Abortion: Finding Hope & Healing (Embrace DVD series)


Features Healing Hearts' Camille Cates at the 2015 Answers for Women Conference, this program discusses finding hope and healing for those hurting from abortion. Free Discussion Guide included.



Product Description

Healing Hearts Ministries is honored to have participated in this series. Camille Cates, who served many years as our Director of Youth Ministries, is the featured speaker on "Abortion", where she speaks on "Hope and Healing for Those Suffering from Abortion".
While abortion is often discussed through various media outlets and political platforms, in many churches it is rarely mentioned. Unfortunately, when the topic is discussed, too seldom is there an offer to help those who have been affected. This is difficult to understand since recent statistics show 37% of professing Christian women (Protestants) have had at least one abortion. That is more than 1 out of 3 women sitting in the pews on Sunday.

Camille Cates believes the reason for the lack of willingness to help is not because the church is calloused or indifferent, but because Christian women are unprepared to share compassionate answers with those who are hurting. Her message will inspire you to bring the grace of the gospel of Jesus to any hurting mother or family member of an aborted child.

Free Discussion Guide included.

More about the Embrace Series...

We certainly live in a fallen world, and we all know someone who is experiencing the effects... someone who is hurting. An important part of apologetics (defending the faith) is helping people understand the impact of sin in the world, and when necessary, lovingly confronting them and helping them change. In the Embrace series, you will hear from women as they share practical, biblical ways to embrace and encourage those who are hurting.
Embrace DVD (Complete Set)


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