my smile Each week as I worked through my Bible study lesson, scripture tore straight through to the truth and more was revealed to me about how I had separated myself from Christ with my sinful choices. Each week Scripture was also like a balm to my wounds and a light to my soul. For twenty years I tried to hide behind a smile and hoped no one would ever suspect that I was capable of aborting my children. Now my smile is genuine and I wonder why I did not go through this study earlier. Thank you, Jesus!
Sandy-study: Binding Up The Brokenhearted 17 year old I want to thank everyone involved in Healing Hearts. I am 17 years old and have been through the heartache of 2 abortions. I have struggled through much depression and a sense of emptiness since the abortions. I have just recently begun going to a Healing Hearts group. I truly see this opportunity as a gift from God. Even though I have just started the healing process and know I have a long road ahead of me, I truly feel like hope lies ahead. I am the youngest person in my group, yet I feel such a connection with all the women there. I feel as if God has brought us all together as sisters. Again, I want to say thank you to every one and especially to my Lord Jesus Christ!
Amy-study: Binding Up The Brokenhearted A new creature Healing Hearts has helped to unlock the prison door with which I've kept myself captive. For 15 years I have been in my own personal hell not being able to set myself free from the murders. Now with the guidance of my Healing Hearts leader, I have been able to see where my mistakes and blames are to be placed. Healing Hearts has brought me closer to the Lord through the teaching of God's Word and I am very grateful for that. I feel like a new creature.
Julie-study: Binding Up The Brokenhearted A changed family Through Healing Hearts I would apply scripture to my life and find peace and healing. Thank you for this truly God given ministry... this has truly changed me and my family's life.
Mollie-study: Binding Up The Brokenhearted A different light Healing Hearts has not only healed my heart from abortion but has affected my whole life. God has done a thorough cleansing in me through the study. He has made me a new person and I now look at life in a different light.
Leader-study: Binding Up The Brokenhearted Reason to live A counselor from a small group reports: the end of our support group session one of our unsaved clients who received Jesus during the study left us with this comment:
"Thank you for giving me a reason to live again."
Needless to say, those words will stay with us forever and will help us remember that even if we only reach one, that one is important to God.
Pam-study: Binding Up The Brokenhearted Dealt with I know that the abortion issue was dealt with in my life. The (Healing Hearts) Bible study left no stone unturned.
Bonnie-study: Binding Up The Brokenhearted God's peace Before coming to Healing Hearts, I knew God forgave sin, but I didnt believe HE would forgive my awful sin of abortion. I certainly didnt forgive myself. Healing Hearts taught me that I didnt have to forgive myself. The Lord loves me so graciously His Son died for my sin. Healing Hearts helped me by revealing Gods peace.
Cheryl-study: Binding Up The Brokenhearted Years of searching After many years of searching for answers to my questions and healing for the hurt I felt inside, I found Healing Hearts Ministries. They invited me to attend a Fall retreat where I heard the gospel presented for the first time. I asked Jesus to come into my life that day, and now He is healing my hurts through the study of His Word.
Kris & Cecile-study: Binding Up The Brokenhearted Healed marriage Before my husband Kris and I came to Healing Hearts we went everywhere for help. We couldn't afford any more counseling bills and I was tired of sharing our personal problems and finding no solutions. We were ready to end our marriage. I didn't want to admit that my past abortions might be causing the problem. We both received counseling through Healing Hearts, and the Lord has worked miracles in both our lives and our marriage. Thankful for this ministry, we are now actively involved helping others the way we were helped...Healing Hearts
Suzanne-study: Binding Up The Brokenhearted New clean start Even after trusting the Lord, many years ago I never really accepted His forgiveness. But God used this ministry to clean out my old wounds in order to make room for His peace to move in. Praise the Lord for Healing Hearts Ministries! You've given me a brand new clean start.